View Full Version : WWE 'Royal Rumble' PPV Report / Results - 29th Jan, 2017

02-04-2017, 03:19 PM

WWE Royal Rumble PPV
Brand: RAW / Smackdown
Date: January 29, 2017
City: San Antonio, Texas
Venue: Alamodome
Announcers: Byron Saxton,Corey Graves,David Otunga,John "Bradshaw" Layfield,Mauro Ranallo,Michael Cole & Tom Phillips

Royal Rumble Pre-Show

The Kickoff panel is Renee Young, Shawn Michaels, Booker T and Jerry Lawler. They have Peter Rosenberg outside doing scenes. His first was standing outside among fans.

The panel discussed what a big day this is as they showed the empty Alamodome. They then reviewed last week's Raw that saw Seth Rollins removed from the Royal Rumble match. They then reviewed Seth calling out Triple H last night at Takeover: San Antonio. They showed Triple H's comments from Facebook last night where he said they would see who was the man to build to their match at Wrestlemania 33.

They aired a video showcasing 30 facts about the Rumble match.

The panel reviewed the three matches for the women's division tonight.

They aired a video of Shawn Michaels reminiscing about his first Royal Rumble win.

They discussed the Bayley vs. Charlotte bout and aired a video feature on that bout.

Peter Rosenberg did his best Todd Pettingill, walking down the aisle from the stage and showing off the crowd.

They aired a video of Edge remembering his Royal Rumble win in 2009.

WWE Smackdown Women's champion Alexa Bliss & Mickie James & Natalya vs. Nikki Bella & Naomi & Becky Lynch

Bella and Natalya started out, shoving each other. Natalya mocked John Cena's mannerisms and Nikki went right after her but Natalya tagged out, playing mind games. Bliss tagged in and drilled Bella with an elbow to the face. She sent Bella into the ropes but put her face down and got kicked in the mouth. Naomi tagged in and they nailed a double dropkick on the champion. This led to everyone getting involved and the babyfaces hitting a triple suplex. Bliss' team went to the floor, where Bella and Lynch hit stereo sliding kicks. Naomi hit a pescado to the outside.

When they returned from commercial, Lynch was in control of Natalya, nailing a clothesline that looked good and a charging forearm in the corner that did not. They went to the floor, where James grabbed Lynch and tossed her into the barricade. Natalya grabbed Lynch and suplexed her on the floor outside. Lynch was tossed back into the ring and cinched in a side chinlock. She tossed Becky into the corner and drove her hard. James tagged in and drilled her with kick after kick in the corner.

Bliss tagged in and distracted the referee to allow James to kick Lynch from the outside. Natalya tagged in and walked over her before mocking Cena again. Lynch rolled her up for a two count. Natalya drilled her and locked in a chinlock. The crowd tried to rally Lynch. Natalya whipped out a Michinoku Driver. Bliss rolled her up but Bliss made the blind tag. Lynch nailed her and went to make a tag to Bella, but Natalya attacked Bella and knocked her off the apron.

Lynch was beaten down by Bliss nailed a step up enziguiri. She tagged Naomi, who nailed a springboard clothesline on the champ then dropkicked her other opponents off the apron. Naomi cleaned house and nailed another dropkick on Bliss for a two count, but James broke it up. Lynch nailed an exploder on James but was tossed out by Natalya. Bella tackled her and worked her over. They went to the floor.

Naomi slammed Bliss and nailed a moonsault off the ropes for the pin.

Winners: Naomi & Becky Lynch & Nikki Bella

They aired a video piece on Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championship
Two Referees
Sheamus & Cesaro (c) vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

Cesaro started out fast with a dropkick at the bell on Anderson for a two count, then hit a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Cesaro was sent into the ropes. Gallows tried to sneak up on him but the second referee stopped him. Cesaro and Sheamus double teamed Anderson. Anderson reversed a whip into the corner and drilled Cesaro with a big kick to the face.

Gallows tagged in and The Club worked over Cesaro. Sheamus made the tag and caught Gallows with a suplex and a running knee drop. Cesaro tagged in but was worked over and hit with a double backdrop. He tried to fight out of the Club's corner but was nailed with a kick to the head by Gallows. Gallows then kicked Sheamus off the apron.

