View Full Version : Floyd Mayweather Jr. Wants Conor McGregor Bout in Moscow, Russia

03-21-2017, 03:04 PM
Floyd Mayweather Jr. has announced that he favors Moscow as the venue for a boxing bout with UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past nine months or so, you will be aware of a potential “Billion-Dollar” boxing bout featuring the two biggest names in combat sports dominating the back pages. Floyd “TBE” Mayweather, the 49-0 defensive master and boxing legend, would meet UFC lightweight champion and global MMA superstar “The Notorious” Conor McGregor, in what would be the highest-grossing combat sports spectacle in history.

The proposed match-up continues to gather pace, with McGregor recently channeling his inner Muhammad Ali in promising to ‘shake up the world’ when he meets Mayweather inside the ropes. Mayweather’s response to the comments made by the Irishman on Friday night inside boxing’s Mecca, Madison Square Garden, was to announce that he would favor the fight going down in Russia:

“At the moment we have not signed any papers,” Mayweather said during a recent media scrum. “I hope that the match will take place in June. I want to give people the spectacle: the MMA world vs. boxing world. This fight can be organized in Moscow. I would choose to Moscow if I were asked today.”

With an abundance of creases to be ironed out on the idea before any true confirmation can be made on the bout, many will refrain from getting too excited at the prospect of a mega-fight between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Conor McGregor in Russia’s most famous city just yet.