View Full Version : Stephanie On Why She Thinks Her Character Makes Babyface Wrestlers Look Better

07-26-2016, 10:07 PM
WWE recently uploaded some highlights from Stephanie McMahon’s Facebook Q&A over the weekend. During the Q&A, Stephanie spoke about playing a heel on RAW and how she feels her character helps get the wrestlers over.

“The better I make the babyface – the good guy or good girl – look, the more hated I am, and the more I can ultimately make that person look more like a hero,” Stephanie explained.

Stephanie added that playing the heel is the “most fun” for her, and that she likes getting booed. She says that her kids don’t yet understand why she chooses that role, they understand that she’s just playing a character.

Back in May, former World Heavyweight Champion Batista had a problem with Stephanie’s heel “finishing move,” the slap to the face. In a post on his official Twitter account, Batista took issue with the move and seems to feel her hitting the wrestlers buries them. Here’s what he had to say:

Plus it helps to get guys over!?And it builds a great angle for when you get your receipt? it looks good? I tried! ? https://t.co/m4zlY9BzeJ

— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) May 18, 2016

Big Evil
07-27-2016, 06:17 AM
Stephanie really doesn't understand this concept of heels and babyfaces, does she? More importantly, she seems to be forgetting the single biggest point in heels and faces feuding, and that is when the heel gets their comeuppance by the face. When is the last time anyone truly got over on Steph? When is the last time that Steph, the heel, didn't walk away laughing and smiling in the misfortune of the faces? She is damn near one of the worst heels in the business because Stephanie McMahon always gets her way, and she always wins. Her arrogance and ego refuse to let her truly face the justice the faces need to get over. She buries wrestlers not only by slapping them, but by constantly getting away and escaping unscathed. She doesn't even crawl away, she confidently struts away from every situation she ends up in, no worse for wear. She could learn something from her father, who would put his own body on the line just to sell a story and get a wrestler over.