Sheamus finally got the tag in and went back and forth with Gallows. Cesaro came off the top and drilled Gallows. Anderson tagged in and nailed a big boot on Sheamus, knocking him off the apron. Anderson tried to pin Cesaro with his feet on the ropes but the second referee caught him and prevented it. Cesaro went for the Neutralizer but was backdropped. He sent Anderson into the ropes and nailed a 619, then hit a high cross bodyblock for a two count.

Cesaro called for the Big Swing but was grabbed for a backslide for a two count. He caught Cesaro with a spinebuster for a two count. The Club went for the Magic Killer but Sheamus broke it up. Sheamus went for the Brouge Kick but missed and nailed the first official accidentally. Anderson knocked him out of the ring. Cesaro hit the Big Swing on Anderson and turned it into a Sharpshooter. He almost made it to the ropes but Cesaro pulled him to the center, only to have Gallows nail a big boot.

All four brawled in the center of the ring. They nailed the Magic Killer on Sheamus. Cesaro nailed a clothesline on Gallows that sent them over the top. Anderson rolled up Sheamus and hooked the tights for the pin.

Your winner and new WWE RAW Tag Team champions: Gallows & Anderson.

Austin Aries joined the panel to discuss the WWE Cruiserweight championship match.

Dean Ambrose was in the social media lounge. He said he was Meerkat in a match full of dinosaurs and wanted to latch onto Big Show and hide under him while letting Show do all the work. He said if he won the Rumble match, he'd rather face AJ Styles at Wrestlemania and then fight John Cena in a Waffle House parking lot after. He said if he could design a new IC belt, he'd want it to look like Stingray boots.

Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jaxs

Jax muscled and overpowered Banks early, but Banks fired away with right and left hands. Banks dove at her but was caught and slammed backwards into the turnbuckles a number of times. Jax wiped her out with a clothesline. Banks made a comeback but was drilled in the bad knee. Jax worked it over and locked her in a Stretch Muffler. Banks made a comeback and nailed a driving knee but hurt herself. Jax wiped her out and hit the Samoan Drop, scoring the pin.

Winner: Nia Jax

They reviewed what Seth Rollins did at NXT. Stephanie McMahon announced she would deal with him face to face on Raw tomorrow and that Rollins has been banned from the Alamodome tonight.

They aired a video piece on John Cena vs. AJ Styles, followed by the panel discussing the WWE championship match.

Shawn Michaels' music hit and the WWE Hall of Famer made his way down to the ring. They noted as he came to the ring there was an issue that caused delays for those signing up for the WWE Network tonight, but the issue has been cleared up. Michaels took the mic and said hello to his hometown. He said he had lunch with his 84-year old mother today and said that 20 years ago in the same building, he was fortunate enough to regain the WWE championship. He said that they weren't here to talk about him, but about the road to Wrestlemania tonight in the Royal Rumble. He asked who was going to be the guy to guarantee himself a main event at Wrestlemania. He ran down some of the big names in the match. Undertaker got the biggest reaction. Michaels said he doesn't have answers to this question, so the only thing he can do is get the party started. He said they wanted the fans to have fun and make noise as only San Antonio can do. Michaels ran around ringside greeting fans and slid across the Spanish announcing table, which was pretty funny.



WWE Royal Rumble PPV

They opened up with a nice video package on the history of the Rumble before blowing some stuff up.

They claimed 52,000 were in attendance.

WWE RAW Women's Championship
Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Bayley

Charlotte controlled Bayley early on. The announcers told a story that Charlotte has been at this major stage before while it was Bayley's first time at this level. Bayley was sent to the floor but returned to the ring and got right back in and tossed Charlotte out. Bayley charged for a kick through the ropes but was caught. She was able to turn it into a rana to the floor. Bayley nailed a bodypress off the ropes to the floor. She tossed the champ in for a two count.

