View Full Version : WWE NXT Results – 5/31/2017

06-01-2017, 06:47 PM

We are in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, and Tom Phillips.

Tommaso Ciampa makes his way to the ring and he does so with the assistance of crutches.

Ciampa says that he would like to take a moment to call Johnny Gargano out ot the ring because he feels like he should give him an explanation.

We look up the ramp and no one comes to the ring.

Ciampa says that Johnny is not here tonight. He asks if you like that. He asks if the people want to replace Johnny Gargano. Tommaso wants to say something about being replaced. Over the last two weeks of his life, he has learned more life lessons in the thirty-two years prior. On the Thursday before Takeover, he suffered an injury and questions circulated about whether he would be ready for Takeover. He did not have those questions because he knew that he would fight. That was what DIY was all about. In 24 hours, those questions started to turn to hypotheticals.

Ciampa says you started to replace him with dream partners for Johnny. It took less than one day to replace him and for him to become an afterthought. Ciampa says that he is not an afterthought. Ciampa says he put it aside. He looked at his best friend and he said that they were going to fight at Takeover. He let it all pass by and then at Takeover, in the ladder match with AOP, they fought because that is what they do.

Ciampa says he took a fall in the ladder match. He says he felt something in his knee pop. He says he has done this for twelve years and he knew that he would be gone for a long time, but he had to keep fighting. He put it all aside for the people and his best friend. It wasn’t enough but they fought. At the end of the night, when he looked at Johnny in the ring and he saw his best friend and his brother. He looked out at the people and Johnny. He says that you were going to replace him and Johnny was going to do the same damn thing. Johnny would not have hesitated if Tommaso had to go away.

In that moment, Tommaso says he made his decision and he knew what had to be done. He says it was not his fault. It was your fault and it was Johnny’s fault. They had something special with DIY and you ruined it. If he was going to go away for a long time, Johnny Wrestling was going to go away for a long long time. You think that this was something he wanted. It was them going from the ground up to live their dream. They would talk for two years about their moment. Takeover Chicago was supposed to be their moment. It wasn’t their moment. It certainly wasn’t their moment. Takeover Chicago was his moment.

Tommaso says he is a 32 year old man and there is something that he knows. This ring is not replaceable. Tommaso Ciampa is not and never will be replaceable. Johnny Gargano is not replaceable. He says the people are replaceable. He will not give a sob story about going to fix himself and be bigger and better than before. He promises that when he retuns, he will be the most dangerous son of a bitch. He is professional wrestling whether you like it or not.

We have a video package for Danny Burch. He says he was a bar room fighter. When it gets tough, punch it out. He says that this is what he was put on this planet to do. He fells comfortable in the ring. He is here to win.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tom Phillips announces that Tommaso Ciampa will need major knee surgery while they do not have an update on Johnny Gargano’s condition.

We get comments from Bobby Roode. He says that he needed a Glorious Championship Celebration tonight but you are not invited because it is exclusive It is his NXT and he will rturn next week.

Pete Dunne vs Danny Burch in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Dunne takes Burch to the mat and goes for the hand and he slams the hand into the match as he keeps his focus on the fingers. Burch with a wrist lock and drop toe hold into a reverse chin lock. Burch with a side head lock. Dunne with a waist lock and take down but Burch with a wrist lock and he gives Dunne a taste of his own medicine by pulling at the fingers. Dunne slaps Burch’s hand away when he wants a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Dunne with a slap and Burch slaps back. Burch grabs the leg when Dunne goes for a leap frog. Dunne gets to the ropes.

Dunne with a forearm when Burch was talking to the referee and Dunne gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dunne with a chin lock followed by a boot to the back of the neck. Dunne with a knee ont the arm and he rubs his knuckles across the back of Burch’s neck and he stomps on Burch. Dunne with a forearm to send Burch into the corner. Burch with a boot and a missile drop kick. Burch with European uppercuts but Dunne with a forearm. Dunne misses a splash into the corner and Burch with a kick and exploder followed by a forearm for a near fall.

Burch with a knee and a head butt for a near fall. Dunne with a Saito Suplex and a running boot to the head in the corner. Dunne with a suplex throw for a near fall. Dunne goes for the Bitter End but Burch counters. Dunne with a rollup for a near fall. Dunne with a boot but Burch with a clothesline and both men are down. Dunne goes to the apron and he connects with a forearm but he goes for a slingshot move and Burch with a forearm and an elevated DDT for a near fall.

Dunne with a German suplex into the turnbuckles followed by Bitter End for the three count.

Winner: Pete Dunne

After the match Pete Dunne says that since January he has watched a boy carry around a championship that belonged to him. At Takeover, it was his pleasure to take it from Tyler Bate. History will remember that the WWE UK brand started when this was owned by the Bruiserweight Pete Dunne.

The Velveteen Dream is in the interview area and he says the ambiance is not right. He says it might be okay for someone like you, but for him, everything needs to be perfect. He says to fix a few things and then maybe. He leaves the interview area.

