View Full Version : WWE 205 Live Report / Results - 31st Jan, 2017

02-04-2017, 03:28 PM

WWE 205 Live - 31st Jan, 2017
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, Corey Graves, and Austin Aries.

We start off with a look at Neville's victory over Rich Swann at the Royal Rumble.

Corey Graves mentions that Rich Swann is not medically cleared to compete tonight.

Tony Nese vs Lince Dorado

They lock up and Nese backs Dorado into the corner and he gives a clean break. They lock up and Dorado with a waist lock but Nese with a standing switch and he sends Dorado to the mat and poses. Dorado with a single leg trip and a drop toe hold into a La Magistral for a near fall. Dorado with a head scissors but Nese sends Dorado into the turnbuckles. Nese with an Irish whip and Dorado floats over but Nese sends Dorado to the apron and then Dorado with a shoulder and springboard cross body. Dorado with a head scissors and Nese goes to the floor. Nese moves on a baseball slide.

Nese with a kick and he sends Dorado to the mat and gets a near fall. Nese with cross faces to Dorado followed by a leg drop for a near fall. Nese with an Irish whip and he misses a splash into the corner. Dorado with a kick and he goes up top and hits a palm strike and then he kicks Dorado and gets him on his shoulders and hits a gutbuster for a near fall. Nese with a body scissors. Nese turns it into a waist lock. Nese goes for an O'Connor Roll but Dorado holds on to the ropes. Dorado with a power slam and a chop. Dorado hits the handspring stunner for a near fall. Dorado misses a drop kick in the corner but he lands on his feet. Dorado with a quebrada for a near fall.

Dorado runs into an elbow and Dorado with a drop kick to stop Nese on the turnbuckles. Nese grabs the mask and Nese pushes Dorado off the turnbuckles. Nese puts Dorado in the corner and Tony pulls down the knee pad and Nese with a running knee for the three count.

Winner: Tony Nese

After the match:
Nese attacks Dorado as he is helped to the back. Nese sends Dorado into the ring and he hits the German Suplex into the turnbuckles and then Nese sets for the running knee, but TJ Perkins comes to the ring and he hits the Detonation Kick.

We take a look back at what happened on Raw between Neville and Rich Swann.

Rich Swann is with Tom Phillips in the interview area and he is asked about his medical condition.

We see Swann in a walking boot. He says he hurt his ankle last night kicking the crown off Neville's head. He says this is a shock to him because his adrenaline was pumping. When this is off, he will get his rematch and he will become Cruiserweight Champion again. He is going to watch his boy Jack Gallagher teach Neville some lessons.

Neville enters and he says that Swann will always end up down. He tells Swann to stay down next time.

Swann says Neville will never keep him down.

Neville says he begs to differ and he pushes Swann down.

We see that Gran Metalik is coming.

We go to commercial.

Brian Kendrick makes his way to the ring and he joins commentary.

Akira Tozawa vs Aaron Solow

They lock up and Tozawa with a waist lock and take down into a front face lock. Tozawa with a waist lock. Solow with a side head lock. Tozawa with a forearm but Solow with a sunset flip and Tozawa rolls through and kicks Solow and follows with a back senton. Tozawa with chops and then he sets for another chop but Solow ducks and Tozawa stops short and connects with a jab.

Solow with a back heel kick and punch. Tozawa with a head scissors taht sends Solow to the apron and then Tozawa wtih a jumping forearm and a suicide dive. Tozawa sends Solow back into the ring and he leaps over Solow and rolls through and htis a snap German Suplex for the three count.

Winner: Akira Tozawa

After the match:
Aries goes into the ring to interview Tozawa and he asks him if he wants to say anything. Tozawa speaks in Japanese and then he leaves.

Neville is in the back and Noam Dar stops by with Alicia Fox. He congratulates Neville for what he did to Swann. Dar says they are guaranteed a victory tonight. Are they supposed to take Jack Gallagher seriously.

Neville says he does not need Rich Swann to be hurt to guarantee victory, he is the guarantee. Neville says he never asked for Dar to be his partner and he does not need his help.

Dar says Neville is the captain so whatever he says goes.

Neville says he does not care about Dar's love life so he can leave his baggage at home.

We go to commercial.

Neville and Naom Dar vs Cedric Alexander and Jack Gallagher

Dar wants to start but Neville gives him that look so Dar goes to the apron. Gallagher starts opposite Neville. They lock up and Neville with a clean break. They lock up and Neville with a side head lock and take down. Gallagher escapes with a walking hand stand. Gallagher with an arm wringer and Neville gets to his feet and he backs Gallagher into the ropes. Neville with a wrist lock and he starts to work on the arm. Neville with an arm wringer and he takes Gallagher to the mat.

Gallagher with a reversal and he gets a near fall. Gallagher with an arm bar. Gallagher with a wrist lock and Neville with a reversal followed by a reversal from Gallagher. Dar tags in and he looks like he did something wrong when Neville stares at him. Dar with a shoulder in the corner followed by an Irish whip and Gallagher floats over and takes Dar to the mat with a side head lock. Alexander tags in and he works on the wrist. Alexander with a head scissors and drop kick. Alexander gets a near fall. Gallagher tags in and he applies a hammer lock with his leg and then he grabs the other arm and bridges and gets a near fall.

Dar backs Gallagher into the turnbuckles and Neville with a forearm when the referee was not looking. Dar with punches and he sends Gallagher into the turnbuckles. Neville tags in and connects with elbows to the back of the neck. Neville with a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the neck. Neville with a rear chin lock and his knee in Gallagher's neck. Neville with a suplex and he hits a running forearm and gets a near fall. Neville goes up top and he hits the missile drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Dar backs Gallagher into the turnbuckles and Neville with a forearm when the referee was not looking. Dar with punches and he sends Gallagher into the turnbuckles. Neville tags in and connects with elbows to the back of the neck. Neville with a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the neck. Neville with a rear chin lock and his knee in Gallagher's neck. Neville with a suplex and he hits a running forearm and gets a near fall. Neville goes up top and he hits the missile drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Neville with a snap mare and an elbow to the head. Neville with a reverse chin lock. Dar makes the tag as Neville hits a forearm and Dar gets a near fall. Dar drops a knee to the arm. Neville does not appreciate his partner's actions. Dar slams the arm over Dar's shoulder. Dar lifts Gallagher by the arm and then he hits a suples and gets a near fall. Neville tags in and he kicks Gallagher and gets a near fall. Neville puts his foot on Gallagher's throat. Neville sends Gallagher into the turnbuckles and Dar tags in and Neville is more pissed off than he usually is.

Gallagher with an inside cradle for a near fall followed by the head butt to the chest and he falls onto Dar for a near fall. Neville kicks Gallagher and then takes care of Alexander on the apron. Gallagher with a back body drop and Neville is pissed off that Dar has not made the tag. Dar crawls to his corner and Neville refuses to make the tag and leaves the apron. Neville walks away and he tells Dar he lost his chance and screwed up.

Alexander tags in and he hits the springboard clothesline and then he hits teh handspring round kick. Dar falls to the floor and Gallagher sends him back into the ring. Alexander with Lumbar Check for the three count.

Winners: Cedric Alexander and Jack Gallagher

We go to credits.