View Full Version : SPOILERS: Upcoming Storylines/Timelines For WWE

04-06-2016, 01:40 AM
From a WWE insider that got caught and deleted it all:

Cena is still rehabbing and won’t be back full time until May

Luke Harper injured and expected to be out until September

Seth is most likely out until May

Seth to turn face on return

The Authority angle should end / implode when Rollins comes back

A lot of the women’s roster do not feel super comfortable in the ring with Lana, however rumours of heat against her is untrue

Samoa Joe is expected to have a main roster run

WWE have no current interest in taking on Kurt Angle due to fear of injury - they may feel more inclined to give him one last match if he stops taking bookings

Tyler Breeze unlikely to have a future in WWE

Roman Reigns title reign likely to last until Summerslam

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will continue to feud

Kevin Owens very likely to be involved in the title picture this year

Previously been talks of making Paige champion or maybe putting her with the Wyatts

Wrestlemania in London is a pipe dream

Vince thinks Bray Wyatt is the new Undertaker and is there to make others look strong

Wyatts are getting a big change of direction

Also Fandango, Sandow, Barrett possibly released soon and Emma is a bitch :P

Cena/Undertaker could main event WM33

Sasha popular backstage and could win the title at SS?

Brand extension unlikely

He also mentioned that if injuries didn't happen this last year the Wrestlemania card would of had:

Rollins vs Reigns Vs Ambrose
Cena vs Undertaker
Bray Wyatt vs Lesnar

04-06-2016, 07:47 PM
I found that someone had made a highlight Q&A post on a sports forum from the "falconarrow" Reddit. These touch on what was described above..

Q: Is tonight shaping up to be a classic RAW?
A: However I think this sub will be disappointed in one return that causes a title change tonight. Who knows though, I really like it though.

Q: Is Shane done with the company at this point or is he sticking around?
A: Hard to say, I hope he sticks around personally as he gets very involved with the writing process.

Q: How does Paige's future look?
A: She is an interesting one - mainly because everything keeps wavering it seems. Theres been talk of everything from making her the champion to putting her with the Wyatts. Problem is nothing ever sticks as the attention is focused (and should be focused) on Charlotte / Becky / Sasha as the Women's title comes more into focus. I think in 6/7 months you're gonna start seeing her spots frequent more but dont quote me.

Q: You previously mentioned your excitement for Mania, did it live up to your expectations?
A: Kind of. I think some of the matches didnt deliver as well as they could have. Dean apparently was fighting for harder stuff to be introduced during the match and they just never pushed it through. I think it really took away from the brutality of it. I personally thought Ambrose vs Reigns months back looked way more brutal for Ambrose.
I digress though, I really enjoyed most of mania. I know people had their issues with it but I think it did alot of things really well (and some things obviously not so well.)

Q: What did you think of Mania and the booking of having just about every fan favorite lose while Roman Reigns won?
A: It was ok, would I have done things slightly differently - sure. Realistically though I think they did what they had to, to get the spots needed. Did it suck to have New Day lose? Sure, but honestly I dont really see an effective other way to get the legends out without making it seem more forced than it already was.

Q: How many 'Mania finishes were changed at the last minute? Or, how many last minute changes in general were made? Any specifics?
A: None. All finishes had at least been strongly considered for a week from my knowledge. I'll say this, had I filled out a scorecard on Thursday I would have had 100%.

Q: How happy was management with NXT TakeOver Dallas on Friday? How happy are they with Aries & Nakamura? Can you give us any insight into what Samoa Joe's future is?
A: Ecstatic. Takeover continually proves to be a success for the company and its fantastic. Not sure about Joe's future but know that they totally want him for a main roster run.

Q: Was there ever a real push for Shane/Taker to close the show, or was that just balderdash?
A: Yes. It would have involved the Wyatts and I was very excited. Alas it was scrapped way before the fight ever happened.

Q: What does creative and the rest of the people behind the scenes think about Baron Corbin?
A: This is an interesting one because from what I know his "Lone Wolf" character permeates real life. Does not talk much. Most people like him though.
You will see him on Raw tonight.

Q: What are your thoughts about Roman as the top babyface?
A: I hate it. He exists there because he is Vince's top guy.

