View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Results From London

04-20-2016, 03:03 AM
WWE taped this week’s episode of SmackDown on Tuesday from London, England at the O2 Arena. Here are the spoiler results:

– The show opens with The Miz and Maryse in the ring for Miz TV. The Miz introduces his guest, AJ Styles. The Miz says back in 2014, Styles, Gallows and Anderson ran roughshod on New Japan. Miz grills Styles about whether or not he instructed Gallows and Anderson to attack Roman Reigns on RAW. Miz doesn’t believe him. The Miz is really egging him on, making it seem like Styles must be the person behind Gallows & Anderson. Styles says his friends are adults and don’t need to take orders from anybody. Likewise, he doesn’t need anybody’s help to defeat Roman Reigns.

Miz flat out accuses him of being behind Gallows and Anderson’s attacks and demands that Styles admits it. Maryse is turned on by The Miz and tells Miz she loves him. Miz says, “I know” and they make out. As soon as they finish, Styles attacks Miz to end the segment.

– Later in the show, we’ll see Dean Ambrose & Sami Zayn vs. Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens.

– Ryback defeated United States Champion Kalisto in a non-title match. Solid back and forth match with Ryback reversing Salida del Sol into Shell Shocked for the win.

– Up next, Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin.

– Baron Corbin attacked Dolph Ziggler on his way to the ring. Corbin destroyed Ziggler at ringside and the match never happened.

– AJ Styles defeated The Miz in a hard fought match after Gallows and Anderson came down and distracted The Miz. Styles hit the springboard flying forearm smash for the win.

– Backstage, Dean Ambrose and Sami Zayn were interviewed by Rich Brennan and hyped their match against Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens. Zayn said they should have a team name, but Dean turned down all of his ideas, including Sambrose. Ska Madness and the Beef Eaters. Ambrose suggested the Rough Riders, but Sami said it’s too sexual.

– Back in the ring, The Miz was with Maryse and told everybody, “I knew it” about Anderson and Gallows. As he was ranting, Shane McMahon’s music hit. Shane came to the ring. Shane and Miz went back and forth on the mic, with Miz being a jackass heel and Shane being very over with the London crowd. Miz put his hand on Shane and told him to go backstage. Shane said, “Don’t touch me.” Miz mocked him, got in his face, touched him again (poking him in the chest repeatedly) and Shane whooped his ass, hitting him with a series of jabs and a flying spinning elbow. Shane did his dance, punched Miz again and clotheslined him out of the ring.

– Backstage, Gallows and Anderson were shown walking and were stopped by Rich Brennen. He asked them if their involvement tonight confirmed they are doing AJ Styles’ dirty work. They said AJ doesn’t need them, they don’t need AJ, they’re just looking to make an impact. They announced they’ll be making their in-ring debuts on RAW against The Usos.

-Natalya and Paige defeated Naomi and Tamina in tag team action when Natalya and Paige both applied their submission finishers at the same time and got a double tap out.

– R-Truth defeated Fandango with Goldust as guest referee in a short comedy match. Afterwards, R-Truth and Goldust did some breakdancing together.

– Enzo and Big Cass came out and did their mic work intro. The Vaudevillains were out next and the two teams went back and forth exchanging insults and threats.

– Primo & Epico ‘Greetings From Puerto Rico’ promo aired.

– Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens defeated Dean Ambrose and Sami Zayn in the tag team main event when Chris Jericho pushed Dean Ambrose off the top rope, allowing Kevin Owens to get the pinfall. Owens and Jericho celebrated afterwards to finish the show.