View Full Version : Dana Brooke Comments On Boyfriend’s Death

08-23-2017, 11:59 PM
We reported before about the passing of 26-year-old body builder and the Boyfriend of current Superstar Dana Brooke, Dallas “Big Country” McCarver. Now WWE the superstar has made her first comments after the incident.

The Raw Star made a heart whelming Instagram post a few hours ago. In the post she explained what McCarver meant for her and said that he was the ying to her yang.

She also said that the love and support they are receiving is overwhelming. The full post of Dana can be seen below:

"So here it goes, I'll try & be short-- aug 22 the lord received another angel, who happens 2 be my LIFE- MY Dallas the one WHO ONLY UNDERSTOOD ME! I can speak on the behalf of his family-- the love and support you all are showing for him & us is OVERWHELMING!! Dallas would always tell me "just keep swimming his little pengutimous (hippo mixed with penguin)" he would tell everyone the same -- just keep swimming, keep moving through life and he will be your angel above!! He had a way with making people laugh!! Dallas was an exceptional body builder, but I didn't see him for that .. I saw him for HIM AND HIS HEART!! He is the best individual I have ever met-- my ying to my yang.. finished my sentences and knew what I was thinking before I'd say it!! We had it all figured out - new WWE superstar "Big country" & "country strong" mixed tag team!!! -- you were my life , you are my life, I still smell u and feel ur presence, NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE -- like I have always asked; and u said NO NEVER Mrs. McCarver -- I had your back and I knew you had mine!! Your our angel-- STAYED TUNED FOR A NONPROFIT I have started -- and as well as a memorial service as details will be out soon! #rip #myangel #mydallas #dallasmccarver #dteam #raw #ifbb #bodybuilding #losingalovedone #myheart #wwe #justkeepswimming #soulmate #swolemate #bestfriend #love #pray #faith #staystrong"

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/21041152_2011150152437915_8425892696995921920_n.jp g

Later she made another post in which the WWE Star revealed that she will be starting a foundation named after her boyfriend for underprivileged children and children’s homes as seen below:

PLEASE READ REPOST AND SUPPORT AND WATCH! ��DALLAS MCCARVER FOUNDATION - helping under privileged children - children's homes - and starting a ministry for children ! This is something he loved ANYONE WHO KNOWS DALLAS KNOWS HIS ❤️ for children!

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/21041396_1910271915962839_8483815201475395584_n.jp g

Dallas was found unconscious by one of his friends in his house at Monday Midnight. There were no signs of foul play in the house and he reportedly choked on his food which led to his death.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Dana Brooke and the family of McCarver. You can donate to the foundation started by Dana through its go fund me account here. (https://www.gofundme.com/dallas-mccarver)