View Full Version : Brock Lesnar & Chris Jericho In Backstage Fight At SummerSlam

08-23-2016, 12:37 AM
Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar reportedly got into a scuffle backstage after Brock’s match at SummerSlam last night. According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Jericho wasn’t told about the plans for the finish for Lesnar vs. Orton, and he thought Lesnar went off-script with his elbows. This lead to sparks flying backstage at the Barclays Center after the cameras stopped rolling.

Meltzer reports that after seeing Orton cut open by Lesnar’s elbow, Jericho went to the gorilla position to find out what happened. Jericho asked WWE producer Michael Hayes if that was planned, and Hayes wouldn’t respond. This lead to Jericho getting pissed off, and Brock Lesnar overhearing Jericho saying it was “bullsh*t.”

Lesnar, thinking Jericho was trashing his match, told Jericho to “shut up” and mind his own business, and may have called him a “p*ssy.” This lead to Jericho approaching Lesnar and having words, although one version of the story says they were shouting at each other the whole time.

This is when Lesnar reportedly pushed Jericho away from him with his fingers, which prompted Jericho to come back and press his forehead into Lesnar’s. The two then grabbed onto each other and scuffled into the wall, where Lesnar told Jericho to either punch him or kiss him. It reportedly took both Triple H and Vince McMahon jumping in to break them up. Jericho then reportedly heard it straight from Vince that the Lesnar-Orton finish was a work. Orton himself then talked to Jericho and told him he knew the elbows were coming, designed to cut him open the hard way.

According to Meltzer, Triple H feels that Lesnar started the fight, and that Jericho was standing up for himself.

Brock Lesnar defeated Randy Orton by TKO at Sunday’s SummerSlam in Brooklyn, NY after hitting Orton in the forehead with two stiff elbows and cutting him open. Orton received ten staples in his head to close the wound after the show.

08-23-2016, 01:31 AM
Well, Jericho has balls lol

08-23-2016, 02:23 AM
So was the stiff elbow the planned finish? Or no?

08-23-2016, 03:10 AM
So was the stiff elbow the planned finish? Or no?

Yeah, Orton agreed to being cut the hard way but IMO I do not think he thought it would be so bad lol .... well, so WWE and Orton are saying anyway. Who knows, maybe its a conspiracy cover-up for a fuck up by Lesnar lol

08-23-2016, 12:03 PM
Who knows, maybe its a conspiracy cover-up for a fuck up by Lesnar lol

That's actually not a bad theory. Makes sense if it's true that Jericho went into gorilla and asked Michael Hayes about it and Hayes refused to say anything.