View Full Version : AJPW 2/15 Results

Shootkick Man
02-16-2016, 01:06 AM
All Japan Pro Wrestling “AJ PHOENIX Vol.1”, 2/15/2016 [Mon] 19:00 @ Shinkiba 1stRING in Tokyo
194 Spectators

~ Jun Akiyama and Eiji Tosaka came out to greet the fans who came out today as they once more acknowledge the shows to be held once a month. BJW with D-RIZE and AJPW with AJ PHOENIX. The next show will be D-RIZE on 3/16 at Shinkiba 1stRING.

(1) Daisuke Sekimoto [BJW] vs. Jake Lee
◆Winner: (8:01) with a German Suplex Hold.

(2) Zeus vs. Yoshihisa Uto [BJW]
◆Winner: Zeus (5:33) following a Chokeslam.

(3) Yuji Okabayashi & Toshiyuki Sakuda [both BJW] vs. Yohei Nakajima & Yuma Aoyagi
◆Winner: Aoyagi (16:06) with a Fisherman’s Suplex Hold on Sakuda.
~ Aoyagi stated that he looks forward to a a singles match against Okabayashi some day.

(4) Atsushi Aoki & Hikaru Sato [Pancrase MISSION] vs. Kazuki Hashimoto & Daichi Hashimoto [both BJW]
◆Winner: DRAW (20:00) Tome Expired.
~ Nothing remains settled between Aoki and Kazuki as the two continued to stay on each other for a good portion of the match.
~ The idea continues to be toyed with of the two potentially meeting in the on-going AJPW Jr. BATTLE OF GLORY.

(5) Kento Miyahara vs. Kazumi Kikuta [BJW]
◆Winner: Miyahara (8:56) with a German Suplex Hold.
~ Kikuta with a huge opportunity as he took on the reigning Triple Crown, but Miyahara has been in top form and gave Kikuta a chance to show himself without in-turn taking him out fast.

(6) Naoya Nomura vs. Hideyoshi Kamitani [BJW]
◆Winner: Kamitani (14:39) with a Vertical Drop style Backdrop Suplex.
~ Kamitani overpowered the AJPW rookie as he stated that he looks forward to competing in the upcoming Champion Carnival.
~ Nomura stated that he shall become stronger and that he will not forget today’s loss.