View Full Version : WWE NXT Spoilers for 6/28/2017, 7/5/2017, 7/12/2017, 7/19/2017

06-24-2017, 04:37 AM
WWE NXT TV spoilers from tonight’s tapings at Full Sail University:

* Mike Rome introduces the NXT announce team — Percy Watson & Nigel McGuiness. Triple H’s music hits to a huge pop. Triple H says he got on a flight to be here with us because there’s no place he’d rather be than home. We are NXT, and now there’s someone else that’s going to say We Are NXT and call it home. He introduces the one-and-only, “Bipolar Rock-n-Roller” Mauro Ranallo. Mauro out to a huge pop

* Bianca BelAir (Blair) defeated Aliyah to qualify for The Mae Young Classic. This was said to be an okay match. Bianca picks up the win with a modified White Noise across her knee. This was filmed but did not appear to be for the June 28th episode

June 28th Episode:

* The Velveteen Dream defeated Ho Ho Lun. Dream has gotten over with the Full Sail crowd big. This was a quick squash that Dream wins with the diving elbow. He seductively poses over Ho Ho post match, much to Ho Ho’s dismay

* Hideo Itami vs. Oney Lorcan ends in a no contest. Oney nails Hideo with a running uppercut at the bell and busts Hideo open, possibly breaking his nose. The referee and trainers back Oney off to check on Hideo and the ref throws the match out. Hideo leaves and throws his bloody towel down on the ramp angrily. There was a bunch of blood in the corner, and the refs are changing the ring mat

* Vanessa Borne defeated Jayme Hachey in a Mae Young Classic qualifying match. Vanessa is the former Danielle Kamella, while Hachey is Jayme Jameson. Quick match, Borne gets the win with a tilt-o-whirl slam

* A video package airs of Tommaso Ciampa turning on Johnny Gargano. Johnny comes out to the DIY tron and music to a big pop. Johnny says he’s missed this and the reaction is irreplaceable. He says we all saw what happened in Chicago, and we never saw it coming just like him. He never thought the guy he’d take a bullet for would pull the trigger on him. He’s asked why and he’ll never understand, but he’s not here to dwell on the past, he’s here to look to the future. He’s standing right here and needs to get back to what he loves to do, being here competing. He needs to be at Takeover: Brooklyn. He needs to be Johnny Gargano, more importantly, he needs to be Johnny Wrestling again

* Hideo Itami is back out with no entrance. Oney Lorcan comes out with his entrance, and Hideo attacks at the bell and just goes after him. Oney fires up with a comeback, and nails a series of running uppercuts and his neckbreaker for a 2 count. Hideo and Oney go back and forth. Oney slips out of a GTS and appears to blow his knee out. He pleads with the ref not to stop the match and Hideo picks him up for a GTS and scores the pin

* Hideo cuts a promo post match, and asks Kassius Ohno to please come out. Kassius comes out. As he and Hideo square off, Nikki Cross appears and distracts them as Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe attack. Wolfe can’t lift up Ohno for a powerbomb and has to have Dain help him. Wolfe gets on the mic and says we have to end all the fake and forces friendships, and the only way to do it is with– Dain interrupts and says “chaos.” Wolfe speaks of Eric Young’s master plan, but first, it’s time for Nikki to reign. Oney is not actually hurt as he walked out under his own power

* No Way Jose defeated Cezar Bononi. Quick match, Jose wins with the pop-up punch. After the match, Andrade “Cien” Almas in a suit attacks Cezar at the direction of Thea Trinidad. He invites Jose back down to the ring, but bails out when he runs down. Andrade and Thea leave thru the crowd

July 5th Episode:

* Ember Moon defeated Ruby Riot. Really good match. Crowd is split. Series of near falls to start ending with the standoff and a handshake. Cool spot where Ember had Ruby in a modified torture rack over her legs, but Ruby flipped off her legs into a pin attempt. Ruby with a seated senton off the top rope for a near fall. Ruby hits a forearm on Ember as she’s up top for the Eclipse, then hits a top rope frankensteiner for another near fall. Ember nails a dropkick, then her cartwheel flip into a forearm, and the Eclipse to pick up the win. As Ember goes up the ramp, she mouths “I’m ready for Asuka” to the camera

* SAnitY (Wolfe/Dain) defeated Hideo Itami & Kassius Ohno. Kassius and Hideo kill Wolfe with kicks early. Hideo gets a long beat down from SAnitY with Kassius shouting encouragement. Wolfe distracts Ohno, leading to him not being there when Hideo goes for the tag. Hideo gets on a roll, but refuses to tag Kassius in. Dain breaks up a pin with a senton, and Ohno nails Dain, then yells at Hideo. Wolfe knocks Ohno off the apron. Hideo has Wolfe backed up and doesn’t see Dain get the tag, and gets nailed with a running cross body for the pin. Post-match, Ohno is discouraged and he has words with Hideo as both leave the ring (may have been for the July 12th episode)