Q: Any news backstage on the return of Crossfit Jesus? He put in an impressive showing at the Crossfit Open considering the surgery (Rollins)
A: Timeline as of now is May from what I have seen.

Q: What can you tell us about Raw TONIGHT?
A: Will be fun! At least for me anyways, a bunch of surprises and a return. EDIT: Sorry, TWO returns.

Q: Is Corbin up to the main roster for good?
A: Yes! Big Banter Corbin has arrived.

Q: Any injuries last night? Stardust selling very well, or actually hurt?
A: From what I have heard - nothing yet. Besides Roman's pride of course.

Q: What is the feeling about Lana's in ring future?
A: Still rocky. Alot of the womens roster still do not feel super comfortable in ring with her which is very understandable. It will take time, she is a super hard worker. She'll get there.

Q: What was your favorite match last night?
A: Easily Shane / Taker. Maybe its the giddy spot mark in me but the Shane dive was fantastic to see.

Q: Prince Pretty has no future in the WWE right?
A: I would be guessing no sadly.

Q: I'm concerned that Becky Lynch is going to disappear a bit now that we're all expecting Charlotte / Sasha to be the main feud. Tell me that isn't the case.
A: From what I know, not the case so far at all. People really like her and she is a very hard worker. I think she sticks around for a while.

Q: Why is Lana always in trouble backstage?
A: I think this boils down to one very simple thing - she isnt. Alot is rumors. No one I know has a problem with her.

Q: I'd have to think Bayley dropped the NXT belt to debut tonight, right?
A: One would think that, but no. There is a women coming back tonight though.

Q: Is Samoa Joe debuting???
A: Not tonight he isnt. Others are though.

Q: What were your thoughts on The Rock's segment last night?
A: I hated it. I really really hated it.

Q: Is there any chance of salvaging the Wyatt's at this point?
A: There is but they need to call the right moment to do it, last night didnt help.

Q: Do you know the reason the Wyatts are booked like a joke?
A: Because Vince thinks he made another Undertaker so he uses them to make others look strong. Truth is he made Papa Shango 2. This makes me sad.

Q: Just tell me the show doesn't close with generic 6-man tag #4 like it did last year.
A: It does not. A fatal four way. You'll like it.

Q: Any idea what the general consensus is on Becky backstage? Do they see her as a valuable player or is she stuck in limbo?
A: Valuable. Hard worker, maybe not the frontrunner but if someone goes down a great substitution. Complete asset.

Q: How long do we have to deal with roman being champion?
A: Honestly, I am guessing a while. From what I have seen till at least Summerslam.

Q: How long term are storylines planned out? Or do things often come down to the last minute? Thanks for doing this, by the way.
A: Depends. Roman winning THIS mania was something in the pipeline for over a year. Baron Corbin wasnt the winner until Friday. Different things happen.

Q: Thoughts on what could have been instead, if so many weren't injured?
A: Cena vs Taker, Rollins vs Ambrose vs Reigns, Wyatt vs Lesnar

Q: Does booing Roman Reigns matter at all or does WWE see it as no big deal?
A: This is a biggie as WWE I think knows its there. Vince does not care. Roman is the guy.

Q: What's the plan for the Wyatts this year?
A: Hard to say, I read what they are doing with them tonight and to be honest it intrigues me. Its a different direction which is new and I think could be beneficial for them.

Q: Has there been any talk of Kurt Angle? Any real discussions?
A: None. I dont think there is a real want for him as the capacity for him getting injured is huge. I can only assume they will bring him back for a one off when they want to but I dont see that in the cards for now.

Q: What I want to know is, was this more of a "They'll never see this coming" thing than "I don't know where we're going with this", and are there plans for Ryder going forward, or is the plan to have him drop the belt quickly to a heel and get back out of the picture?
A: Option 2 sadly. I have more to say on this subject at a later date. Bringing it up now wouldn't be wise.

Q: My question is whats the word on Ambrose? Anything good planned for him? I was also looking forward to that street fight last night and was also disappointed by it as well especially after seeing him take Triple H to the limit at Roadblock.
A: I am not super sure what is planned for him but I know last night did not go the way that Ambrose envisioned. Word was he was fighting for harder weapons and they didnt budge.

