View Full Version : WWE Hall of Famer Says Roman Reigns Deserves A Second Chance

07-03-2016, 05:07 PM
– Much of the coverage surrounding Roman Reigns getting suspended for 30 days by WWE for violating the Talent Wellness Program hasn’t exactly put an emphasis on positivity. One person who is looking at the bright side is “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase.

“Everybody knows there’s been some controversy recently with Roman Reigns getting a 30-day suspension. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody deserves forgiveness and a second chance and certainly I think this young man does as well,” the WWE Hall of Famer said in an interview with BBC Radio Norfolk.

“From what I know of him, and I don’t know him well, but what I have seen of him and as I’ve been around him and what I’ve heard from other people, is that he’s a really great kid. He’s not a dope addict, he’s not addicted to anything. He’s just a kid who, you know, hey, we all have… I wrote a book about it! Everybody deserves a second chance and I hope that he gets his as well. I think he still has an extremely bright future in the WWE.”