View Full Version : Mick Foley Runs Into The Young Bucks, Daniels & Kazarian

01-14-2017, 12:30 AM
Mick Foley ran into the Young Bucks, Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels at an airport this week and shared a photo on his Facebook account. Foley praised the Young Bucks and wished them all well.


Man, I love running into wrestlers I worked with in the past at airports!
These random reunions are just flat out fun - and getting to congratulate guys like the #YoungBucks on finding a way to reinvent themselves and become more relevant as time goes on gave me genuine goosebumps.

I'm a WWE guy. Deep down, I always will be. But if I had to pick an allegiance, it would be to the guys themselves – guys from all walks of life who get together in the attempt to take very different audiences on different journeys. So I will wish all of them – Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian and the Young Bucks the very best in the future. Because I do believe that what's good for one of us, is good for all of us in the wrestling business. Have a nice day!