View Full Version : Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesnar Being Discussed For WrestleMania

12-03-2015, 12:48 AM

Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesnar is being discussed as a possible match for WrestleMania 32, according to former WWE writer Court Bauer on the latest episode of MLW Radio.

As result of the injuries plaguing the roster, WWE is reportedly starting from scratch with the WrestleMania card. Naturally, Brock Lesnar’s match is a top priority. Owens would get a huge rub by working against Lesnar at the biggest WrestleMania of all time, the promos between Owens and Paul Heyman would be off the charts and the match itself would be stiff as hell.

WWE already blew off Lesnar’s feud with The Undertaker and The Rock’s probably won’t be available for Mania, so Kevin Owens seems to be one of the best options available.

The other matches currently being considered include Roman Reigns vs. Triple H and The Undertaker vs. John Cena.

12-04-2015, 06:03 PM
Taker vs Cena,
Lesnar vs Owens,
Daniel Bryan vs. Reigns,
Rollins vs HHH,
Cesaro vs Rusev

now that's what I call a card for 100.000+ fans

12-04-2015, 08:58 PM
Taker vs Cena,
Lesnar vs Owens,
Daniel Bryan vs. Reigns,
Rollins vs HHH,
Cesaro vs Rusev

now that's what I call a card for 100.000+ fans

Bryan Danielson won't be cleared, and Cesaro might be healthy by then, but I wouldn't count on it. I'd like to see KO and Brock, but they wouldn't put Owens over.

12-05-2015, 03:37 PM
Bryan Danielson won't be cleared, and Cesaro might be healthy by then, but I wouldn't count on it. I'd like to see KO and Brock, but they wouldn't put Owens over.

I know..DB, Rollis and Cesaro might all be doubtful for WM32 but I was thinking about putting some most 'wanna see' fresh match-ups for that card.

I think you're right about KO though

12-05-2015, 07:15 PM
I know..DB, Rollis and Cesaro might all be doubtful for WM32 but I was thinking about putting some most 'wanna see' fresh match-ups for that card.

I think you're right about KO though

I think they should make Owens the top heel. He's got the old school heel psychology down and the dude is an awesome worker. If they were smart they'd set up a feud with KO and Cesaro (when he's healthy), and have them battle back and forth for the world title.

12-06-2015, 07:56 PM
Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins are the top heel anyway. Rusev is an add on..Reigns would be a big heel too.

Cesaro is a natural babyface, Cena and DB fill in that sopt too.
And Lesnar is either, so he can be a game changer for other character