View Full Version : RAW Results - 2nd Oct 2006

10-03-2006, 05:12 AM
RAW Results - 2nd Oct 2006
Location - Topeka, KS
Commentators - Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler

Much like the Smackdown brand, the Raw brand has a season finale because next week has been described as the ‘season premiere’ and a ‘Raw Reunion’. What will happen in this season finale? How will John Cena fare now that he has returned to the brand where he is the champion? Will we see a new Intercontinental champion as Jeff Hardy tries to paint circles around Johnny Nitro? Will Edge be successful as he uses his rematch clause to face John Cena in a steel cage? What is next for Degeneration X? Will we see the return of Vince McMahon and ‘his son’ Shane? What will Umaga do this week? For which new aspect of The Marine will we see a behind the scenes feature?

We are live from Topeka , Kansas and your announcers are Jim ‘Rock Chalk’ Ross and Jerry ‘Did you say Rock’ Lawler.

The steel cage is down as we see the ring for the first time.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels come to the ring. We see the footage from the Hell in a Cell match at Unforgiven including Vince being shoved up Big Show’s rear end and the sledgehammer shot to Vince’s back. Shawn hands the mic to Hunter so he can find out if we are ready. Then we see a photo of Vince with his head up Show’s rear end. Shawn takes the mic, but he is interrupted by Jonathan Coachman who comes out with a mic of his own.

Coach asks Hunter and Shawn if they think they run the show or if they run Monday nights. The crowd chants that Coach ‘sucks’. Coach says that they don’t run a thing. On behalf of the McMahon family, he is ordering Shawn and Hunter to compete right now in a Texas Tornado match against their six opponents.

Match Number One: Degeneration X versus Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade, The Highlanders, Viscera, and Charlie Haas in a Texas Tornado Match

Cade and Murdoch come to the ring first and they are met with punches from Shawn and Hunter. The Highlanders come in, but Hunter sends Robbie out of the ring and Shawn does the same to Rory. Hunter punches Haas while Viscera attacks Hunter from behind. Cade and Murdoch work on Michaels while Viscera and Haas work over Hunter. Haas with a running clothesline to Hunter and then Viscera sets up for a splash, but Hunter pulls Haas in front of Viscera for a splash. Hunter and Shawn get Murdoch and Cade out of the ring. Hunter and Shawn try to take Viscera down with punches but it takes a double clothesline. The Highlanders come back into the match as well as Cade and Murdoch. Robbie holds Michaels for Cade, but Michaels moves out of the way and Cade clotheslines Robbie. Rory argues with Cade and they exchange punches and go outside the ring. Hunter with a facebuster to Murdoch and Michaels with a reverse atomic drop before sending Murdoch out of the ring. Hunter and Michaels with a double DDT to Viscera. Hunter with a spinebuster to Haas and then Michaels goes up top for an elbow to Haas. Michaels with Sweet Chin Music and then Hunter hits the Pedigree for the three count.

Winners: Degeneration X

After the match, Coach gets on the mic and tells them to stop Degeneration X’s music. Coach tells Hunter and Shawn that it is not over because they won. They might have won the battle, but they are far from winning the war. Coach says that he runs this show and he runs Monday night.

Hunter gets on the mic and he wants to make sure that Coach runs the show. He suggests that they go up the ramp and throw Coach out of the building and run the show themselves. Hunter and Shawn chase Coach to the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Shelton Benjamin versus Jeff Hardy from last week where Hardy got the victory.

Match Number Two: Jeff Hardy versus Johnny Nitro (with Melina) for the Intercontinental Title

Nitro with a kick followed by a forearm to the neck and European uppercuts. Hardy with a flying clothesline and then he hits a double leg drop to the lower abdomen. Hardy with a side head lock but Nitro with forearms. Hardy with a head scissors and then he sets for the Twist of Fate but Nitro escapes the hold and he leaves the ring. Hardy tries for a move to the floor but Nitro moves out of the way and then Hardy hits a splash from the apron onto Hardy. We go to commercial.

We are back and Nitro has Hardy in a rear chin lock while applying pressure to Hardy’s back. We see footage during commercial when Nitro countered Hardy’s standing baseball slide in the corner. Hardy gets to his feet and he exchanges punches with Nitro. Hardy tries for Whisper in the Wind but Nitro moves out of the way and Hardy lands on the mat, but Nitro can only get a two count. Nitro with shoulders to Hardy’s back followed by knees and Hardy goes down. Nitro with a baseball slide that sends Hardy into the ring post and Melina shrieks her approval. Nitro gets a two count. Nitro gets Hardy up for a back breaker from a fireman’s carry position but he can only get a two count. Nitro continues to work on Hardy’s back. Hardy gets back to his feet and he hits a mule kick and both men are down. Hardy with a kick to Nitro and then he pulls Nitro back into the ring from the apron and then he gets a two count. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind but Hardy can only get a two count. Melina pulls Nitro out of the ring but Hardy hits a baseball slide. Hardy hits a clothesline after running the ringside barrier and Melina goes down as well. Hardy rolls Nitro back into the ring and Nitro hits an elbow. Nitro goes up top and Hardy stops Nitro. Hardy and Nitro fight on the turnbuckles and Nitro tries for a sunset flip power bomb but Hardy holds on and Nitro goes down. Hardy with the Swanton for the three count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match, Melina yells out her disapproval at the result of the match while Hardy celebrates in the ring.

We go to footage of Edge defeating John Cena to win the WWE title after Cena successfully defended the title in the Elimination Chamber at New Year’s Revolution. We look at the steel cage above the ring.

Degeneration X is standing outside Coach’s office and they say that they are room service, the land shark, and have a candy gram. Hunter wonders what Coach could be doing that he would want nobody to see. Hunter tells Coach that he could go blind, and then he mentions that Shawn says that it is a sin. We go to commercial.

We are back with a mention of the Raw Family Reunion for the season premiere starting at 8:00 pm Eastern. Jim Ross says that family reunions do not always end up the best way. Jim Ross says that all three champions will be represented on the show next week.

Maria is in the interview area with the new Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Hardy. We see footage of Hardy’s victory. Maria congratulates Jeff. Jeff says that the Intercontinental title is why he came back to Raw. He knows that he is a target for everyone including Carlito, Chris Masters, Shelton Benjamin, and Johnny Nitro. Jeff Hardy talks about how everyone wants to strip him of the title. Maria hears the word strip and she talks about how she will be on ECW next week to participate in an Extreme Strip Poker game. Jeff says that he wants to see that.

Melina comes over and she says that Nitro is going to win the title back and then Melina shrieks until Hardy covers her mouth.

Coach is in his office and he is on the phone with Vince McMahon. He says that he cannot run the show the same way as Vince does. Coach says that he cannot go out because he knows that Degeneration X is waiting. Coach gets off the phone and then he opens the door very slowly. Coach walks into the hallway and he looks down the hall for Degeneration X. Coach stops when he sees Hunter standing in front of him. He turns around to see Shawn Michaels on the other side of him. Coach runs into the women’s locker room to avoid Shawn and Hunter. Hunter and Shawn go in after Coach. Shawn goes after Coach while Hunter talks to the Divas. Shawn gets Hunter and they leave.

Coach backs into a room and he turns around to see a male stripper. Coach pushes him away and leaves into the hallway. Coach slips on the wet floor and when he looks up; he sees Shawn and Hunter standing above him. Coach begs for mercy. Shawn and Hunter moves towards Coach and Coach knocks himself out against the production truck. Hunter and Shawn put Coach into a dumpster and they give it to someone doing maintenance to dump the trash.

We go to footage from the Royal Rumble when John Cena won the WWE Title back from Edge. We go to commercial.

We are back and the Spirit Squad are talking. They stop when Degeneration X enter the locker room. They tell the Spirit Squad since Coach is not available so they are in charge. Shawn says that there is a new dress code from the head of talent relations, so they will have to change their attire. They want to know what happens if they do not comply. Hunter brings out the GameHammer to answer the question.

We are told that next week, Umaga will face Kane in a ‘Loser Leaves Raw’ match on Raw.

Match Number Three: Umaga (with Armando Alejandro Estrada) versus Gene Snitsky

Umaga charges at Snitsky but Gene moves out of the way and he punches Umaga. Snitsky with a shoulder tackle, but Umaga does not budge. Snitsky with a flying clothesline that knocks Umaga down. Estrada gets onto the apron to distract Snitsky. Umaga with an alley oop Samoan Drop followed by a running charge into the corner. Umaga with the Samoan Spike for the three count.

Winner: Umaga

Todd Grisham is in the interview area with Randy Orton. Todd wants Randy’s thoughts about his match with Carlito. Randy says that he is sick of Carlito talking about what is cool. Randy says that he knows what ‘cool’ is. Cool is defeating Carlito, being the legend killer, and ‘RKO’. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at The Marine and how John Cena did his own stunts.

Before our next match we see footage of Randy Orton defeating Carlito at Unforgiven.