Charlotte went back to the floor. Bayley followed and went to grab her but was smashed into the corner of the ring apron, then kicked into the ring steps. Charlotte tossed her back into the ring and scored a two count. Charlotte began beating her head into the mat over and over. Charlotte continued controlling the challenger and cinched in a chinlock.

Charlotte continued to work over Bayley, chopping her in the corner. She went for a slam but Bayley slid behind her. Charlotte countered into a neckbreaker and nailed her for a two count. Bayley made a comeback and nailed a nice looking flying elbow but only scored a two count. Charlotte cut her off and locked in the figure 8. Bayley was able to turn it over and reverse the pressure, but Charlotte reversed it again and began using the ropes for leverage, only to be caught by the referee.

Charlotte went to the top for a moonsault but Bayley pulled up her knees and covered Charlotte for a close two count. Bayley went to the top but was shoved to the floor. Charlotte nailed Natural Selection on the apron outside and scored the pin.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

Noelle Foley and her boyfriend Frank The Clown are sitting in the crowd.

WWE Universal Championship
Chris Jericho hanging above the ring in a Shark Cage.
No Disqualification Match
Kevin Owens (c) vs. Roman Reigns

Roman was booed out of the building. Owens and Jericho were standing there about to let Jericho go sadly into the cage but suddenly attacked Reigns. The crowd chanted "Y2J" briefly. Reigns made a comeback and sent Jericho into the cage several times. He tossed Jericho into the cage and up he went.

They rang the bell and Owens jumped Reigns as he watched Jericho rise into the air. Reigns made a comeback and they battled to the floor and into the crowd. They brawled to where the international announcers were sequestered. They battled back to the ringside area. Owens grabbed the cover of the German announcers' table but Reigns nailed him with it. Owens was slammed facefirst into the table. Reigns whipped him towards the steps but Owens was able to reverse it.

Owens went under the ring and pulled out a pile of chairs. He worked over Reigns and set up a two-tiered chair tower on the floor. He drilled Reigns in the ribs with a chair several times. He pulled Reigns up onto the apron. He attempted a powerbomb off the apron through the chairs but Reigns was able to prevent it and drilled the champion with a right hand. He grabbed Owens and teased suplexing him out of the ring onto the chairs. Owens saved himself and nailed several right hands, trying to knock the challenger off the apron.

Owens went to rebound off the ropes but was caught with a pair of clotheslines. He rammed Owens' shoulder into the ringpost. Reigns brought a table into the ring. Owens caught him with a backstabber for a two count. Owens removed the table from the ring. Owens mocked Reigns while setting up for a cannonball but was nailed with a kick and a sit-down powerbomb for a two count.

Roman set up for the Superman Punch, so Owens rolled out to the apron. Roman went to the floor and drilled him with the Driveby. Reigns set up the table on the floor but Owens drilled him with a pair of superkicks. Owens nailed a great looking frog splash off the top through the table on the floor. The place went nuts and chanted "Holy sh**!"

Owens tossed Reigns back into the ring and covered him, but Reigns kicked up at the last second. Owens retrieved a chair from under the ring and drilled Reigns in the shoulder with it. He slammed it down hard over Reigns' back for another two count. Owens tried to whip Reigns across the ring but Reigns reversed and nailed a series of shots in the corner. Owens and Reigns exchanged big shots in the center of the ring. Owens faked out Reigns and nailed him with a Superkick, then sent him flying into a chair he had wedged in the corner for a two count.

Jericho tossed brass knuckles from the cage down to Owens. Owens mocked Reigns and tried to do the Superman Punch with them but Reigns blocked it and tried to get the knocks. Owens nailed the Superman Punch finally and scored a close two count. Great stuff here. Owens went for the F5 but Roman reversed and hit a Samoan Drop through a chair for a close two count.

Reigns pulled another table out from under the ring. He set it up in the corner. Owens cut him off but was nailed with the Superman Punch for a two count. Reigns went for the spear but Owens kicked him and nailed a Stone Cold Stunner for a two count. Reigns kicked up at the last second.

Owens went to the outside and pulled up Reigns to attempt to do a superplex through the chair tower on the floor. Reigns fought him off and nailed a Superman Punch, sending Owens crashing down through the chairs. That looked evil.

