View Full Version : Kenny Omega Comments on Seth Rollins’ New Signature Move

04-25-2017, 08:45 PM
Seth Rollins recently debuted a new finishing/signature manoeuvre that bears a striking resemblance to Kenny Omega’s High Knee. He used it last night on RAW, as seen here:


Omega posted some tongue in cheek comments on Twitter today commenting on the ‘blatant thievery’ that he believes is rampant in Pro Wrestling currently.

Well, at least I still have my entrance music… pic.twitter.com/aoWN2CLyay

— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) April 25, 2017

@thewrestlinglad pretty sure most of my signature stuff is original, but that's a great go-to answer to defend everyone.

— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) April 25, 2017

To clarify,I'm not upset.The thievery of late is blatant/funny but anyone is free to put their own spin on stuff.I'll be out doing the same?

— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) April 25, 2017