View Full Version : Shinsuke Nakamura Suffers his First Pinfall Loss on Main Roster, Chris Jericho Shows Off WCW Check

06-26-2017, 05:37 PM
– As noted, Shinsuke Nakamura was set to challenge Jinder Mahal for the WWE Championship in the main event of the WWE live event on Saturday night in Vancouver, Canada at the Rogers Arena. However, Nakamura had visa issues and was not able to make the show. Seth Rollins replaced him. Nakamura did appear at the WWE event in Everett, WA to wrestling Mahal for the WWE Championship.

The finish of the match saw Nakamura hit Mahal with a Kinshasa from the middle turnbuckle but when he went for his finisher again, the Singh brothers got involved and Mahal hit the Cobra Clutch slam for the pin. Post-match, Nakamura made a comeback and hit Mahal with his finisher to send the fans home happy. This marked Nakamura’s first pinfall loss on the main roster.

– Chris Jericho showed fans a check that was found in his home from WCW that was for 15 cents. He wrote the following:

“So my niece @makaylawheeldon was cleaning up some stuff in my house and found this #WCW cheque from the year 2000 for…15 CENTS! Might I remind you that a stamp cost 33 cents at the time…so it cost double what the check was worth to mail it. No wonder #WordChampionshipWrestling went out of business! #bigmoneyplayer”

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425191_1029853757182092_1345114702623014912_n.jp g