View Full Version : Backstage Reason On Why Sami Zayn Usually Loses

06-17-2016, 12:59 PM
Last week on Raw, Alberto Del Rio pinned Sami Zayn in approximately eight minutes with the double foot stomp after an eye poke and enzuigiri. The reason WWE often has Zayn lose is because they believe it will get fans behind him.

“They are booking with the idea that Zayn should lose lots of matches because it’ll get people mad and behind him more,” Dave Meltzer said in the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. “Zayn has the likeable thing going in his promos and is a super worker like Bryan, and that did pay off for Bryan, but the same booking cooled far more babyfaces off and kept them stuck at the mid-level and Bryan is the only success with it.”

the madscotsman
06-17-2016, 03:40 PM
If that's true then it's fuckin' idiotic. If the they that will work then why don't they try it with Roman Reigns?