View Full Version : WWE NXT Results – 6/7/2017

06-08-2017, 03:16 PM

We are at Full Sail University and your announcers are Tom Phillips, Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson.

Victor Andrews says that this is the biggest opportunity in his life and he does not have time to be nervous. Lars Sullivan asks if he is ready.

Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight vs Victor Andrews and Lars Sullivan

Sullivan and Knight start things off and they lock up before going to a stalemate. They lock up again and Lars with a clean break. Knight with a side head lock. Knight holds on when Sullivan tries to send him off the ropes. Knight with a shoulder tackle but Sullivan stays on his feet. Sullivan goes for a shoulder tackle and Knight does not move. Sullivan with a clothesline followed by an Irish whip. Sullivan runs into an elbow and a boot. Knight with a drop kick. Sullivan picks up Knight and hits a power slam.

Andrews tags in and Knight with a take down and bear hug. Knight jumps around while in the bear hug and then he tags in Otis. Knight passes Andrews to Otis and he applies a bear hug. Andrews with punches and he gets back to his feet and escapes the hold. Otis with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and Knight tags in and they sandwich Andrews and then they chest bump. Knight with a hip toss and splash into the corner. Otis tags in and Knight and they hit the compactor for the three count.

Winners: Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight

After the match, Sullivan checks on his partner and Sullivan with cross faces and a punch. Sullivan with a walking choke slam. Sullivan picks up Andrews and applies a back breaker on his shoulder and drops Andrews to the mat.

We see the return of No Way Jose last week during Eric Young’s match against Roderick Strong.

Sanity was interviewed after the match and they were asked about No Way Jose’s return and the match between Dain and No Way Jose. Dain says no one is safe.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Roderick Strong makes his way to the ring for something to say.

Roderick says he wants to be honest with you because the last seven or eight months have been a roller coaster for him. He is in NXT, he has a beautiful fiance and baby boy at home. He opened up to all of you about something he has been ashamed of because he did not want to be judged. He has been accepted with open arms and he thanks everyone. When he first came here, he came for one reason, the NXT Championship. Roderick says his life has never been better but there is one thing he wants and one thing he needs, the NXT Championship.

Strong says it is no longer Roddy versus the World, it is Roddy, Marina, and Tory versus the World. That motivates Roderick to be better and to be the WWE Champion.

Bobby Roode’s music plays and he comes to the stage. Roode wipes away fake tears from his eyes. Roode says that was such an emotional story and he was pulling on the heart strings. You are standing in an NXT ring in front of the NXT Universe. You must be proud. You are winning matches, finally. You have a marginally hot fiance. Your son is relatively normal so you should be proud.

Roode says he gets it that Strong wants to be on the marquee with the champ. Diapers are expensive. You want to play the Bobby Roode lottery. You spend your hard earned money and hope to hit the numbers to get out of the trailer park and move to the mansion on the hill. That is not how it works in his NXT. You don’t wave a wand and get a title match. Roode says you are a good hand so he tells Strong to stay in his lane. Maybe one day, they can take a selfie together and you can show it to your little guy and say ‘here is the champ, and your dad.’ Roode tells Strong not to play the Bobby Roode lottery because you are not man enough to win. Roode wishes Strong the best of luck.

Nikki Storm is in the back and she tells Ruby and Asuka that they should play a game.

We go to commercial.

We have a video package for the Authors of Pain showing the possible contenders for the tag titles.

Sarah Logan vs Peyton Royce (with Billie Kay)

They lock up and Peyton sends her face first into the mat. They lock up again and Royce backs Logan into the corner and Royce with a kick. Logan avoids a splash and gives Royce a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Royce pushes Logan and hits a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Royce with a forearm to the back and Royce applies an STF. Logan with a rollup for a near fall. Royce with a kick and suplex. Royce holds on and hits a second one. Royce gets Logan on her shoulders for a Death Valley Driver but she can only get a near fall due to a poor cover.

Royce with punches to Logan. Logan with a head butt and a drop kick. Logan with chops and punches to Royce. Logan with a running knee to the head for a near fall. Royce with a back elbow and a back heel kick. Royce with a boot to the head followed by a fisherman’s suplex for the three count.