* Oney Lorcan defeated Danny Burch. Brutal match. Oney hits his neckbreaker and an uppercut for a near fall and busts open Burch. The two go nose-to-nose and then exchange brutal uppercuts and slaps and Burch hits a powerbomb for a near fall. Oney hits his neckbreaker for the win. Crowd goes nuts. They shake hands after the match and Danny asks for one more match. Oney agrees

* Bobby Roode defeated Roderick Strong to retain the NXT Title. Strong’s wife MMA fighter Marina Shafir was at ringside (two seats down from me). Roode does his Glorious pose early but Roddy nails him with a kick. Flurry of offense from Roddy early. Roode turns the tide and takes over. Roddy nails his through the ropes dropkick and attacks Roode outside. Roddy stands on the steel steps, but Roode pushes them and makes Strong’s leg fall in between the post and steps. Roode kicks the steps with Strong’s leg trapped. Roode and Shafir square off. Bobby goes after Strong in the ring. Strong fights back but Roode attacks the leg and continues to work him over. Roddy finally fights back and hits the Angle Slam. Roddy hits a backbreaker for a near fall. Roode again hits the leg to ruin the comeback and works him over more. Roddy gets a roll up for 2, then Roode hits the spinebuster for a near fall. Roddy hits a gutbuster for 2. Roddy hits a backbreaker on the top turbuckle, but Roode rolls out. Roode ducks a jumping knee and Roddy almost hits the ref, and turns around into a Glorious DDT, but Roddy kicks out. Roddy fights back, and hits his finisher for a 3 count. Roddy jumps outside to celebrate with his wife, but Drake realizes Roode’s foot was under the rope and waves off the finish. He goes out to explain to Roddy the match is still going on. Roddy gets on the apron but Roode kicks him off the apron, and hits a Glorious DDT outside the ring. Roode rolls Roddy in, jaw jacks with Shafir, and hits the Glorious DDT for the win. Roddy gets a standing O after the match and hugs Shafir and shares a moment with her and his mom before leaving

July 12th Episode:

* Aleister Black defeated Bobby Fish. Fish was introduced as making his NXT debut and got a nice pop. Good match. Bobby worked Aleister over with a lot of holds. Aleister hits a knee, but Bobby gives him a suplex into the corner. Bobby tries to trash talk but gets killed with kicks. Aleister lays him out, then uses his foot to lift Fish up and nails the Black Mass for the win. After the match, Aleister nods to Bobby in respect and Fish gets a nice reception from the crowd

* The Authors of Pain defeated Heavy Machinery to retain the NXT Tag Team Titles. This was a big man fight. Heavy Machinery is over huge. Tucker gets the hot tag to Otis, who runs wild and overhead suplexes one of the AoP. They set up for their finishing move, when Tucker gets cut off with a big boot, and the Authors hit the Last Chapter on Otis for the win. As they celebrated, SAnitY’s music hits, and they walk out, sans Eric Young. Pages from Paul Ellering’s book fall from the ceiling on to SAnitY as they stare down the Authors

* Killian Dain vs Drew McIntrye for #1 contendership is announced for later tonight

* Jeet Rama defeated Jonny Vandal in a squash match

* Drew McIntyre defeated Killian Dain to become #1 contender for the NXT Title. Killian gets busted open from the nose early on. Good back and forth match. McIntyre hits an awesome powerbomb on Killian for a near fall. Dain hits a running senton and a mid-rope splash for 2. Drew hits the Future Shock DDT but Dain kicks out at 1. McIntyre nails the running boot, but Dain leans up, so Drew nails it again while Dain is on his knees for the pin

* Asuka defeated Nikki Cross in a Last Woman Standing Match to retain the NXT Women’s Title. Nikki catches Asuka in the ring apron and lays into her with forearms. Nikki gets a bunch of chairs out and tries to suplex Asuka on them, but instead sends her into the stairs. Asuka tosses Nikki into the stairs and pulls out a trash can. Asuka puts the trash can over Nikki and hits her with kicks and a dropkick off the top rope. Asuka gets more chairs, but Nikki cuts her off. Asuka tosses Nikki into the pile of chairs off the top rope, but Nikki back drops Asuka into them too. Drake clears the ring of the chairs to boos from the crowd. Nikki hits her swinging fisherman’s neckbreaker several times, but Asuka gets up at 9. Nikki runs at her with the title belt, but Asuka nails her with a kick to the head. Asuka holds the belt and they exchange shots. Asuka nails a spinning backfist and hits 4 German suplexes in a row. Nikki stands up at 6, and Asuka nails a spinning head kick. Nikki up at 8, and they battle on the ropes. Asuka attempts to suplex Nikki out of the ring onto the pile of chairs Nikki pulled out earlier, but Nikki slides out and powerbombs her onto them. Asuka up at 9. Asuka knocks Nikki off the ramp and jumps off with her butt-butt attack from the ramp. They brawl to the announce table area. Nikki grabs a plastic table and a ladder. Nikki lays Asuka across the table and climbs the ladder, but Asuka climbs too. Asuka suplexes Nikki off the ladder and through the announce table. Asuka barely gets up at 9 to pick up the win. This match will air next week, June 28th

(Note: some of the matches were taped out of order tonight and some may have been dark matches. It’s possible they also taped the July 19th episode. We will keep you updated)