View Full Version : Bayley: Frustration In NXT, Sasha & Charlotte’s HIAC Match, More

11-13-2016, 10:08 PM
The following are highlights from Bayley’s recent appearance on the Card Subject To Change podcast:

Getting Frustrated In NXT Before Getting Called Up: “There were times yes, but I think I was very lucky to just be there. Even when Sasha,Charlotte and Becky were call to WWE I spent another year there, but I think looking back now that’s the year where I learnt the most.”

Her Reaction To Finally Getting Called Up: “It’s tough but it’s all worth it. It’s been a long road for me coming from NXT. I was in NXT for almost 4 years, and just getting to the WWE and now being able to travel with them and kind of have to make new friends, get hotel rooms, travel to different cities every single night. It’s very different and so much fun. All the hard work in NXT that prepared me for this has been worth so valuable.”

Sasha and Charlotte’s Hell in a Cell Match: “They exceeded all my expectations. I knew it was going to be amazing and scary and dangerous. They were going to do whatever it took to steal the show but I just didn’t expect to see the things that I saw.”

Her Relationship With Sasha: “It’s amazing. It’s really helpful. She’s been here for a year before me so she’s able to help me along, I know where to be, when to be where I have to be….She’s one of the few people that will be a friend after this.”

The Biggest Lesson She’s Learned From Wrestling: “I would say just to stay true to what I believe in and stay true to myself. That was something I learned from the very beginning when I first got to NXT. I had a long conversation with AJ Lee when I just felt a little bit lost…She told me just to be able to meet them half way. Obviously you have to do what they want but you also have to stay true to yourself and you have to feel comfortable doing what you’re doing.”