View Full Version : Smackdown Report / Results - 26th May, 2016

05-27-2016, 06:49 AM
Smackdown Report / Results - 26th May, 2016
Location: Norfolk, Virginia
Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, Byron Saxton, and Jerry Lawler

We begin tonight’s show with a look at the qualifying matches for Money in the Bank that took place on Raw.

The announcers mention the two title matches that will take place tonight.

Michael Cole is in the ring and he has the Money in the Bank briefcase next to him. He mentions that seven Superstars will vie for the briefcase and a WWE World Title Match whenever they want to cash it in. Michael mentions his guest was one of the qualifiers. He brings out Dean Ambrose.

Michael congratulates Dean on his victory on Sunday in the Asylum Match.

Dean says everyone saw what happened. Chris Jericho felt what it is like to step into his world. When he says it is going to get extreme, it happens. He says he has done it all. When things get dangerous, he is just getting started.

Michael talks about the seven men who will be climbing the ladder to get the briefcase and get a shot at the title. He says that fourteen of the sixteen winners of the match have cashed in successfully. Michael asks Dean what will he do to win.
Before Dean can answer, Kevin Owens interrupts and he makes his way to the stage.

Kevin wants to know what Michael Cole is doing here. It is bad enough he has to tolerate him on Raw, now he has to see him on Smackdown. He tells Cole to get out of the ring and he tells Cole he is not kidding so Cole leaves.

Kevin tells Dean to look at him. The only thing crazy about you is that you think you have a chance to win in this match. What is going to happen at Money in the Bank is what should have happened at Wrestlemania. He will climb that ladder and he will be Mr. Money in the Bank.

Sami Zayn’s music interrupts Kevin’s comments.

Sami says ‘just like you would have walked out of the Wrestlemania match’? You mean as the Intercontinental Champion? If it wasn’t for Sami Zayn, the bane of your existence.

Kevin starts to talk and Sami says that no one cares what you have to say. Dean agrees with Sami.

Sami tells Dean it isn’t a joke.
Kevin says that Sami is a joke.

Sami says that he has let Kevin get in his head and it has cost him big. It cost him at Wrestlemania and it also cost him on Sunday at Extreme Rules. This time, you are not his focus. The briefcase is his focus. You are not going to stop him. He tells Dean he is not going to stop him either. If you think you are, you might as well check into your asylum.

Alberto Del Rio’s music interrupts and he makes his way to the stage.

Alberto says that unlike you perros, he has won the Money in the Bank match. He says he cashed it in and became champion. He is going to do it again this year.

Sami says that Alberto isn’t even in the match yet. He has to beat Zack Ryder, the man who defied the odds at Wrestlemania.

Owens hits Zayn from behind and then Ambrose goes after Owens. Owens with a forearm to Ambrose and Zayn goes for a Helluva kick on Owens but Kevin moves and Zayn almost hits Ambrose but stops short. Ambrose tries for a double underhook DDT but Zayn escapes.

We have a stand off.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Zack Ryder is in the Goldman Box. He says that he is not supposed to be here. It has always been right time, wrong guy or right guy, wrong time. He got his moment winning the Intercontinental Title and it will be on the WWE Network forever. That is nothing compared to winning Money in the Bank. He is not supposed to be here, but he deserves to be here.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Alberto Del Rio vs Zack Ryder

Del Rio misses a charge into the corner and Ryder with punches to Del Rio. Del Rio with a kick and clothesline. Del Rio sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and kicks Ryder. Del Rio with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Del Rio chokes Ryder in the ropes. Del Rio pulls Ryder over the edge of the apron and Del Rio with a running boot to the head. Del Rio kicks Ryder again. Ryder with punches. Del Rio with a kick in the corner.

Ryder with a flapjack and Del Rio rolls to the floor. Ryder with a baseball slide to send Del Rio into the ringside barrier followed by a neck breaker.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock and we see Del Rio hit a double stomp off the ringside barrier during the commercial break. Del Rio with a knee and punch. Ryder with a face plant. Del Rio runs into knees in the corner but Del Rio pushes Ryder away on a missile drop kick attempt. Del Rio with a super kick for a near fall.

Del Rio gestures for the Cross arm breaker but Ryder with a jaw breaker and he pushes Del Rio into the turnbuckles and Ryder with a Broski Boot for a near fall. Zack signals for the Rough Ryder and Del Rio sends Ryder into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with a kick and punch. Del Rio puts Ryder on the turnbuckles and kicks him in the back. Del Rio goes up top for the double stomp but he misses.

