View Full Version : Curtis Axel Talks Mr. Perfect’s Legacy, Getting Into Wrestling With His Last Name

06-23-2016, 01:44 AM
Former WWE Intercontinental champion Curtis Axel recently spoke with SI’s Extra Mustard blog about his father “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennigc’s legacy.

“My father’s legacy will forever be sketched in history as one of the greatest performers in not only the WWE, but also the whole world. He is in the WWE Hall of Fame. He could not only talk the talk, but he could walk the walk through his look, athletic ability, and attitude. He had more love for this business than anyone,” Axel said. “Even though he’s gone from the world of wrestling, he’ll never be forgotten. People will talk about Mr. Perfect for hundreds of years, and, as for me, his legacy continues as a mentor, teacher and someone I could go to, whether it was good or bad. He was my hero, my best friend and the best goddamn dad a son could ask for. I continue to miss him every day of my life. On a final note, when you watch me on Smackdown or watch me on Raw as Curtis Axel–a name that’s combined together to represent both my grandfather and my father, know this: my dad, ‘Mr. Perfect’ Curt Hennig, lives with me every day of my life. He’s driving me, not only in the ring, but also out of it. And he truly was perfect.”

He also spoke about what it was like to be the son of such a revered legend. Curt Hennig is as bonafide a Hall of Famer as they come and there must be pressure associated with having to fill those shoes.

“It’s a cursed blessing,” Axel said. “It isn’t easy trying to live up to what my father accomplished–for Christ’s sake, my dad’s name was ‘Mr. Perfect.’ We’re constantly compared, and I couldn’t be prouder to be his son, but I’m not trying to be my father. It’s a common misconception, because my father is a Hall of Famer and a major star in this business, that the path was paved for me. But that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Some generational guys start their training on the WWE payroll, but I didn’t.”