View Full Version : Mick Foley Looks Back On The Evolution Of His Relationship With Stephanie McMahon

09-07-2016, 11:23 PM
RAW General Manager Mick Foley’s latest Facebook post looks at his road back to WWE and his longterm relationship with his boss, Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. Foley reveals that he actually met Stephanie McMahon backstage after his infamous Hell in a Cell 1998 match against The Undertaker. During the Attitude Era, he saw her evolve from “the girl with the shy smile” to the corporate executive we know today. Foley wrote:


I was absolutely elated following the opening of WWE Raw - an elation that had me looking back on the recent GM opportunity that was presented to me, as well as my long-term friendship with the woman who presented it to me, Stephanie McMahon.

The initial phone call a few months back caught me completely off guard. Following the call, I walked downstairs, looked at my daughter Noelle Foley, and said "I was just offered the Raw GM job."

"Are you going to take it?", Noelle asked.
"I have to", I said. "Otherwise, I'll be sitting on the couch, watching someone else do the job, wondering to myself 'what if."

There are two things you need to know that factored into my decision to take the GM job.
1) It's really important to me that I not be the guy sitting on my couch, saying "what if".
2) In regard to my time as WWE Commissioner in 2000, I'm going to quote #CruiserweightClassic stand-out Brian Kendrick quoting 80's hair-band Cinderella, who sang "Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone". My time as commissioner was one of the best periods of my life, and not doing whatever I needed to do to keep the job for as long as possible was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
I guess I should probably include a third factor:
3) I love working with Stephanie McMahon.

In case you're wondering - the story of the girl with the shy smile/guy with the tooth in his nose is absolutely true. I was flattered that Pat Patterson included aspects of the story in his memoir "Accepted", and it is included in Stephanie's upcoming "unReal" as well. I was in pretty rough shape after that 1998 #HellInACell match, but I delayed medical care until I could find Pat Patterson who had lost a loved one during the course of the evening. I gave Pat a hug, noticed a beautiful young lady with a shy smile - and gave her what was probably a fairly hideous smile of my own. That was my unofficial introduction to Stephanie McMahon - WWE.

A year and a half later, the beautiful young lady with the shy smile didn't seem quite so shy anymore; she was a force to be reckoned with in WWE and was a big part of the classic program I had with Paul "Triple H" Levesque to close out my career in early 2000. (Yeah, I know I came back four years later, and way too often after that – but let's not let the facts get in the way of a good story!)I truly enjoyed working with Stephanie when I was the commissioner in 2000, and I'm proud to say that I was the first on-air Stephanie McMahon slapping victim. I still remember my basic guidelines before the big slap - "you can hit me as hard as you want, but use your fingers instead of the palm, and try not to hit me in the ear, because you might break my eardrum."

Over the years, I may have gone in and out of favor with the company, and my relationship with Mr McMahon has been strained at times - although it's getting much better. But there has never been a time when I have not considered Stephanie McMahon a friend. Back in 2000, my daughter Noelle was so fond of Stephanie, that she made her a pot-holder, which, rumor has it, still holds a place of distinction in the back of a drawer in the McMahon/Levesque home.

That run in 2000 was really the last time I had any type of extended on-air role with Stephanie, although she continued to be an influence on my career - producing many of the segments from my 2004 return with Randy Orton and writing some of the best promos for my feuds with Edge and Ric Flair in 2006. I have also enjoyed joining Stephanie several times for visits with wounded service-members in Washington, DC where she serves on the board of directors for USO Metro-Washington.

But what I was really looking forward to was that opportunity to work together again on-air, where I was sure we would bring out the best in each other. I think you saw some of that on Monday night – and hopefully not for the last time. Stephanie will sometimes mention that she "plays" a bad guy on TV. I don't think she's playing. I think she has that rare ability to inhabit a character, to the point where she becomes it - so that when she's good, she's really good; but when she's bad she's even better.

The opening to #Raw on Monday felt important to both of us. For me, it was powerful, almost magical – the type of thing that made what had previously seemed like a random selection as GM in the minds of many fans suddenly make perfect sense. The type of thing that gets me excited about the future, might encourage WWE Superstars to take risks with their characters and spark new ideas among the creative team. It's the type of thing that makes me glad I'm not sitting on my couch every Monday, watching someone else as GM, wondering "what if".

Have a nice day! If you like it, share it. Please comment on your favorite Stephanie McMahon moment if you feel so inclined. Remember, we are talking about a woman who had a knock-down, drag-out brawl with her own father on a WWE PPV.

09-08-2016, 04:12 PM
A good read. Always cool hearing the inside stories :)