View Full Version : WWE 205 Live Results – 4/25/2017

04-26-2017, 06:18 PM

We are in Des Moines, Iowa and your announcers are Corey Graves and Tom Phillips.

Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa vs Noam Dar and Brian Kendrick

Kendrick throws his jacket at Tozawa and then Dar joins the attack. Swann and Tozawa with drop kicks to send Kendrick and Dar to the floor. Tozawa with a suicide dive head butt and Swann with a plancha.

The match officially starts and Swann with a drop kick to Dar. Swann with an elbow to Kendrick when he tries to hit Swann from behind. Swann with a leg drop for a near fall. Swann goes to the turnbuckles but Dar kicks Swann off the turnbuckles and Kendrick gets a near fall. Kendrick slams Swann and gets a near fall. Dar tags in and he punches Swann. Dar works on the arm and takes Swann to the mat with a wrist lock. Dar uses his body to add more pressure to the wrist lock. Dar sends Swann into the turnbuckles and Kendrick tags in and chokes Swann against the turnbuckles.

Kendrick with a drop kick for a near fall. Kendrick with a chin lock into a side bear hug and a standard bear hug. Kendrick grabs the leg when Swann dives to make a tag. Swann with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Kendrick knocks Tozawa off the apron and Swann knocks Dar off the apron. Kendrick with a drop toe hold to stop Swann. Swann with a round kick and Dar tags in and Tozawa kicks Dar. Swann with a back body drop and Tozawa tags in. Tozawaw with kicks to Dar and Kendrick. Dar with a sunset flip but Tozawa rolls through and kicks Dar and hits a back senton.

Dar with a rollup on Tozawa but Tozawa with a Saito Suplex and he goes up top. Tozawa leaps over Dar and Kendrick grabs Tozawa but Tozawa moves and Dar hits Kendrick. Tozawa with a Shining Wizard for the three count.

Winners: Akira Tozawa and Rich Swann

After the match, Tozawa tells Kendrick that choosing your partner is important. Lesson number four is always choose wisely.

Neville is in the interview area and he is asked about his match tonight against Jack Gallagher.

Neville says he has proven time and time again that Jack Gallagher does not belong in the same ring as the King and tonight will be no different. Neville says he hopes Austin Aries is watching because he will receive the same treatment on Sunday. With the excpetion of TJ Perkins, there is nobody on the Neville Level. He has crushed every opponent who has gotten in his way. He wonders when everyone will realize the inevitable. Everyone will bend a knee to the King of the Cruiserweights.

We go to commercial.

We are back and before the match, Drew Gulak says he is here to start a No Fly Zone on 205 Live. He thanks everyone for making 205 Live better.

Mustafa Ali vs Tony Nese

They lock up and Nese with a hammer lock and snap mare. Nese poses for Ali. They lock up again and Nese with a clean break. Ali with a side head lock but Nese with a shoulder tackle. Nese with another pose. Nese with a kick and side head lock. Ali with a back flip to avoid Nese and he poses for Nese. Ali with a head scissors. Nese with an Irish whip and Ali floats over. Ali blocks a kick and hits a spinning heel kick and gets a near fall.

Nese goes to the floor. Ali goes to the floor and he chases Nese. Ali flips over Nese but Nese with a back elbow. Nese with a clothesline for a near fall. Nese with a punch in the corner followed by a kick. Ali with forearms but Nese sends Ali into the corner. Ali goes for a tornado DDT but Nese blocks it and hits a delayed gutbuster onto the top rope and even poses Nese with a neck vice. Nese sends Ali into the turnbuckles and hits a hip toss followed by a pose. Nese with punches and an Irish whip. Ali blocks a hip toss and turns it into a bulldog.

Ali with forearms and a kick followed by a drop kick. Ali misses a kick but Ali flips over Nese and hits a cross body for a near fall. Nese sends Ali into the turnbuckles and Ali goes to the apron. Ali with an enzuigiri and then he hits the rolling neck breaker. Nese goes to the floor. Ali flips over the turnbuckle in the corner for a senton. Ali with a tornado DDT and Ali goes up top but Gulak pulls Nese to the floor.

The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Tony Nese (by disqualification)

After the match, Gulak waves to the crowd but when he turns around Ali hits a senton onto Gulak. Ali sends Gulak into the ring but Gulak rolls to the floor.

Jack Gallagher does curls with his umbrella while Austin Aries and his banana give him some advice for his match.

We go to commercial.

Neville vs Jack Gallagher in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Gallagher with a side head lock and he holds on when Neville tries to send him off the ropes. Gallagher with a side head lock take down. Gallagher with a side head lock using the ropes. Gallagher with a head stand in the corner and he kicks Neville and hits a drop kick. Neville takes the umbrella and he throws it up the ramp. Gallagher with a suicide dive and he sends Neville back into the ring. Neville goes into the ropes and then he kicks Gallagher in the knee and then to the head.

Neville with another kick to the head followed by a knee drop to the head. Neville with a slam and then he goes up top and hits a missile drop kick and gets a near fall. Neville chokes Gallagher in the ropes and then he sends Gallagher into the turnbuckles. Neville kicks Gallagher and chokes him in the corner. Neville kicks Gallagher in the head and applies a side head lock. Gallagher gets back to his feet but Neville with a suplex. Neville with a forearm to the head and he gets a near fall.

Gallagher with a head butt to the midsection and Neville sends Gallagher into the turnbuckles. Neville stands on Gallagher’s head. Neville with an elbow to the top of the head. Neville with a drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Neville with a side head lock. Gallagher with forearms and a rollup for a near fall. Gallagher with a European uppercut and a drop kick. Gallagher with an exploder followed by European uppercuts. Neville goes for a slam but Gallagher lands on his feet and Gallagher with a drop kick for a near fall.

Neville sends Gallagher face first to the mat. Neville yells at Gallagher while kicking him. Gallagher with a drop kick but Neville kips up. Gallagher with a head butt and he gets a near fall. Gallagher sets for a tiger bomb but Neville with a jackknife cover. Gallagher bridges and hits a butterfly suplex. Neville goes to the turnbuckles and Gallagher stops him. Gallagher climbs too and sets for a belly-to-back superplex. Neville with a palm strike to the head followed by an elbow and Gallagher is down. Neville with a running boot to the back of the head and Neville continues with the kicks. Neville applies the Rings of Saturn and Gallagher taps out.

Winner: Neville

After the match, Neville heads to the back but he turns around and runs down the ramp and kicks Gallagher in the head. Neville applies the Rings of Saturn but Austin Aries comes out and hits the discus five arm and then applies the Last Chancery.

We go to credits.