View Full Version : List Of The WWE Superstars Not Assigned To Brands After The WWE Draft

07-25-2016, 08:03 PM
Following last week’s WWE Draft, there are nearly a dozen Superstars not assigned to either brand for various reasons. According to WWE.com here’s the roster of un-drafted WWE performers:

Emma (injured)
Heath Slater (“forgotten in the Draft”)
Luke Harper (injured)
Nikki Bella (injured)
Paul Heyman (not drafted with Brock Lesnar)
Rosa Mendes (gave birth earlier this year)
Ryback (contract dispute, likely leaving WWE)
Tamina Snuka (injured)
Triple H
Tyson Kidd (injured)
The Undertaker

Other performers listed as “Current Superstars” but not drafted include Brie Bella (unofficially retired) and Tyson Kidd (out of action indefinitely due to injury).