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Dangerous Incorporated
10-07-2006, 09:35 AM
Q & A with Lilian Garcia

http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/6430/lgbd9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Lilian Garcia hangs out with a tough crowd, especially on Monday nights. As ring announcer for World Wrestling Entertainment “Raw,” Garcia, an Irmo High School and USC graduate, has traveled the country and world introducing the likes of the Undertaker, Edge and Batista.

The spotlight also shines on Garcia and her vocal gymnastics when she sings the national anthem at each show, including Wrestlemania. WWE mastermind Vince McMahon likes her voice so much that WWE is backing her first album, expected to be released early next year.

How long have you been part of WWE and how did you get your start with it?

Seven years. After college, I moved to New York and got an agent. I got the show through an audition. The last place I expected to be was in wresting, but it has been the best place.

Did you ever attend wrestling at The Township?

Actually, yeah. When I was a kid, I used to watch wrestling with my dad all the time. I remember Andre the Giant wrestling, and Ric Flair was there. I think it was at the Coliseum, though.

Whom do you most like to watch wrestle?

Every wrestler has their own style. Some are high-flying acrobats; some are very technical. They are all so athletic. It just depends on what is going on in the story line. It upsets me when people say how wrestling is fake. You should see wrestlers with their aches and bumps. They are constantly living in pain. I’ve seen things go wrong, too. I’ve seen wrestlers get paralyzed. I’ve seen stunts where a wrestler has been killed.

If people say that, I tell them they shouldn’t go to movies either, ’cause that is all fake. Just enjoy it for what it is: It is entertainment.

Are there any rivalries among the WWE divas?

Oh my God, no. We have so much fun and goof around a lot. We are always encouraging each other and helping each other. Trish Stratus just retired two weeks ago from the show. She and I rode together for years. A bunch of us just went to her wedding in Toronto and all hung out. I actually sang at Trish’s wedding. It was very special.

What’s your favorite thing to do after a taping?

All our shows are live. Sometimes we get to go out and hit the town, but most times we don’t. We travel so much. Usually we go right back to the hotel room. Last time we were in Columbia we went out to the Vista and it was a lot of fun. That is where I hope to be again.

If you had to pick a wrestler to be stranded on a deserted island with, whom would it be?

I miss Stone Cold Steve Austin. He is a lot of fun, extremely entertaining. I don’t think there would be a dull moment on the island. He loves to chug beer. After we would go off the air, he would bring me into the ring to chug beer with him.

If you could have a wrestling move named after you, what would it be and why?

Wow, I don’t know. Probably the Vocal Bomb. Whether it is announcing or singing, I’m always using my voice. Of course I’d have to let out a big yell before using it.