Reigns tried to pull Owens back into the ring but changed his mind. He cleared off the announcers' table to prepare putting Owens through it. He muscled up Owens and powerbombed him through the table. Reigns tossed Owens back into the ring and set up for a spear through the table in the corner but Braun Strowman attacked Reigns, pulling him out of the ring and slamming him atop of one of the other announcers' tables. Reigns was pulled back into the ring and hit a running powerslam through the table in the corner on Roman.

Owens crawled across the ring and pinned Reigns.

Winner: Kevin Owens

After the match:
Jericho is lowered and he helps Owens up and out of the ring.

Stephanie McMahon complained to Mick Foley the shark cage wasn't effective. He said he didn't see that coming. Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon arrived . They were in front of a tumbler. Sami Zayn came in get his number. He didn't want to make a decision. Bryan yelled at him to just grab a ball. Dean Ambrose showed up, thinking there were churros in the room. He was told to take the number. He opened Sami's number for him. Sami was number 8. Dean didn't want to reveal his. They seem to be booking Zayn to be Screech from Saved by The Bell, just this annoying nerdy guy.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Rich Swann (c) vs. Neville

They started out hot with some nice back and forth action. Swann nailed a pescado to the floor and slammed Neville into the apron outside. Neville cut him off inside the ring and slammed him with authority. Neville nailed a big missile dropkick for a two count. He followed up with a kick to the head and drove Swann's face into the mat by drilling his boot into the back of his head for a two count.

Neville was drilled in the gut by a right hand but responded with a kick. Swann used a rolling crucifix for a two count but Neville transitioned it into an attempt at his new submission. Swann made it to the ropes to prevent it but Neville kicked him in the head. Neville nailed a nice suplex and drilled the champ with a running forearm in the corner for a two count. Neville took him to the floor, where he tossed Swann into the barricades.

Swann was tossed back into the ring. Neville ascended to the top and came off but was nailed with a superkick in mid-air. Swann made a comeback, hitting a rana out of the corner. Neville went to the floor and Swann nailed a Phoenix Splash to the floor. Swann mounted him and began beating him down with right hands and kicks. He drilled him with a roundhouse kick for a two count.

Swann continued the offense until Neville caught him on the ropes. Neville was sent into the ring after attempting a superplex. Neville was drilled with a kick but Neville nailed a superkick. He went for a German suplex but Swann used a pinfall combination for a two count. Swann nailed an awesome KO kick but Neville kicked up at the last second.

Swann went to the top but Neville met him and snapped him into a superplex for another close two count. Neville went right for the butterfly submission and Swann tapped.

Winner and new WWE Cruiserweight champion: Neville

WWE Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. John Cena.

They faced off and Cena was caught with a kick early. Styles gained control early, sending Cena into the buckles hard several times. Styles nailed some hard kicks. He nailed a forearm smash and a leaping kneedrop. Styles continued working him over until missing another kneedrop. Cena hit a big backdrop. Styles was able to cut off his momentum with several right hands, rocking Cena back on the mat.

Cena ducked a right hand and nailed a shoulderblock. Cena went for a move but AJ reversed it into an rana and nailed a forearm smash for a two count. Styles called for the Styles Clash but Cena was able to slip out and slam Styles down. Cena nailed the Blue Thunder Bomb and called for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Styles got to his feet, drilled Cena with a kick and nailed a German suplex followed by a Facebuster for a two count. This is already really good.

Styles continued working over Cena until being drilled with a lariat that sent Cena inside out and upiside down. Cena nailed the Five Knuckle Shuffle and set up for the AA. Styles grabbed the ropes to avoid it. Cena nailed a series of rights on Styles as he was on the buckles. Styles slipped out from underneath, locked Cena in a Torture Rack and turned it into a sitdown spinning powerbomb for another two count.

Styles went for the Phenomenal Forearm but Cena nailed Styles out of nowhere with the AA for another two count. Cena waited for his mark and drilled Styles with a right clothesline for another two count. Cena set up for another, waiting for Styles to pull himself to his feet. Styles ducked and nailed a Pele Kick. He charged but was backdropped over the top, landing on his feet. Styles nailed the springboard forearm for a two count. Great stuff.

