View Full Version : Spoilers: NXT Tapings Results Through October 18th

09-16-2017, 11:20 AM

On Thursday night, WWE taped the next 4 weeks of NXT television from Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL. These shows run through October 18th.

* Triple H comes out to give a pep talk about the rough week it has been in Florida. Nice sentiment from Hunter

September 27th Episode:

* NXT General Manager William Regal announces a Fatal 4 Way at Takeover: Houston for the vacant Women’s Title with Kairi Sane as the first confirmed competitor. There will be matches to decide the 3 other competitors tonight

* SAnitY hits the ring from various points in the crowd. NXT Tag Team Champion Eric Young says the only thing that matters is the chaos, and tonight, Adam Cole, he is going to take him to the edge of sanity

* Lars Sullivan defeated Oney Lorcan. Oney tries to mount offense, but Lars catches him in the air off a tope to the outside and slams him into the apron. Oney goes stiff and starts landing uppercuts and slaps, but Lars turns him inside out with a brutal clothesline and hits his side Uranage for the win. After the match, Lars goes to attack Oney, but Danny Burch runs down and distracts him, allowing Oney to escape

* Tucker Knight and Otis Dozovic defeated Demitrius Bronson and an unknown wrestler (had Scott on his trunks). Typical Heavy Machinery match. Small hope spots for the jobbers, but in the end, Heavy Machinery hit the Compactor on Scott with Bronson on the mat under him to pick up the win

* Liv Morgan defeated Vanessa Borne. Lots of pin attempts early. Liv does a matrix dodge of a clothesline, then a leg drop over Borne’s back for a 1 count. Liv picks up the win with a running codebreaker

* Kassius Ohno defeated Fabian Aichner. Ohno hits a boot to knock Aichner outside, then does his fake out flip on the ropes. Aichner hits an impressive tilt-o-whirl backbreaker on Ohno to send him outside. Aichner then brutally botches a springboard crossbody to the outside. Ohno rolls him back in and they brawl until Ohno is sent back outside and Aichner hits the springboard crossbody this time. Back and forth in the ring, until Aichner gets Ohno up for a powerbomb, but Kassius gets out of it. Aichner hits a powerslam for two. Aichner misses his springboard moonsault, and after a little back and forth, Ohno hits the rolling boot for the win

* The Undisputed Era is out – Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish. Cole does the “BAYBAY!” taunt on the ramp and has BayBay on his trunks. Cole asks how this place survived without them and says we can feel change in the air, and they are untouchable, undisputed, and this is their era

* Adam Cole (w/Undisputed Era) defeated Eric Young (w/SAnitY). Ringside distractions early leading to Cole getting the upperhand and getting a headlock latched in. Young turns the tide and battles back. EY throws Cole off the top rope, but O’Reilly and Fish get on the apron. Dain & Wolfe pull them off and battle on the floor, when EY comes off the top with a cross body to wipe everyone out. As Young gets back in the ring, Cole nails his flying shining wizard for the pin and escapes before SAnitY can attack

October 4th Episode:

* They are wrapping the middle rope in pink, so it’s October now and we’re on to Breast Cancer Awareness month

* Ruby Riot & Nikki Cross defeated Billie Kay & Peyton Royce. This was announced as a tag match, but once again, Ruby did not have a partner when the bell rang. Ruby dominates the early part of the match, isolating the numbers game. It finally catches up to her, though, as the Iconic duo takes control. Mid-match, Nikki across again comes to ringside and looks on as Peyton has Ruby in a headlock. Nikki slowly climbs on to the apron as Ruby fights out of the headlock. Ruby crawls to her corner and Nikki extends her hand for the tag. Nikki goes wild and cleans house. Nikki hits an inverted DDT but Peyton breaks it up. Billie and Peyton hit their tag finisher, but Nikki kicks out at 2. Nikki gets the tag to Ruby, who dives off the top rope to take out the Iconic ones, and hits the Riot Kick for the win

* Lio Rush vs. Aleister Black doesn’t begin, as The Velveteen Dream jumps Lio during Aleister’s entrance and invites Black into the ring. Dream bails when Aleister enters though, and smacks the mat and tells Aleister to say his name as he exits up the ramp

* Kairi Sane defeated Aliyah. Sane is incredibly over, as expected. Short match, Aliyah got some offense in, but Kairi hits a spear, her baseball slide forearm, and the elbow for the win

* Drew McIntyre defeated Roderick Strong to retain the NXT Title. Awesome match. Lockup to start. Drew throws Roddy into the corner and challenges him to come at him. David vs Goliath idea happening here, as Roddy has a significant height disadvantage. Roddy goes to flip up in the corner, but Drew kicks him in the gut. Drew throws Roddy literally across the ring with an overhead suplex. Drew drops Strong on the guardrail. Strong with a flying knee off the apron as the continue to brawl ringside. Roddy hits a backbreaker on the steel steps. Strong rolls him back in the ring and starts targeting Drew’s spine. McIntyre reverses an Irish whip and tosses Strong into the turnbuckles. Strong is dominating with stiff kicks and elbows. Drew hits a suplex and tries to regain control. They trade strikes. Drew hits his inverted Alabama Slam for a nearfall. Drew sits Strong on the top rope and goes for a slam, but Strong flips out and hits an enziguri. Strong with a superplex for a nearfall. They trade punches and Roddy hits a powerbomb for 2. Drew hits a middle rope Celtic Cross for a near fall. After a great exchange at the end, Drew powerbomb a Roddy into the ringpost outside and hits the Claymore kick for the win. Roddy and Drew shake hands post-match as Nigel McGuinness gives the a standing ovation. Roderick is on the stage when The Undisputed Era walk out and pat him on the back. Cole talks to Strong before leaving. Drew looks perplexed and so does Strong

