View Full Version : The Undertaker Resurfaces (Video), Aleister Black Thanks Fans

04-07-2017, 03:57 AM
– The Undertaker has resurfaced after what appears to be his final WWE match this past Sunday at WrestleMania 33. The Dead Man recorded a video endorsing country music legend George Strait, who is headed to Las Vegas for a series of concerts. Undertaker calls Strait “The King” and says he’s been a fan of his for decades.

Fresh off his @WWE retirement, The Undertaker proves that George's influence spreads way beyond country music! https://t.co/jKMTdDoPPD pic.twitter.com/kWp962ntzj

— George Strait (@GeorgeStrait) April 6, 2017

– NXT star Aleister Black posted the following message on Instagram thanking fans who have supported him on his journey, which culminated this past week with his NXT debut at Takeover: Orlando.

"I thank you all for reaching out and sending me messages, artwork, tweets, comments and whatnot this past week. For all of you who were ever told you weren't good enough, didn't look the part because you dressed a certain way or didn't fit in because it wasn't what they agreed with or your choice of life wasn't approved, I got you. This is for the kids who stand their ground and wish to remain individuals, the outcasts and the rebels. This is who we are and we'll forever walk in the dark because that's where our integrity lies and we embrace what we are. #fadetoblxck"

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