Styles began beating Cena's chest and shoulder in with kicks. Cena finally ducked one, pulled Cena on his shoulders and slammed him forward to the mat. They battled back and forth with kicks and punches. Styles and Cena went back and forth until Styles caught him in the Calf Crusher. Cena powered out and turned it into the STF Styles tried to get to the ropes so Cena pulled him back to the center of the ring. Styles was able to get out and covered him for a two count, then cinched in a STF of his own.

Styles and Cena went back and forth untl Cena locked on a figure four leglock. Styles slipped out and turned it into a cross armbreaker. Cena powered out and powerbombed Styles down. Cena went to the top and went for the Alabama Jam but Styles turned it into a powerbomb and then hit the Styles Clash for a CLOSE two count. Styles went to the outside for a springboard 450 splash but Cena pulled his knees up.

Cena nailed the Code Red for a two count. Styles cut him off and nailed a DVDR, drilling his neck over Styles' knee for another close two count. Cena caught him and catapulted him into the top turnbuckle and nailed a cutter for a two count. Cena nailed the AA off the middle rope but Styles kicked out at the last second. Styles worked over Cena but was caught going for a springboard move and nailed with a pair of AAs for the pin.

Winner and new WWE champion: John Cena

After the match:
Cena went into the crowd to celebrate with a young child wearing a Make-A-Wish shirt. Class act.

They gave Jerry Lawler his own entrance as he joined the announcers.

They pushed that Philly would host the Rumble next year.

Royal Rumble

#1: was Big Cass.

Enzo came out with him and they did all their entertaining mic work. They got the crowd to sing "Deep in the Heart of Texas" right out of Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Cass promised he was going to win.

#2: was Chris Jericho.

Cass and Jericho battled back and forth.

#3 Kalisto:

Kalisto came in with a leaping kick on Cass. He was dispatched quickly. Jericho chopped away at Cass and punched him in the corner.

#4 Mojo Rawley:

M hit the Pounce on Kalisto right away. He nailed Jericho and began exchanging punches with Cass. Cass tried to muscle him over in the corner. Jericho joined in but instead went after Cass and Mojo assisted him. They noted Jericho just passed the time that HHH had set as the record for most time spent competing in the Rumble.

#5 Jack Gallagher:

Gallagher was not previously announced. He nailed a rana on Kalisto and drilled him with the umbrella. Jericho blasted him from behind. Jericho stood over him so Gallagher drilled him in the groin with the umbrella and dropkicked him. Kalisto kicked off Cass in the corner but was slammed down by Cas. Mojo went after Cass and tried to toss him over. Cass nailed him with right hands.

#6 Mark Henry:

Henry was not previously announced. Henry hit an Avalanche in the cofrner on Cass and faced off with Gallagher, launching him out of the ring by tossing him through the ropes. He wasn't eliminated obviously. Henry drilled Jericho with headbutts. Cass nailed him with right hands. Gallagher tried to come off the top with the umbrella open but was caught and tossed by Henry.

Gallagher is eliminated.

#7 Braun Strowman:

Strowman ran over Kalisto. Mojo tried to nail several shoulderblocks to no effect and was chokeslammed down. Mojo was tossed and eliminated.

Mojo is eliminated.

Cass missed a big boot and was caught up on the top rope. Braun clotheslined him to the floor and eliminated him.

Cass is eliminated.

Kalisto took the fight to him and was tossed over the top with a beel to the floor, knocking down everyone who had just been eliminated.

Kalisto is eliminated.

Henry and Braun faced off and battled. Henry was tossed over the top but held onto the apron. Braun knocked him off the apron.

Mark Henry is eliminated.

Four eliminations in two minutes. Jericho ran and hid.

#8 Sami Zayn:

They exchanged punches but Braun just took him down. Sami kicked off Braun's charges in the corner. Everyone was singing "Ole Ole Ole." Braun went for a suplex but Sami slipped out and sent him into the ringpost shoulder-first. Zayn tried to dump him but Braun fought him off and drilled him with a big boot. He nailed Sami with a running clothesline in the corner.