Ryder gets to his feet and Ryder with a Rough Ryder but Del Rio is able to roll to the floor. Ryder gets Del Rio and he sends Alberto back into the ring. Del Rio with a cross arm breaker and Ryder taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Advances to Money in the Bank Match)

We take a look at what happened when Seth Rollins returned to the ring to attack Roman Reigns after the main event of Extreme Rules and then his return to Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and n case you did not know lol John Cena is back on Monday.

Enzo Amore and Colin Casasdy make their way to the ring and they do their usual introduction.

Enzo is interrupted by the Dudleys before he can say anything.

Enzo says there are a couple haters. He knows what it is like to forget something Bubba. You lost on Raw and you must be lost now. Enzo says he has no problem addressing anybody, any time, and any place. He ain’t Willie Wonka so he ain’t gonna sugar coat nothing. You are both as sweet as a Cinnabon. He ain’t biting his tongue when he is chewing gum or when he is chewing somebody out.

Colin says it seems like you two have a problem with them and it is good that they are problem solvers. They are going to take you out of the equation. He says he will throw them a beat down right now.

D-Von asks if they want a piece of them. That is fine. The Dudleys versus Enzo and Cass.

The Dudleys walk to the ring and Bubba says not tonight. They are going to do this on Raw. Bubba asks D-Von if they can get out of this stinking town.

Colin tells the Dudleys to walk away and there is only one word to describe them and he is going to spell it out.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Lana and Rusev.
Renee congratulates Rusev on his win at Extreme Rules and mentions his match against Kalisto tonight.
Lana stops Renee and tells her to address Rusev as the Greatest United States Champion of All Time.

Rusev says they say America is the land of second chances. That will not happen tonight. It will be the same result tonight. Kalisto is nothing to him. He is a child and a little baby. Milk is for babies. Championships is for grown men. Tonight, after he crushes the little mosquito, he will never fly again.

We go to commercial.

We are back with footage from Miz’ victory in the Intercontinental Title Match on Sunday at Extreme Rules. We see Cesaro defeating Miz on Monday to earn a spot in the Money in the Bank Match.

Rusev yells at Eden Stiles during the introduction for the United States Title match and demands to be introduced first.

United States Championship
Rusev (c) (w/ Lana) vs Kalisto

Kalisto with kicks to Rusev followed by a head scissors. Kalisto is sent to the apron and he connects with an enzuigiri. Kalisto goes for a springboard move and Rusev with a jumping head butt to stop Kalisto.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev with a hard Irish whip into the turnbuckles. Kalisto with kicks and he tries for a slam but he cannot get Rusev up. Rusev kicks Kalisto in the back and stomps on the back. Rusev with a slam. Kalisto avoids a short arm clothesline and Kalisto goes for a slam but he collapses under Rusev’s weight and Rusev gets a near fall. Kalisto struggles to get back to his feet and Kalisto is able to slam Rusev, but Kalisto falls to the mat and he holds his back.

Kalisto misses a splash into the corner and Kalisto with a rollup for a near fall. Kalisto with a punch and kicks. Kalisto with a corkscrew springboard splash followed by a spike rana and he gets a near fall. Kalisto goes for a springboard seated senton but Rusev catches Kalisto. Kalisto is able to send Rusev over the top rope to the floor and then Kalisto with an Arabian Press onto Rusev on the floor.

Kalisto sends Rusev back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Kalisto goes for Salida Del Sol but Rusev puts Kalisto on the turnbuckles and connects with forearms and he puts Kalisto in the tree of woe. Rusev goes for a diving head butt, but Kalisto pulls himself up. Kalisto stays on the turnbuckles but Rusev grabs Kalisto and hits a press slam. Kalisto kicks Rusev in the leg as he charges into the corner. Kalisto goes for a 450 splash but he lands on Rusev’s knees. Rusev with a jumping thrust kick to the back of the head. Rusev signals that it is over and he stomps on the back and applies the Accolade and Kalisto taps out.

Winner: Rusev

After the match
Rusev sends Kalisto back into the ring but Titus O’Neil’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Titus tells Rusev to fight him right now but Rusev refuses to face Titus now.

We take a look back at the way that Charlotte treated her father, Ric Flair, the night after he was unable to help her at Extreme Rules.

Charlotte makes her way to the ring to join the announcers for the next match.

Dana Brooke vs Natalya

They lock up and Natalya with a side head lock take down. Natalya with forearms in the corner and the referee warns her. Dana with a forearm but Natalya takes Dana down and puts her in the Sharpshooter. Charlotte gets up from the announce table and attacks Natalya.

Winner: Natalya (by disqualification)

After the match
Charlotte attacks Natalya but Natalya puts Charlotte in the Sharpshooter. Natalya attacks Dana and then Charlotte attacks Natalya from behind. Charlotte with an exploder on Natalya.

We take a look at photos from what happened in the main event of Extreme Rules when Roman Reigns successfully defended the WWE Title against AJ Styles.

We see what happened with AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson on Raw.

Renee Young is with AJ Styles in the interview area. Renee asks AJ about his two loses this week.

AJ says since coming to the WWE he felt like it was an uphill battle. He had to prove that he belonged. He won some respect, but lost some pride and friends. He came thisclose to beating Roman Reigns for the WWE Championship, but he failed. What is next for AJ Styles? He is not sure and he will have to think about it.

We go to commercial.

Goldust and R Truth vs Tyler Breeze and Fandango

Tyler and Truth start things off and they lock up. Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth with another shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Truth with a side head lock take down. Fandango tags in and Truth punches Fandango and Breeze. Breeze Irish whips Truth into a Fandango drop kick and a near fall. Fandango with punches.

Fandango goes for a neck breaker but Truth with a leg lariat and both men are down. Fandango knocks Goldust off the apron to prevent the tag. Truth with a back drop and Fandango with a rollup but Truth gets out of the hold. The referee deals with Goldust on the floor and Breeze with a super kick and Fandango gets the three count.

Winners: Fandango and Tyler Breeze

We go to commercial.

We are back and Goldust and R Truth are talking in the back. Goldust says losing twice does not make them two time losers. Golden Truth is the most powerful alliance in the WWE and no one is going to stop them.

Fandango and Tyler Breeze walk by and Fandango calls them losers. Breeze says the fairy tale is over and Goldilocks fell off the beanstalk and cracked their own eggs.

Goldust says the WWE Universe wants the Golden Truth. The WWE Universe needs the Golden Truth.

Truth says he is with him and let’s do this.

Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring.

Seth says he said it on Raw and it bears repeating. In case you couldn’t figure it out, he is back. He had a hell of a week but what better way to cap off his week than to come here for Smackdown. Seth says to his surprise, everyone on Raw was pretty excited to see him. He wanted to ask you if they missed him.

Seth says he wants to know how happy you are to see The Man back in the ring.

Seth says he wishes he could say the same to you and he walks out of the ring and leaves.

We go to commercial.

Intercontinental Championship
Miz (c) (w/ Maryse) vs CesaroCesaro

They lock up and Cesaro slaps Miz and then he gets a near fall with a rollup. Cesaro with a drop kick and Miz goes to the floor. Cesaro with a cannonball off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Miz works on the surgically repaired shoulder. We see footage of Miz dropping the arm onto the ropes. Miz with a catapult into the bottom rope and Miz follows with a baseball slide. Cesaro sends Miz into the apron and back into the ring. Miz with an arm wringer and then he sends Cesaro shoulder first into the ringside barrier and Miz gets a near fall. Miz stands on the shoulder and slams the arm into the mat and then kicks Cesaro in the head followed by a boot to the head.

Miz with an arm bar but Cesaro with punches and a European uppercut. Miz with a back slide. Miz gets half of Reality Check but Cesaro with European uppercuts. Cesaro with an Irish whip and European uppercut. Miz gets a boot up to the injured arm on a second attempt. Cesaro with a pop up European uppercut for a near fall.

Miz with a DDT for a near fall. Miz tries to take the turnbuckle pad off but the referee stops Miz. Maryse takes off the turnbuckle pad when the referee was talking to Miz. Miz tries to send Cesaro into the turnbuckle but Cesaro stops short. Cesaro with a springboard European uppercut. The referee repairs the turnbuckle pad and Cesaro with a European uppercut and kick. Miz with a sunset flip after an attempted Gotch Style Neutralizer. Miz goes for a figure four leg lock but Cesaro counters into an inside cradle but the referee was out of position so he can only get a two count.

Miz goes for an O’Connor Roll and Cesaro rolls through and applies the Sharpshooter and he pulls Miz into the center of the ring. Miz tries to get to the ropes and he finally succeeds. Cesaro releases the hold. Miz sends Cesaro to the floor but Cesaro with a European uppercut and then he takes Miz down and tries for the giant swing. Miz goes to the floor and he tells Maryse he is done and they go to the back. Cesaro stops Miz and hits a running European uppercut and then he goes up top for a cross body and a near fall.

Cesaro charges into the corner but he hits the exposed turnbuckle when Miz moves. Cesaro with the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

Winner: Miz

We go to credits.

05-27-2016, 06:49 AM
Really? Alberto Del Rio ... wow.