View Full Version : JBL To Get Mick Foley/Hulk Hogan Treatment From WWE

Dangerous Incorporated
10-02-2006, 12:32 AM
JBL To Get Mick Foley/Hulk Hogan Treatment From WWE

The situation regarding JBL's contract status was rectified on Thursday, September 21. His quitting may have actually been a negotiating ploy. Two concessions were made to have him stick around.

The first one is that he will be able to fly on the WWE corporate jet to his home in New York after Smackdown tapings. Also, he will get the Mick Foley/Hulk Hogan special star treatment as a wrestler and get to maybe work WrestleMania this year doing a coming out of retirement match. He may also get a featured match at SummerSlam next year.

JBL will only work on Tuesday nights as well as do PPV shows. He will not do Wednesday voiceovers anymore, so he's probably going to have to be a bit more careful with what he says. Wednesday voiceovers are often done so that they can insert and change things for the weekly taped broadcast, especially if something wrong was said.

JBL will fly back home immediately after Smackdown and PPV shows end so that he'll be able to work on Mondays and Wednesdays at his investment banker job. He'll only miss working Tuesdays at his job. This was the major part in getting him to agree to stay because he's doing very well in his new job he didn't want to miss two days of work on most weeks and three days of work on some weeks.