#9 Big Show:

They faced off and battled. Jericho got involved but was dispatched. Straun was able to toss Show over the top.

Big Show eliminated.

#10 Tye Dillinger:

Dillingermaking his debut (as long as you ignore that WWE ECW Gavin Spears stuff) on the main roster. He and Sami tried to double team Strowman but were double suplexed.

#11 James Ellsworth:

Elsworth was not advertised. Carmella came out with him. He didn't want to get into the ring. Strowman stared down at him. Sami and Tye tried to dump him from behind but he was able to save himself. Strowman worked them over. Ellsworth remained on the floor.

#12 Dean Ambrose:

Dean told Ellsworth they could team up and psyched him up. He remained behind when James hit the ring. Braun picked up Ellsworth and tossed him over the top to the floor in rude fashion.

Ellsworth is eliminated.

Ambrose came off the ropes with an elbow and took the fight to Braun with a series of rights. He was grabbed by the hair but nailed a kick. Dean, Tye and Sami all triple-teamed Strowman.

#13 Baron Corbin:

Corbin joined the fray in attacking Strowman who broke free and everyone went flying. He tossed Dillinger, who the crowd hated seeing eliminated.

Dillinger is eliminated.

Everyone drilled Braun with clotheslines in the corner, followed by a Helluva Kick. Corbin tossed Strowman over the top with a running clothesline, which got a big pop.

Strowman is eliminated.

Sami after Ambrose and tried to toss him.

#14 Kofi Kingston:

Cue the crazy near-elimination stunt. He tossed Zayn over the top but Zayn saved himself and tried to toss Dean. Sami and Kofi battled but Corbin nailed them both from behind. Jericho is still out on the floor and has yet to return. Dean sent Corbin to the corner but he slid under the ropes, hit the floor and rebounded into a running charge, taking out Dean.

#15 The Miz.

Miz hit the ring and nailed Zayn with the Skull Crushing Finale. He clotheslined Kofi and tried to toss Ambrose over the top to the floor. He nailed Corbin with a series of kicks in the corner. He nailed Sami and charged Baron but was hit with the Deep Six in spectacular fashion. Corbin tossed Kofi off and tried to force him over the top to the floor. Kofi, on the top rope, kicked him off and backed away to the top of the ringpost. Corbin swept his legs. Kingston crashed to the top of the ringpost but held on. He came off the top with Trouble in Paradise on Corbin.

#16 was Sheamus, who was not advertised. That's five of the eight mystery competitors. Sheamus worked over Miz and nailed a Brogue Kick on Jericho. Sami and Dean tried to toss Sheamus. Kofi battled Baron. Miz recovered in the corner.

#17 was New Day's Big E. Everyone battled.

#18 was Rusev, who was wearing a face guard from the broken nose he apparently received on Raw. He nailed a leaping splash on everyone battling in the corner and tried to toss Sheamus, who saved himself. He did the same to Zayn, who landed on the apron and saved himself. Everyone battled.

#19 was Cesaro, who was not advertised. That's six of the eight mystery competitors. He hit the big swing on Miz, then on Sami. He then gave the same treatment to Dean. Then Kofi. He then went for Baron. Then, he went to do it to his own partner, who begged off. Cesaro looked to the crowd for guidance but before he could make a decision, Rusev drilled him with a kick. He tried to toss Cesaro, but Sheamus saved him. Miz tried to work over Dean.

I have to say, Jerry Lawler has been a joy to listen to during the match.

#20 was Xavier Woods. New Day went to work on Sheamus. Cesaro tried to toss Big E but was able to hang on. Corbin and Rusev battled. Big New Day chants. Kofi and Xavier worked over the Miz with Big E.

#21 was Bray Wyatt. The entrance looked awesome in the Alamodome. He grabbed Miz for a Uranage immediately. Bray swung at everyone. He and Xavier Woods faced off. He charged Bray but was caught in Sister Abigail. Woods slipped out and nailed a right hand. Wyatt drilled him with a clothesline. Cesaro and Sheamus battled New Day. Bray battled Corbin.

