View Full Version : Jim Ross On The Rise Of Braun Strowman, Broken Matt On Kassius Ohno’s Return

01-08-2017, 10:37 PM
– Broken Matt Hardy took to Twitter to comment on Chris Hero returning to the WWE.

Another strong soldier has chosen to return to Negan MeekMahan's Sanctuary.

The outside communities most stand together in this #GreatWar. https://t.co/EShnIRntSs

— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) January 7, 2017

– Jim Ross posted a new blog on his website and discussed the development of Braun Strowman. Ross thought the WWE had done a good job of separating Strowman from the pack but thinks he may still have some areas he could improve in. Here is an excerpt from J.R.’s blog post.

Hopefully Strowman’s evolution with continue to conceal his inexperience especially his ‘selling’ skill set. WWE has done a good job in separating the big man from the pack and now we will see how he adds to the company’s faith in him by getting better each day in some area of his profession.