Q: How does Sandow's future look?
A: Bleak. I honestly think they should let him go. Stop teasing the poor guy and let him try to hit up Japan.

Q: What's next for The Authority? Is anything changing on that end?
A: Alot. From what I know they are going bye bye for a while very soon.

Q: Who is the most miserable wrestler that you have met?
A: Emma. She is mean.

Q: Do the wrestlers themselves have any say on what the story they get is?
A: Sometimes. Honestly it depends how driven the wrestlers are. I get told people like the Miz pitch stuff all the time where as someone like Fandango lets people write for him. Depends on the person.

Q: What are the news about Barret's future? Still leaving?
A: Still leaving, he has a legends deal in place for when he goes so they can still use his likeness. Not sure what he has down the pipeline though, who knows how long he'll stay in the LoN...

Q: my wife really likes Fandango and wants to know if there's any chance of him getting more TV time?
A: Probably not. Multiple chances to get himself over and from what I know, just doesnt go balls out with the angles.

Q: I asked a question about Zayn and I wish you could get to it. I asked like an hour or so ago. But here it is again...does Vince like him and see an opportunity to penetrate the Middle Eastern markets with him because he has Syrian roots? Does WWE brass ever see him as a WWEWHC?
A: They do like him and they have already used him heavily on overseas tours. As far as WHC its hard to say because I think that ceiling is gonna be hard to crack for him for a while.

Q: Is the Balor/Bullet Club returning tonight? Any hints in that regard?
A: Heres a hint. No. Other NXT showing up though.

Q: How is Luke Harper?
A: Initial expectations put him out till September from what I have been told.

Q: With how Sami was going after KO in the ladder match, is there a chance of them continuing their singles feud anytime soon?
A: Yes. I am very excited for the next few months.

Q: What was your opinion on Ryder winning the IC title? Do you think he'll keep it for long? Does creative have confidence in him?
A: This is a loaded question because it spoils tonight. However my answer for just about everything - no.

Q: Are there still plans for Primo and Epico to return? They've been off TV since September.
A: HAHA. Yes, You'll see what they have planned over the next few months. Its hysterical.

Q: What is WWE's problem with Dolph Ziggler? Do certain people in management just not like him? He seems (from a fan) to have everything you would want in a top guy. Great on the mic, in the ring, etc. He has had a couple of highlights but they seem to job him all the time. Any chance he becomes a Main Eventer (again?)
A: The problem with Dolph is he makes everyone look good, too good. He will probably get another run just based off talent but are we really expecting it to go anywhere? My guess would be no.

Q: Is the change from divas to Women a gimmick that's going to be ignored in a couple months or is it something the company is really standing behind?
A: Standing behind and thank god. The Charlotte / Sasha / Becky being there all at once isnt a joke. They are setting up for some quality stuff in the coming months. I am very very excited.

Q: When is Carlito coming back?
A: I honestly dont think he is ever.

Q: Are There any other NXT stars debuting besides team SAWFT tonight?
A: Yes, watch and find out.

04-08-2016, 12:42 AM
Johnson says that Shane is sticking around & they have long term plans for him

Keller says that the big Summer feud will be HHH & Shane

Johnson confirms that something "major" will occur at Payback in the Styles/Reigns match

Keller says he has heard the main event of WrestleMania 33 is scheduled to be Rollins vs Ambrose vs Reigns for the title

Johnson says that at one point Brock Lesnar was scheduled to work Payback but WWE made the decision to turn the Wyatts & that was dropped

Keller says that John Cena is almost guaranteed to have another title run in the next year

Johnson says he has not heard what the problem is with Daniel Bryan but that there is something developing behind the scenes

Keller adds that its for sure Bryan will make one last effort to get cleared by WWE to return to the ring

Johnson says the brand split talking is getting "hot & heavy"
Keller says he has heard the same

Johnson says the reason Dr. Phil will be on RAW will be in a segment between Shane & Vince to resolve their issues & its possible Triple H & Stephanie are involved

Keller reveals that Seth Rollins, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows were supposed to be on RAW but that was nixed for a unknown reason.