View Full Version : Tough Enough Winner Josh Pisses Off Kevin Owens, Stardust & Bull Dempsey With Tweet

01-19-2016, 06:15 PM
NXT star Bronson Matthews (Tough Enough winner Josh Bredl) stepped in it big time on Monday night with a tweet that has drawn heat from NXT and WWE veterans. During RAW, “Big Action” took it upon himself to deem the Social Outcasts the #SocialJobbers.

The tweet got the attention of Kevin Owens (who eventually blocked him), his NXT peer Bull Dempsey and Stardust, who says Bronson probably won’t be welcomed in the WWE locker room – if he ever makes it there. Josh deleted some of his tweets, but here’s what’s still available from the exchange:

@FightOwensFight BronsonWWE Kev, the kid has to get a reaction somehow. Might as well be by words cause we know it'll never be in the ring!

— Bull Dempsey (@BullDempseyWWE) January 19, 2016

BronsonWWE @FightOwensFight not hopping in and not "fair weather." Spent 3 months in class w/ you and always stood up for you when ZERO did

— Bull Dempsey (@BullDempseyWWE) January 19, 2016

#LOL pic.twitter.com/5tkJkqvMky

— BIG ACTION BronsonWWE) January 19, 2016

BronsonWWE then why bury people who paved the way for you AND me?! This place was different before you were here. Before I was here.

— Bull Dempsey (@BullDempseyWWE) January 19, 2016

BronsonWWE @FightOwensFight leave it better than we BOTH found it. THAT is what THIS is!!!

— Bull Dempsey (@BullDempseyWWE) January 19, 2016

Enjoy dressing in the hall dick. Not blocked. Banned. https://t.co/1bJ4pgzjiG

— Stardust (@StardustWWE) January 19, 2016

Let him LOL. People like him fizzle out by themselves pretty quick anyway. https://t.co/VkdJQeVEBo

— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) January 19, 2016

BronsonWWE Haha! Who is this douche? Cool Tweet-Delete punk ass!

— Curtis Axel (@RealCurtisAxel) January 19, 2016