View Full Version : Mojo Rawley Discusses Working With Zack Ryder, Charlotte Flair, More

09-17-2017, 07:03 PM
SmackDown Live star Mojo Rawley recently appeared on The Dispatch to talk about various topics. Here are the highlights (h/t Wrestling Inc):

On the status of The Hype Bros:

“As far as Zack goes, it wasn’t the most sportsman thing I’ve ever seen, walking away and turning your back on a competitor who’s offering a friendly hand,” Rawley said. “At the same time, this business is tough, you got a lot of people depending on you and you got a lot of pressure on you. These losses, when they mount up it’s hard to keep your cool. Sometimes you lose your cool, you lose your focus and moments like that happen. Not making excuses for him, obviously I would’ve rather he had not done that. But at the same day, it’s a little bit of frustration, it happens. Leave it out there, move on, forget about it and just keep it moving.”

On Charlotte Flair:

“Charlotte and I started like the same day, so we came in together, we were trained together, she’s like a sister to me,” Rawley said. “We have shows on SmackDown Saturday through Tuesday every week and we have long drives in between, so you partner up with friends in the car. Charlotte and I did a week together a week or two ago and we just had a blast catching up… She’s great, she cracks me up, she’s so funny, her and I are so much alike. Sometimes it’s difficult with our work schedules to really get that free time outside of the ring and travel. But for us, having those long car rides together, that’s hanging out. Sometimes that’s the only free time we get, so we make the most of it.”