View Full Version : WWE NXT Results – 5/24/2017

05-25-2017, 07:06 PM

Last Saturday night, we saw Takeover, where all three NXT champions retained their titles in addition to seeing Roderick Strong defeating Eric Young and the crowning of a new WWE United Kingdom Champion in Pete Dunne.

We are in Rosemont, Illinois and your announcers are Tom Phillips, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness.

Aleister Black vs Curt Hawkins

Hawkins with a kick and punch but Black springboard over Hawkins and sits on the mat. Black blocks a kick and gets a near fall with a rollup. Black with a knee to the midsection. Hawkins sends Black to the apron and then Hawkins tries to suplex Black into the ring but Black goes to the apron and he ties Hawkins in the ropes and kicks him. Black goes up top and misses a double stomp when Hawkins moves. Black with a knee to the jaw. Black picks up Hawkins with his boot and Hawkins gets to the floor. Black slides to the floor and Hawkins gets back into the ring. Hawkins goes back into the ring and Black returns to the floor. Hawkins sends Black into the apron and then they return to the ring.

Hawkins kicks Black and snap mares him. Hawkins with a knee to the back and a reverse chin lock. Black with a snap mare and kicks to the chest. Black with a forearm in the corner and a springboard moonsault. Black with Black Mass for the three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Tag Title Match and the aftermath when Tommaso Ciampa attacked Johnny Gargano.

We are told that they will not release medical information about Johnny Gargano as we see him being taken out of the arena by ambulance.

We see Ember Moon prior to Takeover. She says Chicago was a breaking point for her because this is where she started her run. She says she thought she could take being injured but seeing the arena set up, it sucks. We might see a new NXT Champion and there is nothing she can do about it. Ember says she wants Asuka to retain so she can be the one to give Asuka her first loss and take what is so near and dear to Asuka’s heart. Time heals all wounds, but battle scars last forever.

We take a look at the Women’s Title Match from Takeover.

Askua was asked about her victory after Takeover and she is asked about what is next. Asuka says nobody can stand toe to toe with her. She says ‘It’s Mine’.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Roderick Strong vs Eric Young from Takeover.

Roderick was interviewed after his match. Roderick says that overcoming the odds is something he has done his whole life. You can do whatever you want, but once you bring his family into it, there is nothing will stop him. This is just one step to the NXT Championship.

The Velveteen Dream vs Robert Anthony

Dream with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a drop kick. Anthony with a forearm. Dream with punches in the corner followed by a Thesz Press. Dream with punches and a first drop. Dream chokes Anthony in the ropes. Dream sends Anthony into the turnbuckles but Anthony blocks it. Dream punches and slaps Anthony. Anthony with an Irish whip but Dream with a punch from the turnbuckles. Dream with a neck breaker after avoiding a clothesline. Dream goes up top and he poses before hitting an elbow drop for the three count.

Winner: The Velveteen Dream

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the UK Title Match

Pete Dunne was interviewed after his victory. He says since January he has had to watch Tyler Bate live his dream knowing that this title was rightfully his. He said he would win the title and now everything is his.

We take a look at the NXT Title Match from Takeover.

Bobby was interviewed after the match. He asks if the interviewer is surprised that he won. Hideo has been under contract for a long time and Bobby says he was surprised he was still here. Bobby says Hideo Itami is not in his league and he proved it. Bobby says he will face whoever he wants next. He will enjoy some time off and when he comes back, he will choose who he faces next. Bobby says this is his NXT and it will continue to be glorious.

We go to commercial.

We are back and there will be a Glorious Celebration next week on NXT.

Drew McIntyre vs Wesley Blake

They lock up and Blake goes for the arm but Drew pushes him away. Blake with a side head lock and Drew with a wrist lock and shoulder tackle. Drew gets to his knee and he tells Blake to come at him. Drew with a side head lock. Blake with punches and chops. Drew with a boot to stop Blake’s taunts. Drew with another chop. Blake with a kick and elbows followed by a another kick and European uppercuts. Drew with a splash into the corner followed by an overhead belly-to-belly throw. Blake goes to the apron and then he drops Drew on the top rope. Blake with a clothesline as Drew holds his injured arm.

Blake gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Blake with a wrist lock and knees to the midsection. Blake continues with the wrist lock and Drew puts Blake on the turnbuckles. Blake with a cross arm breaker but Drew blocks it and when Blake applies it, Drew gets to the ropes. Drew pushes Blake away but Blake with a forearm to the back. Drew with punches while Blake continues to try to work on the arm. Blake with chops and a kick. Blake with an Irish whip but Drew with a boot out of the corner. Drew with punches and the referee warns Drew. Drew with a running forearm into the corner and he goes to the apron and up top for a forearm to Blake.

Blake gets off Drew’s shoulders and Drew hits a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Drew runs into boots from Blake and Drew is sent into the ring post after his arm is put into a hammer lock and Blake gets a near fall. Blake with a crossface but Drew gets to his feet and he gets Blake to his shoulders. Blake escapes. Drew with a reverse Alabama Slam for a near fall. Blake with an arm breaker for a near fall. Blake with a knee drop and then he goes up top. Drew gets up and he punches Blake. Drew sets for a superplex but Blake crotches Drew and Blake punches Drew into the tree of woe but Drew hits his head on the mat. Drew grabs Blake by the head and throws him to the mat. Drew misses a boot and Drew with a head butt and he sets for the Claymore and connects for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

We go to credits.