View Full Version : Xavier Woods On The New Day’s Doubters, His Trombone Getting Over With The Fans

12-31-2015, 11:40 PM
WWE Superstar and New Day member Xavier Woods recently spoke with DetroitNews.com to promote the post-Christmas WWE live event in Detroit, Michigan. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On his trombone routine getting over with fans:

“It became its own beast. That’s the beauty of it. People don’t realize it, but some of the best stuff comes from not having a plan.”

On rubbing The New Day’s success in the face of his doubters:

“I like proving people wrong. The best revenge is success, and I’m a very vengeful, grudge-keeping person. So when someone says I can’t do something and I prove them wrong, I don’t have to say I told you so, because they see me on TV doing it.

“Those people that disregarded me and made fun of me? I fulfilled my lifelong dream becoming a WWE champion. The fact that I navigated life in a way to reach those goals makes me feel good.”

the madscotsman
01-01-2016, 03:22 PM
He's a heel. He's supposed to be boo'ed not cheered. They need to try harder to make people hate them.