View Full Version : JR Questions WWE’s Wyatt Family Booking, Gives Championship Tournament Prediction

11-11-2015, 09:12 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has answered some new messages from his fans in the Q&A section of his website. Here are the highlights:

On WWE booking Undertaker & Kane to squash the Wyatt family on TV:

The heels have to retaliate in some manner or you are right inasmuch as there is now no real reason for the match.

On the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tournament:

If booked wisely and executed in a big way by the talents, several new talents could benefit by being in the tournament. Based on the recent trends of WWE booking I have no idea where the tournament is going. I like a Corporate Champion IE Reigns winning and facing Lesnar who wins the Royal at WrestleMania.

On if The Great Muta will ever wrestle in WWE:

I guess that one never says never but Muta’s knees are shot. Perhaps a one off some day but that’s iffy.