View Full Version : Fatal 4 Way Match Announced For Royal Rumble Kickoff Show

01-21-2016, 01:44 AM
WWE announced on Wednesday that a Fatal 4 Way tag team match will take place on the Royal Rumble Kickoff show, with the winning team earning spots in the 30-man Rumble match.

The participants in the Fatal 4 Way match include The Dudley Boyz, The Ascension, Darren Young & Damien Sandow and the team of Mark Henry and Jack Swagger. Unfortunately, this means 6 of the 8 competitors will not qualify for a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship later in the evening.

WWE.com’s official match preview for the Rumble only lists 13 confirmed entrants for the Rumble match. With two more spots now reserved for the winners of the Fatal 4 Way match, half of the spots remain unfilled.

BREAKING: A #Fatal4Way Tag Team Match will qualify two men for Sunday's #RoyalRumble Match! https://t.co/s1sRrMlTLk pic.twitter.com/NRGJ9GLxL4

— WWE (@WWE) January 20, 2016