View Full Version : WWE RAW Report / Results - 23rd Jan, 2016

02-04-2017, 02:31 PM

RAW - 23rd Jan, 2017
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton.

This week's show starts off with a look at Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho and their awesome friendship.

Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring and he is joined in the ring by the shark cage.

Roman says in six days the Royal Rumble rolls through the Alamodome and more than 40,000 people will be going nuts. In the middle of that storm will be Chris Jericho locked in that shark cage. That means that he is one on one with Kevin Owens. That means he will be holding the WWE Universal Championship over his head.

Kevin Owens' music interrupts and he makes his way to the ramp with Best friend Chris Jericho.

Kevin asks Roman if he is okay because he sounds delusional. Maybe there is something that happened that has confused you. Last week, he did something that Roman had coming for a long time. For years, you have been power bombing people through that announce table. From Seth Rollins, to Kane, to John Cena, to Daniel Bryan, and even the Undertaker. How many can say they single handedly power bombed Roman Reigns through that table. The answer to that question is ONE. Only one, and Kevin says he is the one.

Roman says that Kevin is about to be the one who is about to get his ass whipped in front of the world and his best friend.

Chris says that Roman is making a lot of predictions and he asks if Roman is Nostradamus. He says that Roman is a stupid idiot. Chris says it is a laugh for Roman that he will be hanging above the ring like a salami in a deli. What was hilarious was him hitting a Codebreaker a few weeks ago to become the United States Champion. Chris says that even though he will be hanging above the ring at the Royal Rumble, today is not Sunday and nothing is stopping him from knocking those chiclets down your throat and teaching you another lesson.

Roman wants to know if Chris was giving him a rematch. He says that Chris should teach him a lesson and give him a rematch tonight.

Kevin says he has this. You want a United States title rematch tonight? You got it. Kevin tells Chris he is going to beat him. He tells Roman not to plan any post match celebrations because Kevin says he has a strong feeling, maybe a psychic vision, that Roman Reigns will be in that shark cage.

Roman says he has a feeling that he is going to win the United States Title in Cleveland and he will beat Kevin at the Royal Rumble for the Universal Title. He says he is something that Kevin will never be . . . THE GUY.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that the Raw Tag Titles will be defended on the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show, but there will be two referees this time.

Cesaro (with Sheamus) vs Luke Gallows (with Karl Anderson)

Cesaro with a waist lock but Gallows with an elbow and a series of punches. Cesaro with a springboard European uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro goes for a deadlift side salto and he hits it and gets a near fall. Gallows with a back body drop. Cesaro with an Irish whip and European uppercut. Cesaro with another Irish whip and European uppercut but Anderson distracts Cesaro and Gallows with a boot to the head for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Gallows with a reverse chin lock and we see Anderson attack Cesaro during the commercial break and Sheamus chased Anderson to the back. Gallows with a side slam for a near fall. Gallows tries for a suplex but Cesaro blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Cesaro with European uppercuts and then he hits a tornado DDT and gets a near fall. Cesaro sets for the Giant Swing but Gallows gets to the floor. Gallows pushes Sheamus on the floor and the referee warns Sheamus. Cesaro with a boot to knock Gallows off the apron and then Sheamus with a clothesline when the referee was focused on Cesaro in the ring.

Cesaro sends Gallows into the ring and he sunset flips Gallows and applies the Sharpshooter. Anderson attacks Sheamus from behind and then Anderson distracts the referee so he cannot see Gallows tap out. Gallows with a boot followed by a TKO and the three count.

Winner: Luke Gallows

Mick Foley is on speakerphone with Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie asks why did Mick make the United States Title rematch.

Sami Zayn enters and he wants to announce that he is in the Royal Rumble so how does he announce he is in the Rumble.

Stephanie says that is not how you do it. She says that Sami has to earn his spot in the Royal Rumble by beating Seth Rollins.

Stephanie gets off the speaker phone and she has a message for Seth Rollins. Mick does not like what Stephanie had to say.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to go to pre-recorded interviews with Bayley and Charlotte.

