View Full Version : WWE Superstars Recap (1/9)

01-10-2016, 08:33 PM
Welcome to Wrestling Inc's coverage of WWE Superstars. Today's show features Tyler Breeze vs. Jack Swagger, and The Miz on commentary

Tyler Breeze vs. Jack Swagger

It only took two months for Breeze to end up on Superstars. He gets beat down early on and dips out of the ring. Swagger follows Breeze outside and shoulder blocks him. Swagger reverses a huracanrana into a Patriot Lock, but Breeze reverses and hits an Unprettier for the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze via pinfall (Unprettier)

Quick win for Breeze. Miz is okay on commentary, really good at putting people over.

R-Truth & Goldust vs. The Ascension

Goldust finds early success against Viktor, with an atomic drop and a clothesline to the outside. He's chopped down and isolated in the Ascension's corner, where Viktor does most of the work. Truth pops in and hits a Lie Detector on Konnor for the win. Well.

Winners: Goldust & R-Truth via pinfall (Lie Detector)
