View Full Version : Update On Tyler Breeze’s Backstage Heat

01-21-2016, 01:45 AM
There have been reports going around for a few weeks that Vince McMahon has essentially given up on pushing Tyler Breeze just months after he made his debut on the main roster. According to a report at PWInsider. Lack of support from the WWE chairman is not the only thing working against the self proclaimed Prince Pretty.

At a recent WWE TV taping, Breeze reportedly left early for an undisclosed reason. Once word around that he did not stay until the end of the taping, several people including management were talking about it being disrespectful and a presumptuous move by a main roster newcomer.

Hopefully this blows over sooner than later because Breeze proved himself to be a valuable talent while in NXT.

the madscotsman
01-21-2016, 01:51 PM
I'm sick of this shite about disrespect and all of these unwritten rules. Respect is earned not demanded. Also how can you stick by a rule that you don't know exists.

01-21-2016, 04:48 PM
Think it's bullshit that their burying the kid and pushing shitty workers.