Corey asks Bayley to tell him what word best describes her match on Sunday. She says 'WOW'. She has always wanted to be a WWE Superstar. She worked small venues in the San Jose area and now she is in the WWE. Corey asks why does Charlotte use her fandom as a negative. Bayley says that is what got her to this point and it brought her some of her best memories. Memories with her dad and brother. Watching her favorite matches. Now her brother and dad get to watch her wrestle for the Raw Women's Championship. She is asked what does it mean to be seen as a role model. She says she is just Bayley. She remembers the feeling when she was on the other side of the barricade and a wrestler would interact with her. The people in the crowd make her feel that she can do anything. Corey asks if Bayley can win on Sunday. Bayley says a lot of people don't think she can do it. She is not Charlotte Flair. They have trained together and wrestled in the Performance Center. She has two victories over Charlotte and she will beat her again on Sunday.

Mick Foley stops in Seth Rollins' locker room and he tells Seth that he has a match against Sami Zayn. He says that Stephanie wants to build on the friend versus friend. Mick says if Sami wins against Seth, he gets Seth's spot in the Royal Rumble. Mick says he was fighting with Stephanie about it.

Seth says he has to beat Sami Zayn tonight, win the Royal Rumble on Sunday, and then go to the main event of Wrestlemania and throw it all in her and her coward husband's face.

We go to commercial.

If Rollins loses, Zayn will take his place in the Rumble.
Seth Rollins vs Sami Zayn

They lock up and Zayn with a waist lock. Rollins with a wrist lock. Zayn goes for a reversal but Rollins sends Zayn to the mat. Rollins with a rollup for a near fall. Rollins with a side head lock. Rollins with a shoudler tackle and a rollup for a near fall. Zayn with a waist lock and wrist lock. Rollins with a reversal and he tries for a La Magistral but Zayn blocks it and gets a near fall of his own. Zayn with a wrist lock and Rollins with a forearm to the head. Rollins with another forearm and Zayn with a double leg take down and punches. Rollins with punches of his own.

Rollins goes to the floor and Zayn sets for a dive but Rollins gets back into the ring and connects with a clothesline. Rollins with a suicide dive and Zayn is sent into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a top wrist lock. Zayn with punches and an Irish whip. Rollins is sent to the apron and connects with an enzuigiri. Zayn avoids the springboard knee to the temple and Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Rollins runs into an elbow from Zayn and Zayn with a boot and a cross body but Rollins rolls through and gets a near fall. Zayn with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Zayn goes up top and Rollins leaps to the turnbuckles and goes for a superplex but Zayn pushes Rollins off. Rollins goes to the turnbuckles and hits a Blockbuster for a near fall.

Rollins with knees to the midsection and he goes for a suplex but Zayn lands on his feet and gets a rollup. Rollins rolls through and hits a super kick for a near fall. Rollins with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rollins picks up Zayn and connects with a forearm. Zayn fires back. They go back and forth with Zayn gaining the advantage. Rollins with a jumping knee followed by Slingblade. Zayn escapes the Pedigree attempt and Zayn with a tornado DDT. Rollins moves when Zayn tries for the Helluva Kick. Zayn with a back body drop that sends Rollins over the top rope to the floor.

Zayn goes up top and Rollins with an enzuigiri and Zayn is groggy on the turnbuckles. Rollins goes for a modified Pepsi Plunge but Zayn with forearms as he escapes the hold. Zayn with a sunset flip power bomb for a near fall. Zayn goes for the half nelson suplex but Rollins with an enzuigiri. Zayn with an exploder into the turnbuckles and Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick and Rollins goes to the apron. Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick on the apron but Rollins with a thrust kick and Pedigree on the apron but Rollins falls to the floor. Rollins pushes Zayn into the ring and Triple H's music plays.

Rollins forgets that he is in a wrestling match while no one comes to the ring. Zayn with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Sami Zayn

After the match:
Rollins runs to the back very pissed off.

We go to commercial.

We are told that Shawn Michaels will be on the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show.

We see footage of Shawn Michaels winning the Royal Rumble at number one.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Seth Rollins is looking for 'him'. He wants answers.

