View Full Version : Dolph Ziggler’s New WWE Role Revealed?, No DQ Match Announced, Kurt Angle on Shelton Benjamin

08-23-2017, 03:40 PM
– We’ve noted how WWE has been planning on re-packaging Dolph Ziggler on SmackDown. Ziggler returned to TV on last night’s SmackDown from Brooklyn as a backstage interviewer. As seen below, Ziggler spoke to colleague Dasha Fuentes and did not seem thrilled about his new gig. Ziggler took shots at various WWE gimmicks and said he’s been watching a lot of RAW & SmackDown while he’s been away. The former World Heavyweight Champion said he’s learned what it takes to become a star in WWE while away and he will show us what he’s learned on next week’s SmackDown from Arkansas.


– Next week’s WWE 205 Live episode will feature Jack Gallagher vs. Brian Kendrick in a No DQ match. The Gentleman’s Duel between the two on tonight’s show ended with Kendrick putting Gallagher through a table.

– As noted, Shelton Benjamin returned to WWE on last night’s show and will be teaming with Chad Gable. Their first match together will come next Tuesday night. The storyline is that SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan worked out a deal with RAW General Manager Kurt Angle when Gable’s partner Jason Jordan went to RAW – Angle would help Bryan sign one of his friends to the blue brand, Benjamin. Angle posted the following on his former stablemate signing with SmackDown:

I tried to get Shelton Benjamin on MY show. Oh well. #teamangleforever #damnyoudanielbryan

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