View Full Version : Seth Rollins on Everything Changing Now, Nikki Bella’s Closet, Busy Week for WWE Community

04-04-2017, 06:35 PM
– Below is the latest episode of John Cena and Nikki Bella’s “Our Home” with Nikki showing off her huge closet and the special touches inside:


– WrestleMania 33 Week in Orlando was a busy week for WWE Community as they hosted more than 24 events in and around the city. WWE also hosted 39 Wish Kids from Make-A-Wish at WrestleMania on Sunday, as seen below:

.@WWE is hosting 39 wish kids at @WrestleMania! Learn how you can help grant #WWE wishes: https://t.co/itGw2SxOds. #WrestleMania pic.twitter.com/vPi74ODGre

— Make-A-Wish America (@MakeAWish) April 3, 2017

– As noted, Finn Balor returned in last night’s RAW main event and teamed with Seth Rollins to defeat Samoa Joe and WWE United States Champion Chris Jericho. Rollins posted the following photo to Instagram after the return and wrote:

“Everything’s about to change. #kingslayer #rawaftermania.”

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