Mick Foley says he did not know. He says it may not have been Stephanie but someone talked to someone in production. Seth says it is a conspiracy. Mick says he will get to the bottom of it.

We have a video package about Mustafa Ali.

Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese ves Jack Gallagher, Mustafa Ali, and TJ Perkins

Gallagher and Daivari start things off but Gulak is tagged in. Gallagher with a side head lock take down. Gallagher with a headstand on the turnbuckles and he floats over. Gallagher with a side head lock. Gallagher slides to the floor and tags in Perkins who hits a springboard cross body. Perkins with an octopus. Gulak with a head butt to the midsection and a boot. Nese tags in and he runs into the corner but Perkins floats over and hits a neck breaker. Perkins with a shoulder to Nese and a thrust kick to Daivari on the apron. Nese kicks Perkins on the turnbuckles and then hits a gutbuster and punches Perkins. Nese with a body scissors.

Gulak and Ali tag in and Ali with a head scissors and kick. Gulak with an Irish whip and he runs into the turnbuckles but Ali moves. Ali with a kick and a slingshot rolling neck breaker. Perkins and Gallagher take care of Daivari and Nese. Ali goes up top for the inward 450 splash and the three count.

Winners: Jack Gallagher, TJ Perkins, and Mustafa Ali

The New Day are walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and The New Day make their way to the ring and they feed the fans Booty-Os.

They say that before they were interrupted the last few weeks, they were talking about winning the Royal Rumble to become the WWE Universal Cham . . .

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady make their way to the stage and they do their usual entrance.

Colin says he is throwing 29 bodies over the top on Sunday because he is officially in the Royal Rumble Match. He will prove there is only one . . .

Rusev's music interrupts and he makes his way to teh stage with Jinder Mahal and Lana.

Rusev says Big E and Big Cass, more like Big Goofs. He says the one thing he never understood is why do you have to put 'Big' before your names? You are big and that is pretty obvious. That is like putting handsome before his name. Rusev says that Mr. Handsome is in the Royal Rumble and it will be time for Rusev MACHKA.

Titus O'Neil interrupts and he makes his way to the ring. He says he did not mean to interrupts. He says that most of you are in the Royal Rumble.

Big E says that Titus promised never interrupting them again.

Titus says that is not what he had to do.

Xavier says now this is disrespectful. He tells Titus to catch him outside.

Kofi says he will do what he has to do outside.

Titus says they don't have to go outside because he they have an eight man tag match. It will be The New Day, Enzo, and Cass against the four of them.

Xavier points out there are five of them and one of the four of you is Lana. Xavier says that Lana is fine and there is much respect but he wants to know who is their fourth man?

Braun Strowman makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Enzo Amore, Colin Cassady, Big E, and Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) vs Braun Strowman, Jinder Mahal, Titus O'Neil, and Rusev (with Lana)

The match is joined in progress and Kofi with a cross body on Rusev for a near fall. Kofi with a punch but Rusev with a boot and he sends Kofi into the turnbuckles. Jinder Mahal tags in and he punches Kofi and hits a back elbow. Jinder with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Titus tags in and kicks Kofi. Titus with a slam for a near fall. Titus with a bear hug. Titus keeps Kofi from going through his legs to make the tag and he sends Kofi face first to the mat. Titus barks and he knocks Big E off the apron. Titus goes over the top rope to the floor. Strowman throws Titus back in and Jinder is tagged in.

Colin tags in and he connects with a boot and punches in the corner. Colin with a biel and a Stinger splash into the corner and a running boot. Enzo tags in and they hit the Rocket Launcher but Titus breaks up the cover. Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex to Titus and he sends Rusev to the apron> Rusev with a knee to Big E when he goes for the spear. Colin with a boot to knock Rusev off. Kofi with a plancha onto everyone on the floor.

Enzo with a rollup for a near fall followed by an enzuigiri. Strowman tags in and it makes Enzo go crazy but Strowman with a shoulder that spins Enzo. Strowman picks up Enzo but Enzo with punches and a boot in the corner. Enzo comes off the turnbuckles but Strowman catches him and hits a running power slam for the three count.

