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Shootkick Man
10-29-2016, 02:37 AM
A new pro-wrestling group was announced for the new year in “NEXT EXCITING WRESTLING” or “NEW” for short.

IGF will be celebrating their 10th anniversary next year and with that the director Simon Inoki announced that this “new” brand will begin as well. IGF itself consists of big shows every other month, or so, but the goal of NEW is to focus on regional and smaller venues that never get to witness the larger scale IGF events. The shows will not be focused on Antonio Inoki’s name recognition hence why they have renamed the group. Though everyone involved will still work have the chance to work the larger scale IGF shows if able.

The first ever show is scheduled to be held on April 5, 2017 at the Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. These shows will aim to showcase Inoki’s namesake of the true strong style, the term Inoki created, as they are focused on showing pro-wrestling as the very best martial art.

Masakatsu Funaki, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Atsushi Sawada, Shinichi Suzukawa, and Keisuke Okuda are among the early names who will be involved with this new venture.