View Full Version : Alberto Del Rio Holding Press Conference Friday In Mexico City

09-09-2016, 02:30 AM
Alberto Del Rio will be holding a press conference on Friday from Mexico City, as first reported by Super Luchas. The former WWE Champion has invited several members of the Mexican media to attend.

Del Rio’s legal representatives “gave notice” to WWE on his behalf several months ago that he’ll be opting out of his contract after the first year. With reports circulating that WWE will announce Del Rio’s departure any day now, it seems like we will get the official word tomorrow.

Alberto Del Rio is currently serving a 30-day suspension for his first violation of the talent wellness policy. The deterioration of his relationship with WWE has been well documented in recent months.

There has been a lot of speculation regarding what’s next for Alberto Del Rio after he leaves WWE. Whether it’s a run in TNA, a return to Mexico or elsewhere, El Patron will have no problem keeping his schedule full.

09-09-2016, 04:00 PM
Grumpy Cat nor I care.

Wish the media would stop talking about him, all they are doing is adding dollars to his next contract and I guarantee he loves it. Probably using Paige now for the same reason with her media news. Yes, he is a good actual fighter and can wrestle but enough is enough, just fucking leave and move on. Oh and leave Paige here. Go find a woman nearer to your age .. 45 - 50.