We go to commercial.

We see a spotlight and in every saga, there is a prologue. Paul Ellering says the Book of Pain foretold the fall of past champions. The prophecy fulfilled. A legacy littered with carnage. For Akam, survival is the only law. His Rezar, a child of war. They forge a new destiny. The Book of Pain has been shut. The Book of Dominance has opened.

Andrade Almas vs Cezar Bonani

Almas with a drop kick as the bell rings and he kicks Cezar in the corner. Almas with more kicks and then he hits a running double knee strike in the corner. Almas with a knee to the midsection followed by a chop in the corner. Almas with a kick and then he connects with a knee in the corner. Bonani with punches but Almas puts him into the corner. Bonani with punches and knees to Almas. Bonani gets Almas up but Almas lands on his feet and hits a neck breaker and elbow to the chest. Almas with kicks to Bonani. Almas with a snap mare and a running kick to the head.

Bononi with punches but Almas with a knee and Irish whip followed by a clothesline into the corner. Almas charges into the corner and he stops short and slaps Bononi in the face. Bononi gets back to his feet and Almas sets for a suplex but Bononi blocks it and gets the three count with an inside cradle.

Winner: Cezar Bononi

After the match, Almas goes to the floor and takes a chair into the ring and throws it around while Bononi celebrates on the stage.

Almas calms down as he goes up the ramp and heads to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Peyton Royce and Billie Kay in the Performance Center. They talk about what they are going to do to make the Performance Center Iconic.

Ember Moon enters and Peyton says something to Ember before Ember tells them that she will see them soon.

We are told that in two weeks we will see a Women’s Title Match when Asuka faces Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross in an Elimination Match.

We take a look at Hideo Itami after his loss at Takeover. He refuses to answer any questions as he keeps walking and screaming. He is congratulated on a good match but Itami throws things around in the locker room and Kassius Ohno tries to calm him down. Itami pushes Ohno away and he says some nasty words to Ohno before he storms out.

We see Itami and Ohno talking outside at Full Sail and they shake hands.

Next week Hideo Itami faces Oney Lorcan.

Eric Young and Alexander Wolfe (with Killian Dain) vs Roderick Strong and Kassius Ohno

Young and Strong start and Strong with kicks and chops. Young with punches but Strong punches back. Strong with a chop but Young sends Strong into the turnbuckle. Strong floats over and hits a hurdle leap frog and follows with a back breaker. Wolfe tags in and he runs into a drop kick. Strong sends Wolfe into the turnbuckles and Ohno tags in. Strong with a running forearm and Ohno with a forearm into the corner followed by a boot to Wolfe.

Wolfe with a punch and Young tags in and he punches Ohno. Young sends Ohno into the turnbuckles and punches him. Ohno avoids going into the turnbuckles and Ohno with a kick and forearm. Ohno goes to the apron and he connects with a boot to Young and then he knocks Wolfe down on the apron. Dain trips Ohno on the apron and Wolfe runs Ohno into the apron. Young tags in and Wolfe with a gutbuster and Young with an elbow while Ohno is over Wolfe’s knee. Young gets a near fall.

Young sends Ohno into the turnbuckles and connects with forearms and punches. Ohno with an elbow and Young keeps Ohno from making the tag. Young sends Ohno to the floor and Strong is restrained by the referee and Dain kicks Ohno.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Young with a reverse chin lock on Ohno. Ohno with punches but Young with a back elbow to keep Ohno from getting to his corner. Young gets a near fall. Wolfe tags in and kicks Ohno. Wolfe with a punch to Ohno and Young tags back in. Young punches Ohno in the ribs and hits Ohno with a forearm to the back of the neck. Wolfe tags in and hits a forearm in the corner and follows with a suplex for a near fall.

Wolfe with a chin bar, but Ohno gets back to his feet. Ohno backs Wolfe into the corner and Wolfe returns to the chin bar. Ohno with an elbow to Wolfe and to Ohno. Ohno kicks Wolfe away but Wolfe with a bicycle kick for a near fall. Young tags in and he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a double sledge to the back. Young with a neck breaker for a near fall. Young blocks a kick but Ohno connects with an enzuigiri. Wolfe tags in and Ohno avoids a back senton and Strong tags in. Strong with kicks and a flying clothesline followed by an Olympic Slam. Strong is sent to the apron but he kicks Wolfe.

Strong stops Young on the apron with a kick and a back drop driver onto the apron. Strong with a knee in the corner followed by a gourdbuster slam. Wolfe gets his foot on the ropes. Young makes the blind tag and hits a neck breaker on Strong and gets a near fall. Young holds strong but Ohno blocks a boot and Ohno with a kick. Young kicks Ohno to the floor. Dain gets on the apron but No Way Jose comes out and pulls Dain off the apron and sends him into the ring post.

Ohno with a rolling elbow to Wolfe and Strong hits End of Heartache for the three count.

Winners: Kassius Ohno and Roderick Strong

We go to credits.