View Full Version : WWE NXT Report / Results - 15th Feb, 2017

02-16-2017, 11:58 AM

WWE NXT Report / Results - 15th Feb, 2017
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Announcers: Tom Phillips, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness.

Non Title Match
Akam and Rezar (w/ Paul Ellering) vs Garrison Spears and Lance A'Noai

Rezar with a splash to Lance in the corner and then he runs Lance into the turnbuckles. Rezar pulls Spears into the ring and Rezar with a kick to the midsection. Akam tags in and they hit running Death Valley Drivers into the turnbuckles. Rezar tags in and then they hit The Last Chapter on Lance for the three count.

Winners: Akam and Rezar

After the match:
Akam and Rezar hit the Super Collider and power bombs.

We have a video package for Tyler Bate.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an update on Shinsuke Nakamura's medical condition.

Billie Kay and Peyton Royce vs Liv Morgan and Ember Moon

Moon and Billie start things off and Billie is regretting this match a little. They lock up and Billie with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Billie blocks a hip toss and Billie tries for a hip toss but Ember lands on her feet and she hits a head scissors and gets a near fall. Ember with an elbow but Billie keeps Ember from going to the turnbuckles. Ember takes care of Peyton but they double team Ember when Liv distracts the referee. Billie gets a near fall. Peyton tags in and they get a near fall.

Billie tags back in and they choke Ember in the corner. Billie says something to Ember but Ember with a punch and she blocks a kick. Ember with a butterfly suplex. Morgan and Royce tag in. Liv with clotheslines and a drop kick. Morgan with a bulldog and then she kips up and spins around before hitting the STO but Billie breaks up the cover. Billie sends Ember to the apron and Billie kicks Ember off the apron. Peyton sends Liv to the mat and then Billie tags in. Peyton with a knee to the temple while Billie holds Liv in a wheelbarrow position. Billie gets the three count.

Winners: Billie Kay and Peyton Royce

After the match:
Billie and Peyton celebrate in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Eric Young's comments about Tye Dillinger. We see Tye being attacked by Sanity and then the subsequent six man tag match.

We go to comments from Roderick Strong and No Way Jose at the Performance Center. Roderick says he knows guys like Eric Young and he used to be one of those guys. Roderick says it is Roddy vs the World and he will take on anyone. He says Sanity is trying to bully Tye. He will not let it be three on one or four on one. If it was one on one, he would be okay with that.

No Way Jose says they had to back up Tye because if they did not, Sanity would do that to everyone.

Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano come to the ring and they have something to say.

Tommaso says their dreams came true in Toronto. They won the Tag Team Titles and their match was voted Match of the Year. He says it was humbling and they knew their work was about to begin. They went to Japan and Australia. In San Antonio, they faced their biggest opponents to date.

Johnny says this was the biggest challenge they faced. They saw something in their eyes they never saw again. They saw doubt in their eyes. They may get beaten down, but they will fight back. They may be beaten down but they are not broken. Johnny says they want their rematch for the tag titles.

Paul Ellering comes out and he says if you are so hell bent on self destruction, in two weeks, you can have your rematch for the NXT Tag Team Titles. He tells them to make peace with your loved ones before that match.

Tommaso and Johnny tell each other they love the other. Tommaso says they can have the match now since they have made peace.

The Revival attack Gargano and Ciampa from behind and they send Ciampa to the floor and hit Shatter Machine on Gargano before they leave through the crowd when the champions go to the ring.

We have a video package for Trent Seven.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Kassius Ohno video package. He says he has been gone for a long time. He has done a lot of things and been a lot of places. He has won titles and beaten a lot of people. If you don't know how dangerous he is, you will.

We go to William Regal in his office. William says that next week, there will be a Triple Threat match with Peyton Royce, Ember Moon, and Liv Morgan with the winner facing Asuka in two weeks.

UK Championship
Trent Seven vs Tyler Bate

They lock up and Seven backs Bate into the ropes and he gives a clean break and he adjusts Tyler's mustache. They lock up and Bate backs Seven into the ropes and he returns the favor with the facial hair adjustment. They lock up and Bate with a side head lock. Bate with a shoulder tackle but Seven stays on his feet. Seven tells Bate to try again. Bate does and he has the same result. Seven tells him to do it again. Seven bounces off the ropes when Tyler goes for a shoulder tackle and he takes Bate down to the mat. Seven with a running chop into the corner followed by a suplex for a near fall.

Seven wtih a front face lock and wrist lock but Bate holds on to the rope on an Irish whip attempt. Bate with a drop kick. Seven goes to the floor and then Bate goes to the floor and connects with a forearm. They go back into the ring. Bate with an elbow to the upper chest and we go to commercial.

We are back and Bate with a top wrist lock while he has Seven on the mat. Seven with punches to the midsection. Bate with a forearm and Seven is backed into the corner. Bate with a European uppercut or two. Seven is not happy with what Tyler has done while Tyler continues with European uppercuts. Seven goes for a back slide but Bate stays on his feet. Seven with a back slide and a near fall.

Seven sets for the running chop but Bate blocks him and connects with a knee and corkscrew back elbow off the turnbuckles. Seven rolls to the floor. Bate with a plancha onto Seven and both men are down on the ramp. They return to the ring and Seven with a modified Michinoku Driver and a near fall. Bate with a forearm and then he gets Seven up for an airplane spin. Bate starts to look wobbly on his feet but he gets a second wind after refueling to finish the trip. Bate picks up Seven with a waist lock and he goes for a deadlift German suplex but Seven with an elbow and Dragon suplex followed by a power bomb into a single leg crab.

Bate tries to get to the ropes but Seven tries to keep Bate in the center of the ring. Bate kicks Seven in the head to force Seven to release the hold. Bate with a kick to the head and punches. Seven misses a back fist and Bate with a punch. Seven with the Seven Star Lariat but Bate kicks out. Seven discusses the count with the referee and then Trent goes up top. Bate with a running drop kick to stop Seven. Bate goes for a super Exploder but Seven with elbows. Seven and Bate fight on the turnbuckles. Bate hits an Exploder superplex but Seven kicks out.

Bate is up first and he sets for the Tyler Driver 97. Seven escapes and he hits a back fist and a second back fist. Bate with a Liger Kick and then he hits the Tyler Driver 97 for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Bate

After the match:
They shake hands.

We go to credits.