Match Number Four: Randy Orton versus Carlito

Orton backs Carlito into the corner but they move to another corner. Carlito with a clean break, but Orton with a kick to the knee and then Orton sends Carlito shoulder first into the ring post. The action moves outside the ring where Orton works on Carlito’s arm. They return to the ring and Orton sends Carlito into the ring post one more time. Orton uses the ropes to work on Carlito’s arm. Carlito with a rana to Orton but Orton with a kick and Divorce Court for a two count. Orton with a key lock to Carlito. Carlito with punches but Orton works on the arm to maintain the advantage. Orton with punches while Carlito chops Orton. Carlito with a springboard back elbow followed by a knee lift and clothesline. Carlito gets a two count and then he hits a springboard corkscrew senton and quebrada for a two count. Orton with a side head lock but Carlito goes to the apron and he drops Orton on the ropes. Carlito hits a springboard cross body but the momentum puts Orton on top and he gets a three count with help from Carlito’s trunks.

Winner: Randy Orton

It is time for a look at the next step in the Edge/Cena feud when Edge helped Rob Van Dam win the WWE Title at One Night Stand.

Shawn knocks on the Spirit Squad’s door and they will not come out in their new outfits. Hunter says that if they do not come out, they will come in. If they do not come out, Shawn will strip them of their coveted World Tag Team Titles. We go to commercial.

We are back with the latest ‘training video’ for Cryme Tyme with the usual disclaimer. This time they are visiting a Krispy Kreme where they talk to an officer who is leaving. They ask for some of the officer’s coffee and donut. They take the donut and leave the scene. They leap over a fence but a dog is in the yard and the officer is caught on the fence.

The Spirit Squad come out in female cheerleader outfits.

Match Number Five: Nicky (with Johnny, Mikey, Kenny, and Mitch) versus Sergeant Slaughter

The match begins and Slaughter tries to look under the skirt. Slaughter ducks a punch and Slaughter puts Nicky in the cobra clutch but Nicky makes it to the ropes. Slaughter with a knee to the midsection followed by a gutbuster for a two count. Slaughter with a chop in the corner. Nicky with an Irish whip and Slaughter goes over the top rope to the floor. While Nicky is with the referee, the rest of the Spirit Squad attack Slaughter. Nicky gets a two count. Nicky with a sleeper but Slaughter counters into a cobra clutch. Nicky backs Slaughter into the corner and then he hits a face buster on Slaughter for a two count. Nicky with an arm bar.

We see Triple H on the TitanTron and he tells Nicky that he is missing part of his outfit. Slaughter with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Sergeant Slaughter

We have another look at the Edge/Cena feud when Edge defeated Rob Van Dam to regain the WWE Title in July. We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you did not know, the World Premiere of The Marine will be at Camp Pendleton in San Diego .

Match Number Six: Mickie James versus Victoria in a Lingerie Match

Victoria works on Mickie’s arm with a wrist lock but Mickie with a cartwheel and a monkey flip to get out of the hold. Victoria with a kick and then she drives Mickie’s face into her knee. Victoria with a clothesline to Mickie. Mickie with punches in the corner, but Victoria sends Mickie into the ropes and hits forearms to Mickie’s kidneys. Mickie with an elbow and kicks, but Victoria with a kick. Mickie with a double leg take down followed by punches and a clothesline and double sledge. Mickie with a kick and then she slams Victoria head first into the mat. Mickie tries for a rana, but Victoria blocks it and Victoria turns it into a Boston Crab. Mickie counters with a head scissors to get out of the hold. Victoria throws Mickie out of the ring. Mickie with a shoulder and then she goes up top for a sunset flip but Victoria drops down but the referee sees Victoria using the ropes. Mickie with the three count on the sunset flip.

Winner: Mickie James

After the match, Victoria grabs a chair and she throws it at the ring steps.

Time for another look at the Cena/Edge feud. We see Cena give Edge an FU through the announce table from the ring steps at Saturday Night’s Main Event. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jerry Lawler talks about how he was on WWE.com and he was watching Eric Bischoff’s interview with Bradshaw. We see comments from Eric Bischoff talking about his ‘reputation’ for firing people. He says he should have fired more. He talks about firing Honky Tonk Man, Jesse Ventura, Steve Austin, Vader, and Jim Ross.

Chris Masters talks to Eric Bischoff about his book. Shawn and Hunter stop by to give a ‘Mick Foley-esque’ plug. Shawn and Hunter ask Eric if he was in the book. Eric says that he said that DX was a blatant rip off of the nWo. Eric leaves. Hunter wants to know when Chris Masters was going to write a book. Chris says that he was thinking about writing a book on nutrition. Hunter suggests that it be called ‘How to lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks’. Masters walks away. Shawn wonders if they were a rip off of the nWo. Hunter and Shawn chuckle.

