View Full Version : Jim Ross On Undertaker - Wyatts Angle At Hell In A Cell, WWE Missing Opportunity

11-02-2015, 05:06 AM
Source: The Ross Report

Recently on the Ross Report, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross took issue with the post-match angle between the Undertaker and the Wyatt Family at WWE Hell In A Cell 2015, as none of the babyfaces in the locker room attempted to make the save as 'the Deadman' got beaten down and taken away by Bray Wyatt and his underlings.

According to Ross, WWE missed the opportunity to elevate young, up and coming talent by aligning them with the Undertaker, as no babyfaces even attempted to come to the Undertaker's aid when he was being assaulted by the Wyatt Family after his main event match against Brock Lesnar at WWE Hell In A Cell.

"If you're like me, you're wondering why didn't somebody, some kid, some young star, come out to help the Undertaker after all the Undertaker has meant to the [professional wrestling] business," Ross declared. "Wouldn't you think some of those young bucks would come out and try to help Taker and then get shut down by the bad guys? It would give the Wyatts somebody to work with because they aren't going to work with the Undertaker every week on [WWE Monday Night] RAW."

Ross stated that WWE still could have achieved its desired end result with the Wyatt Family going out on top as the event went off the air, even if some babyfaces tried to help the Undertaker.

"[WWE] missed the opportunity to get some young babyfaces involved, even though they would get shut down, but they'd come out one or two at a time and get shut down by the four [heels], but [the babyfaces] are showing respect for the Undertaker." Ross continued, "I just thought [WWE] could've got everything they wanted out of it. [WWE] still would have left the way [it] did, [the Wyatts] just would've stepped over more bodies and [they] shut down the babyfaces that had the right fighting heart. They had the spirit, but they were just outmanned."

In addition to believing that WWE hurt all of its babyfaces in the locker room, Ross also claimed that JBL and Jerry 'the King' Lawler buried themselves by not trying to make the save for the Undertaker.

"I felt strange that here's JBL and Lawler, both of whom are known to be competitive, fighting guys, both in fighting shape, and they're appalled at this, and the more they talked about it, the more I thought, 'God, they're burying themselves!' because both of them are babyfaces character-wise, more often than not, and Lawler certainly is. JBL still [has] got his look. He looks good in his suit and the whole deal, big guy. And, man, they're sitting there, feet from the Undertaker, with all this respect, but [they] are not going to help him."

In addition to sharing his thoughts on the Wyatt Family's post-match angle with the Undertaker, Ross reviewed WWE Hell In A Cell on this episode of the Ross Report.

11-02-2015, 09:47 PM
Hell, Jim Ross has a giant point here..