#22 was Apollo Crews. He nailed a leaping kick on Corbin. The crowd began chanting for Goldberg. Sheamus and Cesaro eliminated all three members of New Day with clothesline at the same time. Jericho ducked behind and tossed Sheamus and Cesaro over the top. The former tag champs began arguing at ringside with each other.

#23 was Randy Orton. Big pop for him. He clotheslined everyone he came in contact with and nailed Corbin with a RKO. He then nailed one on Rusev. Zayn tried to come off the ropes and was nailed with one in mid-air. He looked at Bray and pulled him up. Everyone battled.

#24 was Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler hit the ring and teamed with Miz to hit a double DDT on Crew, then superkicked Miz and Crews. He tossed Miz over the top but Miz was able to land on the apron. Ziggler and Ambrose battled. Dean was tossed over the top but was able to hang on. More Goldberg chants. Orton battled Corbin. Jericho worked over Miz. Rusev battled Crews.

#25 was Luke Harper. He went right after Crews and tossed him, then locked eyes with Randy Orton. That was playing off of their recent issues. Wyatt tried to calm them. Harper nailed Bray with a lariat and drilled Orton with a kick. Didn't see that one coming!

Luke grabbed Bray and set him up for Sister Abigail but Orton caught him with a RKO.

#26 was Brock Lesnar. He tossed Ziggler and Ambrose immediately, eliminating them. He nailed a German suplex on Rusev then wiped out Orton and Miz with F-5s. He wiped out the entire ring and stood over the ring when the countdown came and it was...

#27 Enzo Amore was next. He was not advertised, so he was the 7th surprise entrant. So, the surprise was there are no surprise entrants! Enzo came to the ring with a determined look and faced off with Brock after psyching himself up. Brock, like Negan on "The Walking Dead", shut that sh** down real fast! Adios Enzo. He was tossed.

#28 was Bill Goldberg. The Alamodome went nuts. Lesnar waited for him. Lots of Goldberg chants. He made the big entrance, complete with his pyro as Brock waited and bounced in the ring. Goldberg immediately speared Brock and took him down, then clotheslined him over the top, eliminating him. See you at Wrestlemania, Brock!

Goldberg clotheslined Jericho, trying to get revenge for the time Jericho choked him out backstage. I kid, I kid. Sami was hit with the Jackhammer. Orton and Bray attacked Goldberg. He was sent into the ropes and speared them both. Orton grabbed at his leg right away.

#29 was The Undertaker. The lights went out and when they returned, Taker was in the ring with Goldberg. He grabbed him by the throat but everyone else attacked. Taker tossed Corbin. Goldberg speared him. Goldberg tossed Harper but Taker tossed him from behind. Miz and Zayn worked over Taker but didn't get the better of him. Undertaker chokeslammed Miz. He then grabbed Zayn and nailed one. Wyatt tried to nail Taker but was drilled.

#30 was Roman Reigns. That's seven of the eight unadvertised talents. So, the surprise was there were no surprises outside the roster. He and Taker faced off and brawled. That looks like a Wrestlemania match right there. The crowd was chanting, "This is bullsh**" about Roman being the last guy. Taker clotheslined him. He then clotheslined Miz over the top and tossed out Zayn, eliminating them.

Roman was tossed over the top but saved himself. Undertaker chokeslammed Jericho. Taker was grabbed and tossed out by Reigns. The crowd HATED that. Taker stared at him with a look that could kill. More "bullsh**" chants.

The last four are Jericho, Reigns, Wyatt and Orton.

Reigns tossed Jericho, who saved himself. He nailed Roman and went to the top but was hit with a Superman Punch off the top and sent to the floor.

Roman vs. the Wyatts. They attacked Roman and stomped the hell out of him. There was a "Let's go Wyatt" chant. Orton nailed the hanging DDT off the ropes. They set up Roman but he hit the Superman Punch on Bray and tossed him over the top.

Orton caught him with the RKO and clotheslined Roman over the top to the floor.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match:
orton celebrates with fireworks galore.