View Full Version : Conor McGregor in Awe at Billionaire’s ‘Bond Film’ Yacht

09-15-2017, 03:10 PM
The “superyacht”, which is estimated to be priced at $360 million, clearly impressed UFC champion, Conor McGregor while he was on vacation in Ibiza

Clearly enjoying the fruits of his labor against Floyd Mayweather Jr. last month, UFC superstar Conor McGregor has free time to spend on taking things in:

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/21688972_1285682008227861_4622492138964254720_n.jp g

"The 360 million dollar "sailing yacht A" pulls up out the back garden this morning . "Sailing yacht A" its called. That's how you know the owner doesn't need to give a bollox about anything. Sailing yacht A. Most expensive sailing yacht in the world. 360mill. Owned by a Russian billionaire. Google it. Crazy!"


"Zoom in little super boat comes out the side camouflaged with the yacht like something out of a bond film. Can't believe this just pull up."


“That was a mad scene. I only posted “race to the next yacht” two days ago and then this one pulls up right out my back garden.” “The biggest one of all. This is an eye opening level of opulence to witness first hand. To me, it is truly motivating. I’m starting to think I don’t have a wealth belly just yet. I’m more just rich fat now. I must keep eating. “

McGregor is set to feature in a pay-per-view interview with former UFC star Dan Hardy in London, where he is expected to update fans on his future plans for his career.

Until then, “The Notorious” seems happy enough to take in the sun.