View Full Version : WWE Hall of Famer Celebrates Sobriety, New Theme for The Usos Revealed

08-08-2017, 12:13 PM
– As seen below, WWE Music has released the new “Done With That (Day One Remix) for The Usos, who will get their rematch from SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day at SummerSlam:


– WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle celebrated 4 years of sobriety over the weekend. The RAW General Manager marked the milestone with this post on Instagram:

Yesterday was my 4th year anniversary of remaining sober. I’m very humbled by my progress and support. Had to post this, because there’s very little humor in recovery. So I’m going to enjoy this. Hope you all do too! “Here’s to 4 years bitches!!!!” #stayingsober #doingitformyfamily #itstrue

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