View Full Version : John Morrison Comments on Possibly Signing Full-Time Contract with GFW

08-05-2017, 05:51 PM
John Morrison was recently interviewed by Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated’s “Extra Mustard” section ahead of Mundo’s debut at this weekend’s GFW NYC house shows. During the interview, he was asked about possibly signing with GFW on a full-time basis. Here is what he had to say:

“It’s official, myself and Taya Valkyrie are going to be working the GFW on August 5. I don’t know who we are wrestling yet, but I’m excited to work with a new company. I never thought I would wind up working for TNA, but this all happened really quickly and it feels just right. The show is going to be great and the fans who haven’t seen me in a while are going to be surprised with what I do in the ring. It’s a cool combination of my work as Johnny Nitro from WWE, Johnny Mundo from Lucha Underground and my work from the independent wrestling scene. Anything is possible, we haven’t confirmed that just yet, but it would be great to do the TV tapings. As far as long term or short term goes, we’ll see. I haven’t even set one foot in their ring yet.”