Winner: Peyton Royce

We take a look back at Andrade Almas’ loss to Cezar Bonani from last week.

We see Almas leaving Full Sail and he is confronted by a woman who asks him if this is what he is all about and she slaps Almas before leaving.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Itami being asked about whether he is going to go back to Japan since he lost at Takeover. Itami says he is not done yet.

Match Number Three: Hideo Itami versus Oney Lorcan

They lock up and Lorcan with a clean break. Itami goes for the leg and a waist lock but Lorcan with a standing switch. Itami with a drop toe hold and Itami with a front face lock. Itami slaps Lorcan and connects with a clothesline that echoes through the building. Itami gets a near fall. Lorcan punches Itami but Itami with a knee to the midsection. Itami wtih another running knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Itami with a kick to the back. Itami with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow and a boot. Lorcan with a running blockbuster for a near fall.

Lorcan goes for a suicide dive but Itami with a kick as Lorcan gets to the ropes. Itami with a kick to Lorcan as he hangs over the middle rope. Itami with a clothesline off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Lorcan with a rollup for a near fall. Lorcan wtih chops to Itami but Itami wants more. After five chops Itami gets Lorcan on his shoulders. Lorcan gets to his feet and he slaps Itami and hits two running European uppercuts that send Itami to the floor.

Lorcan goes up top and hits a senton onto Itami. Lorcan sends Itami back into the ring and Itami holds his knee and the referee pulls Lorcan away. Itami with a kick to the knee followed by strikes to Lorcan and kicks. Itami gets Lorcan on his shoudlers for the Go To Sleep and Itami looks around and he picks Lorcan up. Itami gets Lorcan on his shoulders for a second Go To Sleep. Itami picks up a motionless Lorcan for a third Go To Sleep and he hits it and Itami refuses to cover Lorcan.

Itami picks up Lorcan again but Kassius Ohno comes to the ring to talk some sense into Itami. Itami pushes Ohno and Ohno pushes Itami. Itami leaves the ring and the referee finally calls for the bell.

No Contest

We go to commercial.

We have a Drew McIntyre video package.

Ember Moon is in the interview area and she is asked about the Women’s Title Match next week.

Ember says she remembers her first chance at the NXT Title, but she lost. She got another chance in Chicago, but she was out with an injury. Ember says she needed to figure out who she is. She will deal with Billie Kay and Peyton Royce. Ember says her next opportunity at the NXT Women’s Title will be THE Opportunity.

No Way Jose vs Killian Dain (with Eric Young and Alexander Wolfe)

Jose blocks a punch from Dain and Jose with punches of his own. Dain with a forearm to Jose but Jose with a head butt and Dain shakes it off. Jose with a reverse chin lock. Dain backs Jose into the turnbuckles. Jose returns to the side head lock and Dain sends Jose into the turnbuckles to escape. Jose floats over and hits a clothesline. Dain sends Jose to the apron and Jose with a forearm and he connects with a forearm off the turnbuckles. Jose kicks Dain to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jose with forearms. Dain with a running cross body. Dain kicks Jose in the corner. Dain with a forearm to the back. Dain follows with elbow drops to Jose. Dain with a running elbow drop. Dain works on the neck. Jose with punches but Dain with a forearm. Dain with a forearm to the back. Dain returns to the neck. Jose gets to his feet and he connects with punches and elbows. Dain gets Jose on his shoulders and hits Wasteland and follows with a back senton. Dain gets a near fall. Dain with cross faces to Jose. Dain gets Jose on his shoulders but Jose gets to his feet and he connects with forearms.

Jose with a knee and European uppercuts. Jose tries to get Dain up but he cannot get Dain up. Dain with an Irish whip but he misses a splash. Jose with a running punch to the temple and Jose with a TKO but Dain kicks out. Jose winds up for the punch but Dain with a head butt and then he hits a running drop kick that sends Jose into the turnbuckles. Dain gets Jose on his shoulders for the Ulster Plantation and the three count.

Winner: Killian Dain

We go to credits.