View Full Version : Carmella Talks About Not Getting Called Up With Enzo & Cass, Four Horsewomen

05-02-2017, 04:09 PM
Carmella was a recent guest on Lilian Garcia’s Making Their Way to the Ring podcast and commented on why she wasn’t called up to the main roster with Enzo and Big Cass.

“When Hunter told me he said the reason why you’re not going with them is because you have the ability to make it on your own, you’re not just a hype girl for Cass and Enzo you’re not, I see more in you, you have more potential and you’re gonna be fine on your own.”

Carmella is making a name for herself on SmackDown Live while her real-life boyfriend Big Cass is making noise on RAW. Carmella says it’s tough for them being on different brands and spending extended periods of time apart.

Now that she’s on the main roster, Carmella is able to look back at her time in NXT and reflect on what she felt was her biggest obstacle there.

“So I think the biggest struggle for me is I wasn’t Charlotte, Sasha, Bailey or Becky,” she said. “They had obviously wrestled before, well Charlotte hadn’t but she obviously comes from such greatness being a Flair and because of that I didn’t have any like history of wrestling or any experience. So I think that was the biggest struggle to try to like how do I fit in here knowing I’m not one of them but knowing that I do think I have something to offer that’s different.”

Carmella says she just knew she knew she wasn’t going to be ‘the best technical wrestler’ like the Four Horsewomen, “but I know I have something else to offer as far as the personality and I know I can be over the top.”

Other topics discussed include working with Dusty Rhodes in NXT, when she found out she’d be joining the main roster, a stalker who hacked into her phone and more. You can listen to the full show here:
