View Full Version : Former WWE Announcer Jonathan Coachman Returns At MSG (Video)

03-26-2016, 04:10 PM

Former WWE announcer Jonathan Coachman made a surprise appearance at Friday night’s WWE live event from Madison Square Garden.

Coach, who is currently an anchor at ESPN, said Shane McMahon called him and invited him to MSG. Coach brought out his favorite tag team, The Dudley Boyz. He served a the special guest ring announcer for the New Day vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Usos match. After The New Day retained their titles, Coach came back in the ring and revealed he was wearing a New Day “Booty O’s Cereal” shirt. He danced with The New Day, showing that he just loves to have fun, Maggul!

When asked if he’d be open to returning to WWE on a more regular basis one day, Coach said:

You just never know. https://t.co/RqzKKbuFBW

— Jonathan Coachman TheCoachESPN) March 26, 2016

Even though he’s moved on to greener pastures over at ESPN, Coachman showing love to his WWE roots = NOT Booty!

Oh man TheCoachESPN. Oh man. #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/FjHl4yhY9I

— Steve Braband (@stevebraband) March 26, 2016