October 11th Episode:

* NXT Women’s Title Qualifier: Peyton Royce (w/Billie Kay) defeated Nikki Cross and Liv Morgan to advance to “Takeover: Houston” in the Fatal 4 Way with Kairi Sane. Liv and Nikki take turns arguing with Peyton until they accidentally lock arms and decide to clothesline her out of the ring. Peyton comes back in and the other two duck her spin kick, then Nikki uses Liv as a weapon to hit Peyton. Peyton and Liv go at each other, and Peyton locks a submission hold in on the ropes. Nikki grabs Peyton by the hair and pulls her off Liv, with a nasty head-first fall to the floor. Nikki goes for her too rope dropkick, but Peyton pulls Liv in the way. Nikki runs wild on both girls. Tower of Doom spot where Nikki powerbombs Peyton who suplexes Liv. The Undisputed Era come out with Taynara Conti and Cole sends her to the ring. Nikki has Liv pinned, when Conti pulls her from the ring. Nikki chases her around the ring, but when Nikki gets back in, Peyton hits her spin kick for the win

* The Velveteen Dream defeated Lio Rush. Dream talks trash but Rush slaps him and unleashes a flurry of quick moves that brings Full Sail to its feet chanting “Lio.” Dream cuts him off, but Lio keeps fighting back. Dream lays Rush out and hits his elbow drop. This time jumping from the middle to top rope to deliver it. Dream assumes Aleister’s post-match seated pose to boos and taunts the camera. Lip gets a big pop from the crowd off camera leaving the ring

* Lars Sullivan defeated Danny Burch. Danny slaps Lars to start, and Lars unloads. Lars dominates. Danny squirms out of a powerslam and nails some shots, but Lars levels him and hits his finisher for the win

* The Street Profits defeated 2 enhancement talents. Quick squash. The Profits hit all their signature moves and Montez Ford acted like a crazy man in the match. Profits win with the powerbomb/frog splash combo

* Andrade “Cien” Almas (w/Zelina Vega) defeated Johnny Gargano. Another great match. Good back and forth to start. Andrade does the tranquilo pose in the ropes, Gargano fakes him out with a kick to get him out of the ropes, and goes for a submission, but Andrade gets the ropes. They battle on the apron on Almas drops Johnny spine first on the apron. Nice exchange of reversals leading to Andrade locking on an armbar in the ropes. Gargano hits a suicide dive to the outside. More reversal exchanges. Andrade with a roll up and handful of tights, but Gargano kicks out. Gargano backs Andrade in the corner after an El Idolo attempt. Gargano nails a kick off the apron to Andrade. They trade blows and Gargano hits a superkick for 2. Johnny up top, but Andrade pushes the ref into the ropes. Andrade goes for El Idolo off the top rope, but Gargano blocks it. Gargano flips off the ropes and hits a clothesline and the lawn dart, and locks in the GargaNo Escape. Vega takes off her jacket to reveal a DIY shirt. Andrade gets to the ropes and Gargano trades words with Vega. A series of roll-ups by both guys. Johnny goes for a tilt-o-whirl into the GargaNoEscape, but Andrade tosses him into the bottom turnbuckle. Andrade nails the running knees to the back of Gargano’s head twice, then hits El Idolo for the win

October 18th Episode:

* NXT Women’s Title Qualifier: Ember Moon defeated Ruby Riot & Sonya Deville to advance to “Takeover: Houston” in the Fatal 4 Way with Kairi Sane and Peyton Royce. Pretty uneventful to start. Ember goes for a springboard but gets speared out of the air by Sonya. Ruby and Sonya go at it. Ruby goes for a suicide dive, but Sonya cuts her off with a forearm. Sonya and Ember brawl on the floor, and Ruby hits a cross body off the top onto both of them. Ruby is selling a bad ankle (not selling, actually injured). Sonya locks in an ankle lock. Ruby gets to the ropes but Sonya doesn’t break, drags her back to the center and locks it in again. Ember hits the eclipse on Sonya while she has the ankle lock on and picks up the win

* Aleister Black defeated Raul Mendoza. As the match starts, Velveteen Dream appears at ringside and puts Aleister’s vest on. Mendoza gets a nice flurry of offense in including a corkscrew suicide dive. Aleister snaps and unloads on Mendoza and hits Black Mass for the win. Velveteen starts to leave with the vest then drops it and leaves, all while Aleister remains unfazed in his seated position in the ring

* Kassius Ohno defeated Cezar Bononi. Bononi actually got a decent amount of offense in on this one. Kassius hits a through the middle rope dropkick and lands on his feet. Quick match, Ohno picks up the win

* SAnitY defeated The Undisputed Era via disqualification in six-man action. SAnitY dominates the early going, working over both Fish and O’Reilly. Cole drops off the apron each time someone comes over for a tag. Young grabs Cole but Fish kicks him and knocks him out of the ring. O’Reilly lays in kicks and rags in Cole, who stomps on EY then tags out to Fish. Cole back in and goes to work on EY. Cole locks in a headlock. The Undisputed Era isolate Young and keep tagging in and out. Kyle goes for a corner splash, but Young moves. Kyle tags in Fish who stops Young from making the tag. Young gets the hot tag to Killian Dain. Dain hits a senton to Fish while dropkicking Kyle. Dain manhandles reDRagon as Cole looks on. Cole superkicks Dain to break up a pin. SAnitY takes out reDRagon and sets their sights on Cole. Cole gets cornered and Dain drags him into the ring. They set Cole up for a triple team when The Authors of Pain’s music hits. AoP attack for the DQ. Young goes for a suicide dive and splats the ramp. AoP take out Dain, then hit the Super Collider on Young & Wolfe. Undisputed Era look on from the ramp as AoP pose with the belts to end the show