Winners: Braun Strowman, Rusev, Titus O'Neil, and Jinder Mahal

After the match:
Big Show's music plays and he makes his way to the ring to confront Braun Strowman. Strowman looks at Big Show across the ring from him and Strowman walks away.

Big Show and the New Day show up at the announce table. Show tells everyone that he is back.

We go to commercial.

United States Championship
Chris Jericho (c)(w/ Kevin Owens) vs Roman Reigns

Reigns with a punch and he sends Jericho to the floor and the ringside barrier. Reigns sends Jericho face first into the apron and then he Irish whips Jericho into the ringside barrier. Reigns with a drive by and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho chokes Roman in the ropes and Jericho with a splash to the back as Owens makes his way to the announce table to join on commentary and torment Byron Saxton. Jericho with a reverse chin lock. Roman with punches but Jericho with a drop kick for a near fall. Jericho kicks Roman in the midsection and slaps him in the ead. Jericho with more slaps and Reigns is not impressed. Roman with a punch but Jericho with a kick. Reigns sends Jericho over the top rope and Jericho goes up top and Reigns with an uppercut. Jericho comes off the turnbuckles and is met with an uppercut from Reigns.

Reigns with clotheslines followed by a flying clothesline. Reigns runs into a boot from Jericho and Jericho tries to roll up Reigns but Reigns gets to the ropes. Jericho with kicks. Reigns with a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Reigns looks around and he punches the mat but Jericho with a drop kick for a near fall. Jericho sets for the Codebreaker but Reigns blocks it and he sends Jericho into the corner. Reigns has Jericho up for a power bomb and hits it but Jericho kicks out.

Owens gets up from the announce table and Reigns sets for a spear but Jericho with a leap frog. Reigns with a Superman punch and Owens enters the ring and attacks Reigns. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

After the match:
Owens continues the attack on Reigns and they call for the shark cage to be lowered. Reigns is put in the cage and Owens is about to lock it but Reigns sends Owens into the cage and he does the same to Jericho. Reigns kicks Owens and then Reigns kicks Jericho and Owens is put in the cage and Reigns locks it. The cage is lifted above the ring and Jericho tries to climb on but Reigns with a Superman Punch. Reigns with a spear to Jericho.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at what happened after the Jericho/Reigns match.

Owens is finally lowered to the ring and Jericho helps him out of the cage.

Owens and Jericho attack the cage door.

Kevin Owens is told that the Universal Title Match on Sunday will also be No Disqualification.

Kevin yells about how Jericho is being put in a shark cage while being afraid of heights and now he has to defend his title against someone he beat in a No Disqualification Match. Owens demands the match be cancelled and then he attacks the cage door some more.

It is time for comments from Corey's interview with Charlotte earlier today.

Charlotte is asked about what it means to defend her title on Sunday. She says her earlier memory is watching her father win the 1992 Royal Rumble. Her family dominates the Rumble. Bayley's family watches from the couch. She will surpass her legacy on Sunday. Charlotte admits she grew up privileged. Her dad made a phone call. Is there anyone in the WWE complaining. She says she is the greatest in WWE history. Bayley is lucky to be here.

Corey asks Charlotte about her attempts to embarrass Bayley. Charlotte says she did not intend to embarrass her. She wanted the WWE Universe to know who they are getting behind. Bayley was the face of NXT. Charlotte says you do not look at her title. She is the Queen of Pay Per View. Charlotte says Bayley is not in the same league as her.

Corey mentions that Bayley is confident. Charlotte says every eye in the Alamodome will have their eyes on her. She will hand the title belt to the referee, knowing she will get it back after the match. She will punish Bayley for thinking she can compete with her. Charlotte says she will continue to be the franchise player while Bayley is just a fan.

Nia Jax walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

Nia Jax vs Ray Lynn

Nia sends Ray into the turnbuckles and hits a splash and then does a seated splash. Nia gets the three count.