We see the Cena/Edge match from SummerSlam allowing Edge to retain the WWE Title.

It is time for the lowering of the steel cage, with the official WWE Steel Cage lowering music. We go to commercial

We are back with the latest pay per view chapter between John Cena and Edge as Cena won the TLC match to become the WWE champion at Unforgiven.

We see footage of King Booker and his Royal Court attacking John Cena last week at the end of Raw.

Match Number Seven: Edge (with Lita) versus John Cena for the WWE Title in a Steel Cage Match

Edge with a wrist lock and he works on Cena’s injured arm but Cena punches back and connects with elbows. Cena sends Edge into the cage, but Edge tries to run Cena into the cage but Cena blocks it. Cena with an Irish whip and suplex for a near fall. Edge with a kick to Cena’s arm and the referee checks on Cena. Edge wraps Cena’s arm in the rope. Edge kicks Cena’s arm and then he punches the champion followed by a standing drop kick. Edge goes for the door but Cena pulls Edge back in and Cena hits a belly-to-back suplex for a two count. Cena punches Edge and he tries for an Irish whip, but Edge tries to climb the cage. Cena keeps Edge in the cage and then Cena with a slam to Edge for a two count. Edge sends Cena into the ropes and both men are down. Cena punches Edge and gets Edge up for an FU, but Edge counters with an Impaler DDT, but Edge can only get a two count. Edge with a Fujiwara arm bar. Cena escapes the hold with a back body drop. Cena with a leap frog neck breaker for a two count. Cena climbs the cage but Edge pulls Cena off the top rope and he drops Cena’s arm on the top rope. Edge with a spear to Cena with Cena against the cage and both men go down. Edge climbs the cage, but Cena stops him. Cena punches Edge on the top rope and Edge responds with punches of his own. Cena slams Edge’s head into the cage and then Cena with a modified bulldog from the top turnbuckle and both men are down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Edge has Cena in a choke isolating Cena’s injured arm. Cena with a belly-to-belly suplex to escape the hold and he gets a two count. Edge hits a spinning heel kick and both men are down again. Edge gets a two count. Edge goes for the door, but Cena holds Edge in the cage. Edge kicks Cena in the arm and then he tosses Cena’s injured arm into the steel cage. Edge climbs the cage but Cena pulls Edge from the top of the cage. Cena goes to the top of the cage as well and they exchange punches. Edge with a rake of the eyes and Cena goes to the top rope. Cena holds on to Edge to keep the challenger from getting over the top of the cage. Cena pulls Edge back into the cage, but Edge slams Cena’s head into the cage. Edge with a belly-to-back suplex from the top rope and both men are down. Edge climbs the cage one more time, but Cena shakes the ropes and Edge falls on top rope and he is crotched. Cena sends Edge face first into the cage. Cena with two clotheslines followed by a Blue Thunder Driver. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and then he gets Edge up for the FU, but Edge grabs the cage and he slams Cena’s head into the cage. Edge climbs the cage but Cena goes up and tries for the FU. They return to the mat and Cena tries for the FU, but Edge counters with a breakdown for a two count. Edge tries to get out of the door, but Cena holds on. Lita gives Edge a chair and the referee sends Lita to the back. Edge cannot believe that Lita has been sent to the back. Cena punches Edge but he charges into a boot. Edge tries for a flying clothesline from the turnbuckle, but Cena moves and Edge hits the referee. Edge grabs the chair and he misses Cena. Cena hits Edge with the chair and then Cena puts Edge in the STFU. Cade and Murdoch come into the ring and they attack Cena. Cade and Murdoch hit their version of the double goozle on Cena. Cade and Murdoch pull Edge out of the cage. Degeneration X come out and they stop Cade and Murdoch. Michaels with Sweet Chin Music to Murdoch and the door hits Edge in the head. Cena with an FU to Edge for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

10-03-2006, 05:16 PM
overall i thought this week's raw was okay. i'm glad jeff won the ic title as it's been getting on my nerves how melina interferes every week

10-03-2006, 06:03 PM
it's been getting on my nerves how melina interferes every week

she so annoyes me to no end lol and her screaming last night made me want to hit her really bad. i loved the whole Raw episode DX cracked me up was an awesome Raw IMO.

Dangerous Incorporated
10-04-2006, 09:53 AM
We had DX running the show, Jeff winning the IC and the Steel Catch. A good RAW.