Winner: Nia Jax

After the match:
Nia takes the mic and she says she wants to dedicate her match to the deceased career of Sasha Banks. She was your champion last month but now she is nowhere to be seen. ESPN should do a 30 for 30 documentary. She says that now that she broke the boss. . .

Sasha Banks comes out with a crutch and her knee in a brace.

Sasha hits Nia in the foot with the crutch and then she enters the ring and hits Nia with the crutch. Nia charges at Sasha and Sasha drops down and Nia goes through the middle rope to the floor. Sasha with Meteora onto Nia.

Rich Swann walks in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Emmalina is coming . . . at some point . . . possibly. lol

Non Title Match
Rich Swann vs Noam Dar (with Alicia Fox)

Swann with an arm wringer and a hip toss. Swann flips over Dar and hits a drop kick. Swann sets for a dive to the floor but Dar puts Fox in front of him. Swann with a back heel kick to Dar from the apron. Swann sends Dar back into the ring and Swann gets distracted by Fox and Dar with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dar wtih a chin lock but Swann with punches. Swann with flying clotheslines and a back heel kick. Swann with a double stomp to the back and then he runs into a boot from Dar. Swann with a jumping rana. Swann with a spinning back heel kick for the three count.

Winner: Rich Swann

After the match:
Swann wants to know where Neville is. He says you call yourself a king, but you are a jester. We don't have to wait until Sunday. He yells for Neville to come out.

Neville makes his way to the ring and he puts one foot in the ring but he goes to the floor. Swann with a suicide dive and Neville is sent into the ring but he goes to the floor. A referee holds Swann back.

We see Goldberg's door, what will the man behind the door say?

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cedric Alexander is in the interview area. He is asked about his match against Neville tomorrow night. Cedric says this is an opportunity to show who he is. His goal is to be the Cruiserweight Champion.

Alicia Fox and Noam Dar stop by and Alicia screams and says that Cedric will be nothing without her. Noam says he will always be a winner as long as he has Alicia with him. He wants to know if there are any hard feelings since he stole her girlfriend.

Cedric says no hard feelings about Alicia but you attacked him last week so he pushes Noam down.

We have a second match on the Kickoff Show because Nia Jax will face Sasha Banks.

Bill Goldberg makes his way to the ring through the back and he is on a mission based on his pace.

Bill says we all know the path to the WWE Universal Champion runs through the Royal Rumble Match. This Sunday in San Antonio, there will be 29 other competitors who will be gunning for the same thing he is gunning for. That is to earn an opportunity at Kevin Owens or Roman Reigns. He will stop at nothing to earn that Universal Title. If it means he has to spear and jackhammer 29 people on Sunday, that is what he will do.

Bill tells the 29 guys in the back . . .

Paul Heyman interrupts and he introduces himself. He says he was compelled to come out to address Mr. Goldberg's observations. Paul says they should rename the Royal Rumble Match as 'The Royal Rumble Match . . . Imagine the Possibilities' Imagine the dream scenarios in the ring. You could see Goldberg versus Randy Orton. You could see Bill Goldberg versus Braun Strowman. You could see Bill Goldberg versus one of the surprises they pull out of their tuchuses. You could see Bill Goldberg versus the Undertaker. Or, depending on the luck of the draw, you could see Bill Goldberg versus the Beast, the Conqueror, the Goldberg Eating Carnivore BROCK LESNAR.

Brock's music plays and he makes his way onto the stage.

Paul tells Goldberg to behold the object and instrument of your demise. This Sunday in the Royal Rumble match, you will be beaten, victimized, emasculated, embarrassed, eviscerated, humiliated, and conquered. Then and only then will you be thrown over the top rope and eliminated. Eliminated not by anyone on the roster, you shall be eliminated by your subjagator.

Bill asks if he is going to come to the ring or sit there like a dumbass.

Lesnar walks to the ring and Paul tries to stop him.

Brock gets on the apron and he enters the ring.

A gong sounds and the lights go out. The lights come back on and The Undertaker is in the ring. All three stare at one another as the lights turn dark blue.

We go to credits.